news Pepper X Officially takes the title

Patenting plants using Nature’s ‘plant-stock’ (public common resources) rings as true as selling water back to the public from public common waterways. GREED seems to trump common sense anymore. Too bad the plants used for parental linage can’t get royalties, too. What a shit show to watch. Patents & bullshitting are for the greedy folks who can’t weather the competition in their lane. Positive Vibrations…
I read that yesterday.
This sentence particularly interested me:

"He [Ed Currie] says three types of people are interested in superhot chillies: thrill-seekers, hipsters longing to find a fresh trend and addicts in recovery"

So which of you are "thrill-seekers, hipsters or addicts"?

That man has no idea about pepper growers and why we do it. In fact I think I'd like to punch him on the nose.
I’d prefer to stick a boot up his ass…what a shyster. Patenting Nature’s plants…intellectual rights!!? Thrill-seekers, hipsters and addicts ooh my…Greed must make you dumb, too.
Honestly, IDGAF about the Pepper X, even if I can grow them myself, lol.

I still want to grow them at some point just to see how hot they actually are.

Even if the Reapers weren't the hottest in my pain forest when I grew them, I still enjoyed the peppers.
I have never cringed as much as when watching Hot Ones with Sean Evans or whatever the fark it's called - Pepper X officially receiving the GB o R official hottest pepper.
Pepper Klaus shitting himself after eating a whole Pepper X - and he really was. And FuckerButt himself standing around as though he just ate a bell pepper - because Pepper X is diddly squat- just like his "sample" he sent for "testing" at a "reputable organisation". He clearly injected capsaicin extract into the berries that everyone else ate.
I recall somewhere - most likely NuMex Pepper Institute research that showed that yellow and variants thereof could never be hotter than red - something to do with blocking on a loci.
Anyways FuckerButt has the general dipshits fooled. Sounds like podshit to me
I have never cringed as much as when watching Hot Ones with Sean Evans or whatever the fark it's called - Pepper X officially receiving the GB o R official hottest pepper.
Pepper Klaus shitting himself after eating a whole Pepper X - and he really was. And FuckerButt himself standing around as though he just ate a bell pepper - because Pepper X is diddly squat- just like his "sample" he sent for "testing" at a "reputable organisation". He clearly injected capsaicin extract into the berries that everyone else ate.
I recall somewhere - most likely NuMex Pepper Institute research that showed that yellow and variants thereof could never be hotter than red - something to do with blocking on a loci.
Anyways FuckerButt has the general dipshits fooled. Sounds like podshit to me
chill babe :rofl:
When facts are facts!


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Why won't people test it by themselves (I mean, as a collective) after he does his tests at backyard community college?
I'm assuming there may be problems now becouse he doesn't want anybody to grow it, I don't know if he sells something with it already or not... with carolina what was the case? Did people test it somewhere less... backyardy?
Because then it just looks like you trying to damage his reputation or bad mouth his achievements - given that he has the "Official" record. People will stand up for him and all you have done is given him more publicity and yourself the title of "........." (insert whatever publicly degrading name you desire).
Does it have to be shown from the start to everybody? I don't know how sending samples work and I tend to simplify complicated things / complicate simple ones so in my mind it would go that way: gathering some folks who want to know but quietly, sending some samples together, waiting for the result and then agreeing to take some actions or not.

I think he is well aware of his reputation and if he doesn't lie, it would give him reasonable deserved attention. And if he does, I don't really know what would happen. People would know.

I do not know anything about the topic so, I am sorry if I play that weird smartass who would die first at the jungle. BUT MAYBE I WOULD TAME A JAGUAR.
I think he is well aware of his reputation and if he doesn't lie, it would give him reasonable deserved attention. And if he does, I don't really know what would happen. People would know.
I doubt it would matter. There's a guy on YouTube (don't remember who) who has been proven repeatedly to be total BS and he still has a devoted following who attack anyone who questions him.
Anyone have a link where I can buy Pepper-X pods, or at least seeds?
Nope, all he has is a sauce made from it.
I doubt it would matter. There's a guy on YouTube (don't remember who) who has been proven repeatedly to be total BS and he still has a devoted following who attack anyone who questions him.

Nope, all he has is a sauce made from it.
Well if you can't get pods or seeds to grow out the plant yourself, how do you really know they're the hottest?