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PC Users On Alert For 'Conficker' Worm Attack

Worm Set To Wreak More Havoc April 1

Posted: 4:26 pm EDT March 30, 2009Updated: 4:31 pm EDT March 31, 2009
PITTSBURGH -- The "Conficker" worm that is set to attack computers this April Fool's Day is no laughing matter. Microsoft is so concerned with the potential damage that it will cause that the company is offering a $250,000 reward to find out who is responsible for it.

Silicon Valley virus righters have been tracking the worm. They said it's already caused trouble and could do much worse damage.

"It sits on your computer and uses your computer to send out spam," said Brent Remai, of McAfee Security. "On April 1, it will go back to its master and get instructions on how to wreak more havoc."

There is an easy way to found out if the worm has found its way into your Windows-based PC-- try to type in the web address of a computer security company, like McAfee or Symantec. If you can't access either company's Web site, then the Conficker worm is in your machine.

"Because the worm is extremely tricky, it disables users from coming to security vendors' sites to disable itself," said Remai.

Users don't have to do anything special to be targeted by the worm-- just opening what seem to be innocent messages could put you at risk.

Local experts at the computer security company, Tiversa, said anything is possible.

"The scary thing about this worm is that, essentially, security experts don't exactly know what it's going to do," said Tiversa's director of operations, Keith Tagliaferri.

Tiversa monitors online file sharing networks. Tagliaferri warned people from his Cranberry office to take action.

"It's important that people defend themselves on the front end, by making sure anti-virus software is up to date, and making sure they have the security patches because it could be a while before security experts actually figure out exactly where this is coming from and how they can tackle the problem," he said.

Experts said downloading is one way you can get in trouble, but it's not the only way. It could be as simple as opening your email.

"In other words, an individual will unknowingly download this worm and will essentially open up and give the keys to the kingdom of their entire computer by allowing the bad guys to steal their passwords, steal their credit card numbers, banking information," said Tagliaferri.:!:
A Y2K type scare to boost the economy... go buy your virus software!!!!!!!!!
thehotpepper.com said:
A Y2K type scare to boost the economy... go buy your virus software!!!!!!!!!

Buy an I MAC which RULES which I have which means I AM KING, just gave myself an idea for the stupidest thread ever, see you in the lounge.

Realizes he's in the lounge, somebody give me a beer.....
DickT said:
Buy an I MAC which RULES which I have which means I AM KING, just gave myself an idea for the stupidest thread ever, see you in the lounge.

Yeah, macs are safe because even virus programmers don't support OS X.
Thats not very nice.

:sends winnuke to PMD IP.:

dammit, I should have worked out how to use that thing!
McGoo said:
Thats not very nice.

:sends winnuke to PMD IP.:

dammit, I should have worked out how to use that thing!
WinNuke doesn't work any more, And it's pretty much a bitch slap type of windows attack.

I liked the dos attacks my self when I was a kid but forgot much.