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seed-plant-vendors Pepper Joe

I ordered my first season's seeds from pepper joe a while back. He has a small selection that he grows out each year. He will send you seeds in little coin envelopes and always sends some free varieties with each order. I had excellent germination rates from all of his seed with the exception of one variety that I ordered. Considering how it was my first season and I was germinating OUTDOORS in soil (dumb dumb dumb) I was very pleased with the germ rates and I assume most of my problem seed was due to poor growing skills in my first season. I also germinated two more of his seeds the next season that had been stored in a drawer for a year, and both germinated.

I will say that he has a higher rate of hybrids than most growers. I'm not sure how he isolates his plants if at all but I've gotten hybrids from him. I also reallllly wish he would post more pictures of his pods because it's really hard to tell what you're going to get. My Bhut Jolokia seeds that I got from him didn't get a chance to fruit the first year, but the second year the plant I grew out ended up not being a true Bhut. I'm not sure if it was a hybrid or what, because it had a pointed shape that looks like a lot of the smaller bhuts I see on the web and definitely had C. chinenses genetics, but it was nothing like the large, wrinkled, superhots you see coming out of the NMCPI. Also probably around hab heat or slightly above, not superhot. I'll post pics on request.

Overall I'd say he's a good source for novice growers but I wouldn't recommend him if you're trying to get superhots and such. There are more reputable sources out there. Overall probably a C+/B-
Glad to see your Reapers had good germination.
I'll fill Silvana in Shipping and Customer Service that you said 'Good Job'.
She tries hard to make every customer 100% happy.
Thanks for being a customer, Dani.
Pepper Joe
jlacosta said:
With all these positive reviews, seems like I will be giving Pepper Joe a call within the month. I live here in the Philippines and I understand it's not cheap to have it shipped here via UPS/Express. I hope I find someone from the US who is visiting the Philippines to bring it here for me or I might just choose regular snail mail (with hopes it won't get lost)/stolen).

Joe, unless you have shipped via regular mail before to the Philippines?
hi homie. hows ur peppers? im new here in forum and we're kababayan do u have success? to have pepper seeds arrived?

First Nearly Ripe pod last month.

A few days ago on my largest plant

My largest Plant a few weeks ago.

I understand that sometimes seeds get mixed up or you get a few slightly different pod shapes and my growing conditions/weather/tempratures are not as optimal (the exact same) as Joe, Ed Currie (Pucker Butt Pepper Company) or Dale (bakers Peppers) I'm not as worried about pod shape but I do care about the taste/heat. I have been a customer of Pepper Joe's for 3 years now and two days ago I told someone how to order a free pepperjoe seed catalog.
These plants grow well and that large plant has lot's of pods. (Joe said the reaper plant's grow well) and I did have great germ rates.
Update Pepperjoe contacted me offering replacement packs without asking so Thank You pepper Joe :D
I placed a couple of orders with Pepper Joes. I followed the germination instructions that accomanied the seeds and experienced an over all germination rate of 30%. I contacted Sylvia and promptly received a complete order replacement.
my most recent order was for habaneros. its still too early to throw in the towel but so far I have 1 white hab out of 3 to germinate and 0 out of 3 chocolates. and 0 out of 1 for red savina, golden hab, pumpkin and hot jamaican. its only been about 3 weeks and there have been sprouts from other habs up through today.
I will be starting my spring crop in January and will assess germination success rates again at that time.
to date, they are true to their word regarding customer satisfaction.
btw, after reading other posts about problems with the white habs, I am stoked about the one I did have germinate. will have to update on another thread
HP22BH said:
I placed a couple of orders with Pepper Joes. I followed the germination instructions that accomanied the seeds and experienced an over all germination rate of 30%. I contacted Sylvia and promptly received a complete order replacement.
my most recent order was for habaneros. its still too early to throw in the towel but so far I have 1 white hab out of 3 to germinate and 0 out of 3 chocolates. and 0 out of 1 for red savina, golden hab, pumpkin and hot jamaican. its only been about 3 weeks and there have been sprouts from other habs up through today.
I will be starting my spring crop in January and will assess germination success rates again at that time.
to date, they are true to their word regarding customer satisfaction.
btw, after reading other posts about problems with the white habs, I am stoked about the one I did have germinate. will have to update on another thread
Try soaking them with Supreme growers MycoBlast or sweet myco tea :) Heating pads also help a lot.
Soaked them over night in water. (didnt know about myco Blast or sweet myco tea). and did used a heating pad.
I resowed the habs that havent broke surface yet as time here is running out fast. Oct nights are known for their cold snaps here.
HP22BH said:
Soaked them over night in water. (didnt know about myco Blast or sweet myco tea). and did used a heating pad.
I resowed the habs that havent broke surface yet as time here is running out fast. Oct nights are known for their cold snaps here.
Yes it's too late for outdoor growing keep them in pots under CFL bulbs inside you shouldn't need to water more than a few times in the winter,
Here are mine from PepperJoe. Really bummed, and I knew I shouldn't have gave in to the hype. I shared seeds with others and their's look the same.

