I want to give a
HUGE shout out to MikeUSMC for this enormous bounty of goods he sent me.
He sent a hella cool Grillin'/Drinkin' t-shirt, two big jars of his salsa, four bottles of his own sauces, a big jar of rub, two star spangled banner stubbie holders/coozies, a jar of provolone and prosciutto stuffed peppers, and to top it off, bottle of 12yo Redbreast Irish whiskey

I couldn't help myself and got straight into the whiskey, oh man, what a fine drop it is. Very smooth, with a smokey finish.
I also couldn't help myself and had to try one of his sauces, I went straight for the original recipe as I'd heard so many good things about it. Bloody hell, this sauce is killer!!!!! Smokey, slightly sweet, and HUGE Douglah flavours up front. It's hot, really hot, but so freakin' tasty you ignore your senses and just keep wanting more. The worst part about this sauce is the fact that it will run out so quick.....
I must also note that the postage cost was a small fortune. I know first hand how expensive it is to ship to the US, but for some reason it is more expensive to ship from the US to AUS. On a package such as this, postage really is a huge part of it and is often overlooked. I'm lost for words to express my gratitude, you went above and beyond mate. Thank you for your very generous gift, I simply can't thank you enough.
You rock Mike, you are the shining example of why PPATB.