
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
charlesquik said:
Just ordered from pepperlover and I must say im kinda disapointed. Came in a standard envelope ( not bubble ) so I dont know if my pepper seeds were crushed during the shipping.
Ordered 11 variety for a total of 27$
There is one of the variety missing so I got 10 packs + 3 bonus 
After reading all these comments ( she sending as much bonus as you orders )  I must say... why Im the only one not getting all these bonus?
I know Bonus are bonus and I should not expect them but when everyone get them and you dont have has much as them , you feel left out a little bit. 
I may sound like a cry baby , but that just my 2 cents
Contact her about the missing seeds you ordered. Mistakes happen. If Judy doesn't know she can't fix it. And fix it she will. 
As for the free stuff..... you got 3 free items. Im sure she sends what she can at the time. Just because she has a track record for hooking customers up (which she did) doesn't mean everybody gets the same things.
You have a valid point with the missing seeds but I would bet she is unaware of the problem.
My second order arrived today and it was typical Judy.
But, opening the bag of Devil's Brain seeds made my stomach turn just based on the smell of that amount of product.
What's the end product going to do to me ?   :sick: 
(Faces Judy here and doff's hat appropriately).
couldnt you keep your review to yourself :shame: ;)  ? I just ordered Devil's Brain because of it..... :shocked:
teejay said:
My second order arrived today and it was typical Judy.
But, opening the bag of Devil's Brain seeds made my stomach turn just based on the smell of that amount of product.
What's the end product going to do to me ?   :sick:
(Faces Judy here and doff's hat appropriately).
Just received my first fresh pod order from Pepperlover. Everything arrived in great shape even though my mail lady crammed the package into my mailbox. I can't wait to try the MOA Scotch Bonnet's. The Brown Moruga's on the other hand ....  I have never eaten anything hotter than a Trinidad Scorpion so the Moruga may kill me. As always Judy threw in some freebies. I got a shaker of Scotch Bonnet powder and a shaker of 7 Pot Lava Chocolate powder. I can"t wait to try them out also. I must say that Judy has the best customer service ! It is no wonder she is so highly spoken of.
Thanks Again Judy.
Judy strikes again!  Two free boxes and a shaker to boot  :party:  :drooling:  :drooling:  :party: !! Gonna be busy processing all these peppers.
Dude. Wow.
I chatted with Judy late Monday about a SFRB of MoA Scotch Bonnets and a handful of seed varieties. I had a package in less than 48 hours.
Here's what I paid for (and by that, I mean underpaid for):


The box is stuffed to the gills with pristine pods, and the seed counts are way more than generous.
Oh, and here's what I didn't pay for:

An entire second box of pods. A ton more seeds. A big honkin' canister of flakes. And somehow, magically, the extra seeds were all things I would have actually wanted and didn't yet have, despite the fact that I'm up to something like two hundred varieties. It's like she's some kind of Christmas elf or something.
There's always going to be that one Grinch trying to sell magic seeds for a buck apiece. Points to Judy for doing things like pepper people should.
What can be said of Judy that hasn't been said before....She is absolutely amazing !!!  Got 33 different types of seeds and some pepper powder spice.....just plain awesome.  She offered to let me have them free but I felt way to guilty.  As it was I would've owed way more.  Thanks Judy.
Wicked Mike said:
Dude. Wow.
I chatted with Judy late Monday about a SFRB of MoA Scotch Bonnets and a handful of seed varieties. I had a package in less than 48 hours.
Here's what I paid for (and by that, I mean underpaid for):


The box is stuffed to the gills with pristine pods, and the seed counts are way more than generous.
Oh, and here's what I didn't pay for:

An entire second box of pods. A ton more seeds. A big honkin' canister of flakes. And somehow, magically, the extra seeds were all things I would have actually wanted and didn't yet have, despite the fact that I'm up to something like two hundred varieties. It's like she's some kind of Christmas elf or something.
There's always going to be that one Grinch trying to sell magic seeds for a buck apiece. Points to Judy for doing things like pepper people should.
She's truly amazing!
Finally, the long awaited moment arrived! I can write here, no more only reading! Put an order to Judy, and today got the seeds. It would be sad to write bad things, among so many praise, right? And I even can't do this, au contraire, I have to align to the previous praises and thank Judy for great seeds, for already traditional extra seeds, and fast shipment. Thank you pepperlover!
Ordered my seeds last week, they probably will take some more days to arrive cause i live in Italy.
But even without having them i can say Judy is, by far, the kindest, most professional and most helpful seller i had to deal with.
She answered to my doubts, curiosities and gave me informations about the seeds and varieties i was purchasing.
Thumbs up for her! :)
I ordered a whole bunch of Reapers and 3 sfrb of others from her new week new peppers ad and got a nice surprise of 3 sfrb of Reapers. Thanks Judy! Now to try to control myself with all the new seeds to order. I look there daily and need to just breath deeply and wait. Planting time is still far away. I still need to clean up this years garden. I must control my mouse finger.