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Pepper People are the Best

cone9 said:
I was in need of a couple varieties to finish out my grow list for the year and put out a request for the seed.
Thanks to Edmick and Malarky for stepping up with what I needed.    THP is a great place!
Edmick hooked me up too with some seeds. With all respect I tip my hat! From South Carolina to Southern California cheers my brother!  :cheers:  
THP has been one of the coolest things I've discovered. Friendship, knowledge, and "oh man!" the entertainment..... :D
Somebody around here has been badgering me to post some pics of his gifted barbecue sauce in action. So here. Gosh!
Pulled country style ribs with Southern Belle's Ms. Mango sauce. :drooling:

On homemade bread

With pickles

And pepper colby/jack cheese

Horrible picture, awesome sandwich!
Massive shout out to Trident chilli !!!
Discovering that I'd lost a few colleagues recently, including our first ever K-9 line-of-duty death, Trident chilli offered some warm words from an English K-9 officer. I was deeply moved and as he posted above, it gave me great pleasure to send a token of appreciation. Not with any expectation of reciprocity, he sent something back in return. It was a package containing six absolutely pristine silk escape and evasion maps given to British pilots during World War II. I will save the details and provide better pics of the actual maps in due time. He said they were for the purpose of being "sold" and the proceeds going to the families of the injured/deceased officers. I gave my word his wish would be carried out without fail. Before a body of some 50 or so policemen/women from local, state, and federal police agencies tonight, I told this story, showed the maps (I only unfolded one for viewing.) I enlisted assistance in figuring out the best way to proceed for maximum benefit. It was my plan to wait until all had settled before I made mention here, but I thought it best not to wait..  Please know that on this eve, you had a standing ovation for your generosity!! Part of the meeting included fund raising for these families and your timing was impeccable.  You are kind and honorable and know sir that this is only the beginning of the story, you can't imagine how special this event was. Yes Pepper People are the best Greatest!
From only an hour ago... the ball is rolling.... I asked someone to take pics and this is what I got.  :party:





In respect for the officers of the Crown, I wore a tie given to me some twenty years ago from the QPU Queensland Police Union (the only UK item I had.)
Reggie thank you for your kind words ... I read your report that you had lost two colleagues and another report that an officer was seriously injured in a road traffic collision resulting in the death of his dog. As a Police Dog Handler I fully understand the grief that the officer would/will be going through and I can only describe it as losing a child. Working dogs especially home kennelled dogs are an extension of your family and my present dog is the most needy I have ever had

I hope the silk maps go someway to raising funds for the officers ... for the officer injured I wish him a speedy recovery and to you Reggie I can't thank you enough for a selection of your sauces it was a very kind gesture my friend

"Pepper people are truly the best"
Trident chilli,
You have no idea on the magnitude of your generous contribution and the reception it has garnered. But yet you will see.... In the most gracious and sincerest offering of professional gratitude, I, in front of my South Carolina police colleagues, give you "thanks" here in this forum, but this is only the surface. Acts of kindness amongst my brethren are not taken lightly and above all else, are never forgotten. Your kindness has struck many beyond my ability to express. You will hear and understand it more profoundly outside this medium, and should you choose to share it, it will be your decision alone.
Here and now, because it is how we crossed paths, I tip my hat and offer a "salute" to you, your profession and your generosity! 
Reginald E. Sharpe
In edit: Trident. No need for response, all that needs to be said has already been said. Response otherwise is forthcoming....
I used to hustle people on those f.o.p. decals Reggie! We would call and try to sound like cops without saying we were cops. We couldn't even use the words "we" "us" or "our" at all or the FCC would have us fired. Lots of people would donate, few would ask what percentage the police got. When they did ask and we told them 15% they usually refused to donate lol.
Another Pepper People shout out to MikeUSMC !
Some time ago, "Iron Mike" sent me a Yankee care package with some of his sauces (you've seen them here and in the reviews thread) and also a bottle of salsa I have been sitting on for some time, waiting for the right opportunity.... This past weekend offered a "Mexican" themed party, and I brought my own salsa (BYOS.)  It didn't last long, the host's salsa was fine, but paled in comparison to yours. I would've offered pics of the empty container, but because there were also a few empty beer cans, I simply forgot... Credit where due bud, it was awesome and much appreciated!! Jam up and jelly tight!




Again, and I am proud to say it - Pepper People are the Best!
I received a HUGE package all the way from the future :lol: from my mate down under  Shorerider
all handcrafted aside from the tuna and vegemite :) ), from the sauces he makes, to the absolutely amazing custom to my hand  :shocked:  Fish scaler he made me  :dance:
Even when I said that he didn't need to make me anything, and i jokingly said I would be happy with a rock with a picture drawn on it...
He did that too  :!:
and dang he can paint too  :cool:
i feel so blessed i'm getting teary eyed  :)


yes he painted this scene with the Uluru/Ayers Rock and the roo and the Southern Crux in the sky        Super cool  :cool:


Couple neat jigs !

and he made this scaler for me !



it even perfectly fits my giant mitts 
we discussed measurements through messaging and he custom crafted it to my hand !
and there's even more than what's pictured but i am to re-distribute some sauces here stateside and don't want to spoil the surprise  :party:
Thank you so much mate :) you rock  :metal:
Pepper People are the Best