seed-plant-vendors Pepper Joe

I ordered my first season's seeds from pepper joe a while back. He has a small selection that he grows out each year. He will send you seeds in little coin envelopes and always sends some free varieties with each order. I had excellent germination rates from all of his seed with the exception of one variety that I ordered. Considering how it was my first season and I was germinating OUTDOORS in soil (dumb dumb dumb) I was very pleased with the germ rates and I assume most of my problem seed was due to poor growing skills in my first season. I also germinated two more of his seeds the next season that had been stored in a drawer for a year, and both germinated.

I will say that he has a higher rate of hybrids than most growers. I'm not sure how he isolates his plants if at all but I've gotten hybrids from him. I also reallllly wish he would post more pictures of his pods because it's really hard to tell what you're going to get. My Bhut Jolokia seeds that I got from him didn't get a chance to fruit the first year, but the second year the plant I grew out ended up not being a true Bhut. I'm not sure if it was a hybrid or what, because it had a pointed shape that looks like a lot of the smaller bhuts I see on the web and definitely had C. chinenses genetics, but it was nothing like the large, wrinkled, superhots you see coming out of the NMCPI. Also probably around hab heat or slightly above, not superhot. I'll post pics on request.

Overall I'd say he's a good source for novice growers but I wouldn't recommend him if you're trying to get superhots and such. There are more reputable sources out there. Overall probably a C+/B-
Motocross, email me at and I'll gladly replace your Reaper Seeds.  Just send me your order #.
Thanks for being a customer.
Most reports on the Reaper on our Facebook page (64,000 Fans) are very good on germination and Pod shape.  Ditto with our Newsletter subscribers (24,000), emails, etc .
BUT, what's most important is YOUR results.  We'll fix it.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe

I agree KingDenniz did a horrible Video.
It appeared on my YouTube page so I viewed it and commented on it.
There are a ton of Hot Pepper Reviewers out there and I enjoy most of them.
When I want to see a serious review I check out Mike McDermott's or Scott Roberts Video's.

We've done 60+ Video's have about 1/4 Million views....and have 1,000+ Chilehead subscribers. So I think we just may have a qualified opinion on a Hot Pepper video.
LOL. I stick with my opinion on this video..."Don't quit your day job". It's a silly video without substance.
It amazes me how some trolls can dish out the criticism...but get all up in arms when they get criticized.
Mods....this nonsense has nothing to do with a Vendor Review. Could you remove it please?
pepperjoe said:
Motocross, email me at and I'll gladly replace your Reaper Seeds.  Just send me your order #.
Thanks for being a customer.
Most reports on the Reaper on our Facebook page (64,000 Fans) are very good on germination and Pod shape.  Ditto with our Newsletter subscribers, emails, etc .
BUR, what's most important is YOUR results.  We'll fix it.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe

I agree KingDenniz did a horrible Video.
It appeared on my YouTube page so I viewed it and commented on it.
We've done 60+ Video's have about 1/4 Million views....and have 1,000+ Chilehead subscribers. So I think we just may have a qualified opinion on a Hot Pepper video.
It amazes me how some trolls can dish out the criticism...but get all up in arms when they get criticized.
Mods....this nonsense has nothing to do with a Vendor Review. Could you remove it please?
did as you requested . its still possible i may get more to pop.
TylerInNiagara said:
I had great Germ rates with his HP22B seeds but how can you say that if you havent bought seeds from him? His free seeds are the 2 packs that come with any order not the replacements.
I have watched 1 of your videos and in that one video I had to agree with PepperJoe what you did seemed dumb to me thats just my opinion. As a small business owner it takes a lot of time and effort to manage your online reputation but I dont think the comments in that screenshot were helpful or well thought out.
That's fine. In no pro. Yes. Fine it's dumb. But to use profanity..?! C'mon really. From a business man?! I did buy seeds from him and it's an epic story of how he dealt with the matter. And how he still continues to deal with me.
Nowhere does it state the armatures can't post videos like that.

Again the poor germ rates were with the first batches of seeds. Tyler. Wake up. It's all over threads. FB. That's great you're happy with his service. But don't make this bout you and me. This I about joe as how unprofessional he is.
note..that he;s previous comments were less vulgar... it wasnt til i offended him 2 weeks ago that he got "mad"

august 10 i offered his seeds to people...
joe do me a favor.. go to your YT and block my user name so you dont have to see my HORRIBLE videos...
pepperjoe said:
100% Customer satisfaction is our goal.
nope... your focus is on the satisfied customers... as you stated before...

Plain and simple, if you feel that any of my seeds consistently did not germinate, email me at and I'll gladly replace them.
We appreciate you.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe

not without being a dick about it
nope... your focus is on the satisfied customers... as you stated before...

not without being a dick about it
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
That's fine. In no pro. Yes. Fine it's dumb. But to use profanity..?! C'mon really. From a business man?! I did buy seeds from him and it's an epic story of how he dealt with the matter. And how he still continues to deal with me.
Nowhere does it state the armatures can't post videos like that.

