Pepper Flower Macros---- Post yours!

I just love a good macro shot, and I mean who doesn't? I'll kick it off with two good ones:

Aji Lemon Drop - C. baccatum



Now lets see yours! Be sure to post the variety and species!
Txclosetgrower said:
That 2nd one is amazing!

Thanks. It's actually the same picture as the first one, I just cropped it and blew it up a little. (Is that what you say? Enlarged it.) A little grainy but I can live with that;)
I think I'll delete my pictures. Embarrasing to have my feeble attempts at photography on the same page as willard's :(
I use a canon S3 IS digital which is great for macros and a canon T70 with a 35-105 SSC macro lens, also good for macro.

Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you like the pictures.
willard3 said:
I use a canon S3 IS digital which is great for macros and a canon T70 with a 35-105 SSC macro lens, also good for macro.

Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you like the pictures.

Do you remember what camera you used for that purple flower pic?
I think it was the T70. I take the picture on slide film and then scan to digital. Film has a lot more latitude than digital.