I want to give a big shout out and Thank You to Reggie, aka "Warrant Man."
He was kind enough to send me 3 bottles of sauce from his newly launched hot sauce company, "Warrant Man Pepper Co."
I really love the Law Enforcement theme behind his company, and he was also kind enough to throw in a uniform patch from his district (< not sure if that's the correct terminology there?) of North Charleston, SC, and the "evidence bag"

to keep the sauces in! I love all of the attention to detail that goes into his packaging, labels, and his website. Then again, I probably shouldn't expect anything less from a man with a law enforcement record as stellar as his.
Thanks again, Reggie, and I'm really glad you've found us here at THP! I'm really looking forward to getting into these sauces, and wish you all the best in your new career venture!
Check out his website at:
(I'll be returning the favor as soon as my current ferments are done, man!)