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Pepper Pron

Yellow Fatelli -- Doesnt quite show as I would have liked but there are many more pods I'll take another when they are riper 1 of 4 plants
Honorable mention --no more room on camera
Datil, 3 Hot Cherry, 3 Bih Jolokia, Peter pepper, 1 Serrano, Trin Scorpion, Rocoto
Pear, Cherry, Brandywine and Marzano Tomatoes

If the pics are to big let me know I'll thumbnail'em
Honorable mention --no more room on camera
Datil, 3 Hot Cherry, 3 Bih Jolokia, Peter pepper, 1 Serrano, Trin Scorpion

If the pics are to big let me know I'll thumbnail'em

Very nice, soon you will have something to crunch.
your naga is absolutely loaded with pods LD...

I am waiting for my nagas to set fruit again after my first harvest...the 4 plants have probably 1000 flowers on them....would be nice if they all set fruit but I know better than that...saw a couple of brand new pods yesterday....
My two Nagas are equal I am very happy with the production so far its validating to say the least .... Now if I get a Bih/Bhut I'll be happy they have nice blossoms on the them so by the end of the week I should see something
I havent picked anything yet either so I hope there will be more than one harvest -- I also have a few Naga, Datil and Y Fatelli in a hydro test system that I am waiting to hear the results from...

Those are my late Naga Contest peppers BTW :lol:
All in all everything was from seed which to me makes it more amazing !!!!
Oh easily over that I couldnt get the other side or the other plant my wife was helping me take the pictures between her yawns :D