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Pee on your plants?

I am a terrible insomniac, Im out in my greenhouse at 2-3am lol
My neighbors must think I'm a fat tweeker (contradiction like starburst)

I'll be out there in the dark and wont dont feel like washing off my shoes just to go inside to pee. So compost pile it is!
1 cup urine to a gallon of water makes an excellent fertilizer, I heard. I don’t do it as I have a bunch of ferts to use. Im sure if you drank a six pack and took a squirt on your plants it would do them good as its not as concentrated. I’d be more afraid of digging up the roots. Now if you drank a bunch of Cokes, and did that, you might wind up with a dead plant, but yeah, I heard it makes a really good fertilizer especially if diluted. So if your runnin low on ferts, you guys may want to keep an empty bottle handy. :D

I’d like to hear what the female growers think, do you all do this too? Or is it just a guy thing?
I used to pee on my pequin plants.

But I got tired of picking horn worms and aphids off of my junk when I got back in the house.
My wife said she has never seen me pee for so long. Garden is 26 x 75 ft also the lady next door give a dirty look.

Could be alot of peeing( depends on the size of your garden).
If your going to do it, do it at night trust me.
Sure I use pee in the garden- mixed with 20 parts water. Keeps critters away. But I would NOT use it on peppers because it is too high in nitrogen.
a couple of time i peed on my peppers, they died.

So, NO. But i didnt dilute my pee, just straight unzip and in goes the good stuff.