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Penny's Glog....sort of :)

Hey everyone,
I've been posting away in other people's Glogs, and I thought it was time to show off my gardens, so its not really so much of a Glog as it is pics....if this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the appropriate spot Mods...



Very nice.  It's looking pretty crowded under that light.  Hope you've got some expansion space.
Looks Great Penny. Soon you will be creeping out into the welding shop as you expand. Some of those cups with multiple plants look like they are going to need separating real soon. I've read that a spray bottle of water can be useful in untangling roots. 
Sawyer said:
Very nice.  It's looking pretty crowded under that light.  Hope you've got some expansion space.
I do actually, Brad had his electrician come in and hang some more lights for me, just need to get some plywood for a table top.
Jeff H said:
Looks Great Penny. Soon you will be creeping out into the welding shop as you expand. Some of those cups with multiple plants look like they are going to need separating real soon. I've read that a spray bottle of water can be useful in untangling roots.
Thats the plan this weekend, is to start separating the ones that need doing.....now having said that, i just jinxed myself....lol!
PIC 1 said:
All kinds of plants happening.
The tomato plants are going to be monsters by plantout !
I'm hoping so, want to do alot more canning this summer, and freeze a bunch too. I've used up my frozen stash already and have had to resort to buying those red things they call tomatoes, at the grocery store!! :)