• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Pepperhead's Super Glog-O-Rama! (Now with Pics!)

I had a pretty successful little Habanero plant a few years ago, but haven't been anywhere long enough to try again. But this year I'm stable enough to try again, so here is my beginner's glog and we can all laugh at my newbie mistakes, or beginner's luck together.

I'm attempting 3 different peppers this year: Habaneros, Cayennes, and Kung Pao. Nothing too special, just some common store brands. I'll try some super hots next year.

Planted them into peat pellets on Thursday the 15th, so probably not another update until they sprout. I'll be transferring them into 5 gallon drywall buckets after that.

We'll see how it goes. I'll post some pictures of the first sprouts when they arrive.

See ya then!
Why don't we have a popcorn muncher smiley?


Day 9

The rest of the garden seems to be exploding. Pumpkins, cukes, H2O melons, and beans. Took a little while for the Hots to start, but they are just now starting to peek out. I'll get a picture or two up later, but the peppers are still pretty tiny. Brought them outside today to get some really warm temps and sun. Off to buy some topsoil, compost and wood for the raised garden, although most of the peppers will be containerized.

Anyone have any luck with the MG Cactus mix?
Okay, picture time!

This is what my first pepper plant looked like in the morning:

and this is what it looked like just a short time later (The one on the right):

Okay, so the pics are a little big. Still working on it. The front row are the Kung Pao, the middle row are the cayenne and the top row are habs. The top picture is the Kung Pao just peeking through.
Day 11

Looks like about 50% germination with the Habs so far. At 2 seeds per peat pellet, that's 6 so far, so one or two maybe culled. A little less than that for the cayenne and another 50% for the kung paos., but I should still have a good crop to work with
Day 13

Looks like it's gonna be a good year. Hots and sweets all stretching for air. We had some nice hot weather recently, now everything has cooled down. The house isn't particularly warm, so I'm actually surprised everything is doing as well as it is. For now it all stays in the window. Can't wait for it to more permanently warm up. Come on Global Warming!
Day 20

Everything is bigger and stronger and we're starting to see some secondary leaves.

Left to right Kung Pao, Cayenne, Habs


Oh and I changed the name of the Glog because it just seemed a little more punchy than "Beginner's Glog".
What kind of light are you using? It looks like they may be stretching a bit for it.

But congrats on all the little guys and I am sure they will be a great addition to your garden!
What kind of light are you using? It looks like they may be stretching a bit for it.

But congrats on all the little guys and I am sure they will be a great addition to your garden!
Sunlight. I have to keep spinning the box around to keep them from leaning to far for too long. :oops: Maybe I'll rig a mirror on the other side...

Hopefully the weather stabilizes soon, then I'll be able to keep them outside.
Seedlings looking nice and healthy, Pepper.
Have fun growing them out!
Put some stuff outside Easter Sunday to get some sun. Unfortunately got a bit too much wind. Peppers all appear to be okay, but the beans and sunflowers all seem to be a loss. Time to start over with those I guess.
Thanks you to Burpee seed company for sending me magic Habanero seeds that sprout as what appear to be wax peppers. Surprisingly all of the plants survived the Derecho that tore through the Mid Atlantic area recently (90 mile an hour winds!). We were on vacation and came home to find my second line experimental plants knocked over, dried out and wilted. Just add water and they are back to being about a foot tall but beautiful, albeit with just one lonely cayenne. The drywall buckets have been producing my Wax Pepper "Habs" with good fruiting, and my newer fajita bells are fruiting very nicely. Anyone got some Butch T's, or Bhuts they can spare so I can erase this serious Hab disappointment? :rolleyes:
Alright! Finally new pics! Sometimes life just gets in the way, you know?

So I may have mentioned that Burpee Hab seeds were not as advertised:


Very disappointed, but Burpee sent me some new seeds (Red Carribean) so hopefully it'll be better next year. They have some heat so I'm thinking they are Hungarian wax. One even turned a nice dark orange heading to red:


Thinking about fermenting these with my fajita bells for a milder hot sauce. We'll see how a red one tastes. They're only ripening one at a time, though. Just like my Cayennes:


Two in this pic. Picked one from my other cayenne plant about a week ago and now these are starting. The top one will probably be ready tomorrow or this weekend. I'll probably dry these into powder or maybe a simple sauce. Kung paos haven't started ripening yet:


Nice curly fruits, have yet to try one of these. Waiting for more color. Really cool looking pods though:


This kung pao got kind of a slow start. I pulled it from the dirt I had it in because it was so far behind, and put it in some potting soil. It's short but producing decently for it's size:


In frustration for not getting habs this year I went out and bought a Mammoth jalapeno which just in the last few days has started setting fruit. I counted three little buds this morning. I don't know why they sell these when they're green, they are so much more attractive when fully ripe. Never tried a red jalapeno, anyone know how they taste? :



And the family all together (well...half. The rest are on the other side of my deck). Right to left: Kung pao, cayenne, fajita bell, Burpee Not-habs, Little kung pao. You can see the difference between the two kung paos which sprouted at the same time:


Got some super hots on the way from the Hippy Seed Company. Bhuts, Butch T and Dorsets. With the Red Carribeans (fingers crossed) it should be a really hot season in 2013. Thanks for reading!