They are certainly hot, but definitely not the right pod shape.
Hi Jamison,
Thanks for being a customer.
I'll be glad to send you replacement Carolina Reaper Seeds....along with a few surprise additional Freebies.
Just email me your order number and mailing address to pepperjoe@sc.rr.com
Not to worry on the replacement seeds....I've mailed out over 10,000 packs of seeds x 12 seeds per pack = 100,000 + potential Reaper plants growing out there.
Ed Currie tells me he's sent out a similar amount.
And the vast majority seem to have the Reaper-ish Gnarly look.
That's based on what hundreds of Facebook Fans, Customers, emails, phone calls, Newsletter subscribers, YouTube Buds, etc. have told us.
They virtually all tell us their pods are tasty and ultra hot....the hottest they've ever ate in most cases.
There certainly has been a small amount of Pod variation with the Reaper...but we've observed that in all of the SupeHots.
But what's most important is what YOU grew out.
So we'll take care of it Bud.
We appreciate you.
Pepper Joe
thank you card1.jpg
HP22BH said:
Soaked them over night in water. (didnt know about myco Blast or sweet myco tea). and did used a heating pad.
I resowed the habs that havent broke surface yet as time here is running out fast. Oct nights are known for their cold snaps here.
Combine both for outstanding results. Directions sent with order.
Sorry, we cannot ship this product overseas or to Canada. $5 for both packs.
ive not done business with this guy as he is crooked... now i check my youtube channel and he dares call say GET A LIFE... yet he's the one trolling my videos..

and my personal favorite

all ive done is made an honest complaint and this is what i get.. i made a post in the reaper page offering his so called FREE SEEDS .. which actually were replacements for his poor germing seeds.. i recall at the early sell of this seed.. lots of others had hard time germing !!

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
ive not done business with this guy as he is crooked... now i check my youtube channel and he dares call say GET A LIFE... yet he's the one trolling my videos..

and my personal favorite

all ive done is made an honest complaint and this is what i get.. i made a post in the reaper page offering his so called FREE SEEDS .. which actually were replacements for his poor germing seeds.. i recall at the early sell of this seed.. lots of others had hard time germing !!

I had great Germ rates with his HP22B seeds but how can you say that if you haven’t bought seeds from him? His free seeds are the 2 packs that come with any order not the “replacements”.
I have watched 1 of your videos and in that one video I had to agree with PepperJoe what you did seemed dumb to me that’s just my opinion. As a small business owner it takes a lot of time and effort to manage your online reputation but I don’t think the comments in that screenshot were helpful or well thought out.
didnt have as good luck with the reapers as most . i only had 3 germ. They look nice but i had hoped for a bit more. I always start my seeds out in an aerogarden and have had near 100% germ rate in the past even with BJ and morugas.