
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I ordered from her tuesday night, seeds got here on friday with freebies as well! This is my second time ordering from her and I'm very happy with my order just like I was the first time. :)
The Nibbler said:
Has she said what the crosses of her Devil series" are, or is that super squirrel top secret?

Wow!  I just checked PL for the first time in a while and found all sorts of Devil's anatomy.
The Brain looks positively diabolical, but the Heart sounds more appealing.
yea, yea, everybody loves Judy.  Judy is awesome, Judy rocks, blah blah blah.  But I've got an issue with Judy!  I spend WEEKS carefully culling my list of peppers to grow for next year down to something manageable.  Carefully assessing how many plants I have room for, picking the varieties I want, figuring out how many of each variety I'll grow, finding a new variety I can't live without, updating the lists...on and on it goes.  Until I finally have it locked down.  Hard work, sweat, and tears went into my plan!  

Then I order seeds from Judy and what does she do?  She adds seeds for 3 additional varieties I didn't know I couldn't live without until now...for free!

Now I have to go back to my plan and somehow re-work it to include these new varieties. Darn you PepperLover!!!

HA!  Just kidding.  You guys are awesome.  Keep up the good work.

PS: I actually have no idea how I'm going to fit the new varieties you sent me into my grow list for 2015, but I really like the ones you sent so somehow I'll manage
Got for free a bag of whole 7pot lava chocolate pods, a bag of 7pot lava chocolate powder and a couple of aji seed bags with a relatively small order! What can your say when freebies double your order?!?
Judy is pure awesomeness!

Many thanks!

Geonerd said:

Wow!  I just checked PL for the first time in a while and found all sorts of Devil's anatomy.
The Brain looks positively diabolical, but the Heart sounds more appealing.
The Devil's Heart looks really awesome, in its shape, in its description...Even in its name!!!
It was love at first sight, i suddenly put it in my growing list!
turbo said:
yea, yea, everybody loves Judy.  Judy is awesome, Judy rocks, blah blah blah.  But I've got an issue with Judy!  I spend WEEKS carefully culling my list of peppers to grow for next year down to something manageable.  Carefully assessing how many plants I have room for, picking the varieties I want, figuring out how many of each variety I'll grow, finding a new variety I can't live without, updating the lists...on and on it goes.  Until I finally have it locked down.  Hard work, sweat, and tears went into my plan!  

Then I order seeds from Judy and what does she do?  She adds seeds for 3 additional varieties I didn't know I couldn't live without until now...for free!

Now I have to go back to my plan and somehow re-work it to include these new varieties. Darn you PepperLover!!!

HA!  Just kidding.  You guys are awesome.  Keep up the good work.

PS: I actually have no idea how I'm going to fit the new varieties you sent me into my grow list for 2015, but I really like the ones you sent so somehow I'll manage
I know how you feel! :)
Ordered on Monday, got em in my mailbox on Wednesday! Pretty happy camper here. As always, a couple of extra goodies thrown in. Killer ones too! Going to be a kick ass 2015!!
How do you order and get the extra goodies? I looked and was confused. Didn't say if they were pods or seeds. Am I missing something. What is the minimum order for extras? And how much is shipping?
turbo said:
yea, yea, everybody loves Judy.  Judy is awesome, Judy rocks, blah blah blah.  But I've got an issue with Judy!  I spend WEEKS carefully culling my list of peppers to grow for next year down to something manageable.  Carefully assessing how many plants I have room for, picking the varieties I want, figuring out how many of each variety I'll grow, finding a new variety I can't live without, updating the lists...on and on it goes.  Until I finally have it locked down.  Hard work, sweat, and tears went into my plan!  
Then I order seeds from Judy and what does she do?  She adds seeds for 3 additional varieties I didn't know I couldn't live without until now...for free!
Now I have to go back to my plan and somehow re-work it to include these new varieties. Darn you PepperLover!!!
HA!  Just kidding.  You guys are awesome.  Keep up the good work.
PS: I actually have no idea how I'm going to fit the new varieties you sent me into my grow list for 2015, but I really like the ones you sent so somehow I'll manage
Wow I actually started reading this thinking it was a negative reply. Got to admit you got me hooked. Funny. Thanks for the laugh.
bucdout57 said:
How do you order and get the extra goodies? I looked and was confused. Didn't say if they were pods or seeds. Am I missing something. What is the minimum order for extras? And how much is shipping?
Any extras you might get are completely up to Judy - she doesn't advertise it anywhere, it just happens. What she -does- state on her website is that shipping is free. :)
Super Hots Canada said:
Any extras you might get are completely up to Judy - she doesn't advertise it anywhere, it just happens. What she -does- state on her website is that shipping is free. :)
Okay thanks plan on ordering soon. Too many choices. Any recommendations? I like spice but my wife is not like me.
There isn't anything to say that hasn't already been said but will anyways.  The customer service is above and beyond.  Fast and friendly service, incredible selection and plenty of extras!  Can't wait to try some of these new PL creations!
turbo said:
yea, yea, everybody loves Judy.  Judy is awesome, Judy rocks, blah blah blah.  But I've got an issue with Judy!  I spend WEEKS carefully culling my list of peppers to grow for next year down to something manageable.  Carefully assessing how many plants I have room for, picking the varieties I want, figuring out how many of each variety I'll grow, finding a new variety I can't live without, updating the lists...on and on it goes.  Until I finally have it locked down.  Hard work, sweat, and tears went into my plan!  

Then I order seeds from Judy and what does she do?  She adds seeds for 3 additional varieties I didn't know I couldn't live without until now...for free!

Now I have to go back to my plan and somehow re-work it to include these new varieties. Darn you PepperLover!!!

HA!  Just kidding.  You guys are awesome.  Keep up the good work.

PS: I actually have no idea how I'm going to fit the new varieties you sent me into my grow list for 2015, but I really like the ones you sent so somehow I'll manage
Go Vertical.