I just want to add that I opened the book up around noon today. I read a few pages.....then a few more....and a few more. I couldn't put the thing down! I ended up reading the whole thing, front to back, in one sitting, hahaha
It's a compilation of really short stories of some of the cases Warrant Man has worked on, or police calls he's had to respond to, with some other great stuff too; lots of pictures, a chapter on his time working in the prison, poems, etc.
It was a fascinating read! I honestly could not put the book down. Reggie's humor is peppered into every story, and it had me laughing quite a bit. It's got stories/cases that would interest anybody: crackheads hiding in attics and falling through the ceiling, Warrant Man almost hitting an ostrich with his cruiser, his son getting to see him "in action" taking down a thief, a couple different stories (ending VERY differently) of a couple of dudes masturbating (separate cases!) haha, suspects literally falling out of the sky and hitting the pavement

And much, much more! Hookers, pimps, senile old people, Rottweilers, SpongeBob, etc. I'm telling you, something in there for everybody!
Lots of crazy, hilarious stuff, through the eyes of those who protect us all. A few touching, heartwarming stories in there too, of people whose lives he helped change for the better, after their encounters. It was a fascinating read, start to finish. I'm very privileged to have been able to read it. I highly recommend searching this book out, and ordering a copy. "True Stories from a Lowcountry Cop: Tales from the Charleston County Beat" (sorry, starting to sound like an advertisement now)
Anyway, thanks again, Warrant Man. I'm undeserving of your generosity (again!

). Stay safe out there, brother!
Edit to add: (my favorite quote from the book) Warrant Man, to a suspect: "You better be glad being stupid isn't a charge, or you'd get the fucking electric chair!"