Again the poor germ rates were with the first batches of seeds. Tyler. Wake up. It's all over threads. FB. That's great you're happy with his service. But don't make this bout you and me. This I about joe as how unprofessional he is.
note..that he;s previous comments were less vulgar... it wasnt til i offended him 2 weeks ago that he got "mad"

august 10 i offered his seeds to people...
joe do me a favor.. go to your YT and block my user name so you dont have to see my HORRIBLE videos...

nope... your focus is on the satisfied customers... as you stated before...

not without being a dick about it
I want to apologize if it seemed like I was picking on you or something and I hope next year you have great success with fewer weeds, pests or diseases.
If you look at the threads most have had good to awesome germination rates and it sucks if you didn't I get that. My reapers produced odd pod shapes and I was disappointed instead of blaming joe or asking for a replacements I ordered a new pack and within a week I was offered and received 2 packs free. These are organic seeds harvested sometimes by people he has contracted to grow for him it's possible seeds were mixed up or maybe it was just nature and weather either way I ended up with hot peppers.
"ive not done business with this guy as he is crooked"
Try soaking your seeds in Supreme Growers Myco Blast or Sweet Myco Tea
I have not had issues with germination with most of Joe's seeds. I have had major issues with seeds growing into what they are supposed to be. To give one of many examples, I grew a cayenne variety from Joe last year that he called "firecracker chilli." It was my second favourite pod last year for making sauces, and I absolutely loved it. Firecrackers are the small pods in the bottom middle of this picture.

Last year I had issues with his jalapenos being as hot as bell peppers, and some other seeds not growing true at all. I was leaning toward not ordering anymore from Joe, but I was so in love with the firecrackers that I decided to order them again along with a bunch of other seeds that I ended up not planting this time around. Well, as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!" This is what grew out of the "firecracker chilli" seed pack this year. The pods last year were small, about the size of tabascos. This year they were massive, roughly the size of what he called "PepperJoe Cayennes" last year. Either the label was wrong this year or last, I don't know. I just know that two things labelled the same grew into two totally different things.

To top everything off, the firecrackers last year had this wicked little heat that gave a nice lingering burn. The giant cayenne looking pods were about as hot as a sweet paprika pepper, but with terrible taste. In a word, useless. 
I am happy for everyone who gets good results ordering from him. I think his customer service is actually the best I have run across online, so that is something. But after two years of using his seeds I have had 6 plants out of about 11 that grew true to what I ordered. That is unacceptable to me. It would be fine if the plants that grew instead were similar but a different colour or something like that. For example, one of my two yellow 7s I ordered from a different seller this year grew red. But it was still a 7 pod, so I did not really care. However, the differences between what I ordered from Joe and what ended up growing are a lot like ordering a dog and receiving a cat. 
Now the customer service would be a huge help here if my seeds simply did not germinate, because I would feel 100% confident that more seed packs were coming. But having the seeds not grow true is an issue that great customer service cannot fix. Sending me more seed packs that may or may not grow true does not help me when I can't depend on those seeds growing into what I want. I don't want a refund either, because seeds cost little, while the time it takes to grow plants from seed all the way up to mature pod producing plants in a garden with limited space is what is valuable to me. 
So it is what it is. I will now use different sellers. but I don't have any vested interested one way or another about where other people get their seeds. 
Hi Stefan_W and THANKS for being a customer.
Email me direct at and I will find a way to make your purchase at right.
We appreciate your business.
Pepper Joe
I'm waiting to see if the Mods remove your silly Troll Posts.
If not....I'll fire back here.
You blocked me from your ridiculous YouTube Vids to give me a chance to comment on those foolish Video's.
What a joke....leave the reviews up to the Pro's like McDermott, Roberts and even FBI.
I have a LOT to say about your TROLLING and cowardly ways.
Stay tuned Queen of Drama. .
I'm DONE with it being "Opening day of hunting on Businesses"...No more Son.  I've talked to the Legal Departments of Gurney's, Park Seeds, etc. and we've HAD IT.  We're firing back at cowardly trolls.  Lawsuits ON. 
:dance:  :P  :dance:  :P  :dance:  :P
So last fall I ordered a bunch of seeds from PepperJoe, and planted them indoors in February.  It was a variety of different kinds, ghost peppers being one kind.  I moved them outdoors in May.  As soon as I started getting peppers on my 'ghost' plants, I could tell something wasnt right.  They do not look like ghost peppers at all, they look identical to habaneros.  I sent some pictures to PepperJoe, and the response I got was:
[SIZE=11pt]Hi, these are pictures of the regular ghost. The ghost does look like a hab but is much hotter.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Not all peppers will have bumps.[/SIZE]
Once I got some ripe ones I gave them a try, they were hot, maybe a bit hotter than my other habs, but I really dont think they are of ghost calibre heat.  Someone in another post mentioned they may be caribbean reds.  Here is a pic of what my "ghost pepper" plants all look like:

All my "ghost pepper" plants look like this, maybe about 10 plants, and all peppers on the plants look the same.  Next is a picture of my habaneros, which I know are habs, I grew them from the seeds that I saved from my habs last year:

And here is a comparison of the two peppers.  On the left is my habanero, on the right PepperJoe's "ghost" pepper:

Looks the same to me.  The ghost peppers I know should look like this (taken right from the bhut jolokia wiki page):

So it looks to me like Ive spent the last 6 months pouring time and money into a kind of pepper that I do not need nor want.  I planted so many "ghost pepper" plants for a reason, because thats what I needed for my sauce making.  I had already planted other hab plants for my hab needs. 