• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Paying it Forward

There is a very generous member on these forums by the name AlabamaJack. He was very generous last year and gave me a BUNCH of plants last year. When I went to pick them up and asked him how much did I owe him for them, he just told me nothing and to Pay it Forward. I was puzzled at first and asked him what he ment by that and he asked " you haven't seen the movie Pay it Forward?" and I said no. He advised me that it was a good movie and that I needed to watch it. So I came back home with my wonderful plants. A week later I rented the movie and watched it and then it's when it hit me what he ment by Paying it Forward. So this year I started a ton of seedlings and when it came time to plant out, I started giving some away and one of the things that made me very happy was I went to the local community garden and donated 8 flats of tomato, pepper, and various herbs to them. These plants will be raised by the community to help feed the not so fortunate people. I am not bragging about what I done I just want AlabamaJack to know that I really did Pat it Forward and I am looking forward to doing more and more.

Charles ;)

P.S. Thank you again Ronnie for you generosity!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go!!
AJ will be very happy I'm sure!!

I enjoy spreading the wealth of our wonderful exotic treasures to locals in my community. What we grow you just can't buy in our supermarkets or at least up here. I love to hear the feedback that follows soon after…it's priceless!!
i would not live any other way, it has its rewards even when they are not material, the kindness we show others has a way of blessing us

i guess my blessing is in just know i helped and it sounds like AJ feels the same way i do

keep up the good work AJ God see's and great is your reward!

thanks your friend Joe
Yes he is a good guy and there are a few more that I have been helped by, and if I start calling names for sure I would leave someone out and I don't want to do that because they are great people!!
This forum has alot of people with generous hearts. That's why I love this forum. Everyone helping each other out!

I suppose this is as good a place as any to say that this is the most supportive and helpful community that I've ever been a part of. Everyone here goes out of their way to offer advice and guidance whenever they can, for no personal gain.

The vast majority of the threads that I read on this forum are from people asking questions, and they are all met with enthusiastic, educational responses that not only benefit the original poster, but anyone who happens to peruse the forum.

On top of that, you guys are ridiculously willing to spend your own time and money to assist newcomers. I had a couple of very embarrassing mishaps with my grow this season, and Patrick mailed me ten different kinds of seeds and a number of powders the very next day. The only caveat was that I had to post pictures and details once they began to grow.

It's this kind of outlook which makes me glad to be a part of this community.

THP has also single-handedly inspired me to go back to school for plant sciences/botany this year. So, thanks, guys. You're seriously the best.
:D we do our best. Sometimes we screw up just like everyone does.

This IS the best forum on the netz no doubt!
thanks for the accolades Charles and all...I enjoyed meeting you last year and hope the plants did well...

Pay it Forward, the movie ever so trivial as it was, had a profound effect on me...as in the other people in the movie...it is a creed you have to live by...and I sure try...and it seems the older I get, the more I want to share things...

To me, I am no different than any other member of this forum...loves to grow peppers and are kind/generous with fellow members...isn't that what's it's all about...
Great work keep it up! The membership here will be MobyDickulous and will take over the interwebs muhahaha muhahaha muhahaha
I applaud you all as well. It feels good to give and feels great to receive. I am sure the community was grateful to receive. I will have to check out the movie.