• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Penny's Glog....sort of :)

Hey everyone,
I've been posting away in other people's Glogs, and I thought it was time to show off my gardens, so its not really so much of a Glog as it is pics....if this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the appropriate spot Mods...



Hmmm, now that's odd Roper, I haven't grown it in a couple years but it never tasted like that.....give it a try again and see how you do this time around.
I've always found it to be sweet, but it does struggle in the heat though.
Penny, are your lights strong enough to get the tomatoes and peppers to flower? If so, I bet you'll be swimming in fruit before you even plant them in those raised beds. Sure beats the heck out of the forced ripe tomatoes at the grocery store now.
They are actually ;) , and I can adjust the lights as needed. I know eh, I've had to buy tomatoes from the grocery store lately and they are terrible, no flavour at all....yuck! :rolleyes:
Penny said:
A few more seeds started last night.... :dance:
pinoccio tomato
yellow pear tomato
pero pepper x3
isis candy tomato x3
jimmy nardello pepper
Tobago sweet yellow pepper
poblano pepper x3
wapsipinitan peach tomato
tobacco pepper
peppadew pepper
ildi tomato
Wow Penny,you are realy bringing it on! :)
maximumcapsicum said:
How far in advance do you recommend starting tomatoes? I was gonna put mine in pellets about a week or so after the Annuums.
Because your growing season is longer then mine, you could really start yours anytime :dance: ....do you know what kind you'll be starting?
If you start them too early and they get tall you can plant them deep and you will have a massive root base.  I will start mine in March for Mid-Late May plant out.
Nice list of tomatoes and Chilli's ... Looks like you are in for a tasty season !! Best of continued luck.. I will be watching... Keep on growing!!
ANd the list keeps growing!
I see we all have the same addiction too!
I started my maters seeds almost 90 day before normal plant out, and as Jeff said bury them deep. I like to use a 45° angle and leave less then 6"s sticking out of the dirt.