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pics Pepperfreak's first harvest 7-26-08

Okay...first I want to apologize for inferring that I was going to have a small harvest today. This morning, by the light of day, I realized that I was mistaken last night... All of my plants have doubled or tripled in size since I left. I was quite amazed. The tomato plants are just out of control with green tomatoes not to mention they are huge! There are only a few plants, mainly the Tabasco and Lemon Drop, that seem to be struggling, but they were doing that before. So...here is what I picked today.

Lucky you I want have ripe pods till September, my tomatoes are big too but not ripe yet.Enjoy your vegetable!!!!!!!
Very nice Paul...get ready to harvest weekly...
a very nice first harvest there..and more to come,most of mine like 915 wont be ready till September or later :(
Thanks...I was amazed while washing all of these pods to have found that I had 2 heaping colander fulls. Since it seems that at the moment I'm being over run with Cayennes, does anyone have a good Cayenne recipe?
rainbowberry said:
Could you make Cayenne powder?

I've got a batch in the dehydrator as we speak. I was also thinking of tweaking it some by adding some Serrano powder to the mix. I think that sounds interesting.
why don't you just keep the dried peppers/powder in separate baggies and then you can experiment with different mixtures....