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Pepper People are the Best

Your one to talk about the kindness of pepper people aren't ya Jamie :P

I opened the mailbox up tonight and look what I found!!!
Filled to the brim with heat!

Thanks Jamie!


  • Package from Romy6.JPG
    Package from Romy6.JPG
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Well if pepper people are the best then Brian ( Justaguy) is the creme of all pepper people. There are not enough good words in the dictionary to describe his generosity. He sent a box of love to the wife cause he know's she love his peppers. Thank you brother :party:
You said she liked the little Naga Jolokia/Cumari ou Passarinho crosses and then I figured Fatalii's would be a good choice to top off the box.

Now you have something to grow for her next year
Stefan my brotha. Wow that got there fast. I know you didn't need any seeds but ya never know ;) . Glad to see the powder is all still in the bag. :party:

And I will share another kind and extra giving chilihead. Brandon( Bigcedar) sent me a nice package of NW heat. Pods came in perfect shape. Lots of cool varieties I have never tried :dance:

Got home after doing the dentist a favor and look at the awesomeness I received from my pal down in sunny Florida!! Pepper people in the sunshine state are the best!

Tons of pods!

These are two I get confused!


These....I shall not eat without beer!! (and/or steak)


Thanks Jamie!!!!
Glad they got there in one piece Rob. The one on the left is a sweet venetian hab. The one on the right is a tobago seasoning or a red hab. You will know which one it is when you bite into it ;) I love the stinger on that Brain :fireball:
Got some of those and others from romy6! Big shout out to the guys who've sent me sfrb's this last month! Biscgolf, justaguy, joyners, and romy you guys have awesome stuff hopefully I can make them last the winter with sauces etc!
I won a contest from Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders. Along with me there were 2 other winners. I got this about a week ago and it's gone on just about everything I've eaten. Thanks Chris.

Got this in the mail yesterday from The Biz.


The brain salt is perfect for anything you would normally add salt. Pepper people really are the best!!!
Damm Gunslinger just sent me a box of FRESH PODS out of the blue!

HOOWAH!!! You're my bro, and one day we W I L L knock a few back together.

Like I always say...

Keep your Powder dry... and

Thank You DJ.
Yeah gnslnger is the bomb. He sent me 2 sauces he made. Holy yum. got my curiousity peaked. Also received 2 jars of jelly from buddy. Will try to get pics up tomorrow.
Chiliheads brotherhood!
Strikes again! :dance:
Thanks Buddy!
You have accomplished the best Taco Sauce I have had!
I couldnt put it down!
I hope it lasts long enough to make it to a taco! :P


The Choco Puree is badass! as is the Paprika!!
I will be trying the rest soon!! cant wait to taste the jellies!!!!

You rock Buddy!!!

Yeah gnslnger is the bomb. He sent me 2 sauces he made. Holy yum. got my curiousity peaked. Also received 2 jars of jelly from buddy. Will try to get pics up tomorrow.
And here is the pic. buddy's jellies have a smoky flavor and were great on my bagel. Took a second to get used to the idea of the smoky flavor in there, but worth it by far.
And gnslngr's sauces went on dinner last night. Tried both. The 7 "Black" X[sup]2[/sup] was good, but the flavor was not quite up my alley. I think it was the Douglahs, but it was not bad and has a hell of a kick. The Red X[sup]2[/sup] is great. I don't know if there is liquid smoke in these or not. I swear I taste tamarind in the Red X[sup]2[/sup]. All 4 things I got were great.


Thank you buddy and gnslngr.
Chileheads are the best. Last season, (before I discovered the benefits of a dehydrator) I had to throw out a lot of my pods because they were too old and got moldy. After I mentioned it on this forum, (may have only chatted it, I don't remember) I got a number of surprise packages for thp members.
i agree. pepper people are the best.
friendliest forum i've ever used. alot of smart people sharing advice rather than gettin 'holier than thou' like alot of forums can get.
loving it. i've learned alot, and i've seen alot of photos of beautiful peppers. rock on!