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Pepper Flavours

Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone knows of a good resource for say a list on general flavour characteristics of certain peppers. I'm new to growing and but I've always loved hot sauces and I cook a lot. So rather than an expensive trial and error of buying seeds waiting months and getting disappointed, if I went in a little less blindly I could sort of tailor grow towards the flavours I'd like. A couple of the seed companies I've looked at describe a few varieties, and I've watched a fair few reviews but a big sort of list is what I'm interested in (maybe laziness but I get pretty busy).

Cheers for the help,

Edit: Maybe I should have posted this in General Pepper Talk? Not sure, new here and I hadn't noticed that sub-forum yet. If a mod could move it maybe would be more appropriate
I dont know of any spreadsheet of peppers and descriptions of their flavors, but from reading peoples descriptions of them and lurking around this forum you will inevitably pick up some comparative idea about the flavors of peppers you have yet to try. In the meantime, you can always do a youtube search for the pepper in question and may get lucky and find a video review.

For some pretty hot varieties, TheHippySeedCompany does a decent job at describing what fresh pods are like. On a similar note, Beaglestorm does some videos too (and if you search this forum he has made some awesome pepper review posts), and they may be even more informative though maybe less entertaining.
Thanks for the heads up I think i should just start writting them down when I actually do hear something because I just have the worst memory. I guess I could always hound the sellers but due to very limited knowledge I'd probably have to ask about their whole range. I'll check out Beaglestorm's posts though when I get some time.
Best bet is to try as many as you can. You will soon get to know what you like or don't.
Others descriptions can be misleading sometimes I think (eg I had never heard anyone say that bhut jolokia 'assam' had a strawberry type flavour and aroma but to me that is exactly what they have to others they may pick up another aspect of it like the acidity and not taste the fruity flavour at all)