
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
rkempston said:
Mistakes are made no matter the cost of the order. Shit happens. It can happen to someones 2 dollar order or to someones 200 dollar order. If anything more seeds = More chance of mix-ups. Just something you'll have to sort out with Judy. Thank you for your input into the vendor even though you had a bad experience, thats what the vendor vault is for, but why be rude and disrespectful to your fellow THP because they suggested to stop ordering? 
Rude is subjective,when it happens it becomes personal
When it happens twice on two large bulk orders and a diluted "Sorry" is all you get as a corrective ? Are your F'n coherent at all ?
Lefisitist F'N bullshit . . . take my orders some where else ? No Shit mr simpleton.hopefully your are not breeding or raising kids with such astute perceptions of reality.

Dude just shut the hell up. You've ranted enough. Leftist BS?? What kind of a clown thinks a seed situation is  political??
Just settle down Beavis!!
TNKS said:
Rude is subjective,when it happens it becomes personal
When it happens twice on two large bulk orders and a diluted "Sorry" is all you get as a corrective ? Are your F'n coherent at all ?
Lefisitist F'N bullshit . . . take my orders some where else ? No Shit mr simpleton.hopefully your are not breeding or raising kids with such astute perceptions of reality.
Always the crusader on your site,yes indeed I said YOUR SITE!!
Next Order is 60lbs,you gonna front it and cover PL ass?
Point isnt seeds,its INCOMPETENCE on behalf of PL
You are by definition how obama got elected twice,I can prove it with your own words

hogleg said:
Dude just shut the hell up. You've ranted enough. Leftist BS?? What kind of a clown thinks a seed situation is  political??
Just settle down Beavis!!
TNKS said:
Always the crusader on your site,yes indeed I said YOUR SITE!!
Next Order is 60lbs,you gonna front it and cover PL ass?
Point isnt seeds,its INCOMPETENCE on behalf of PL
You are by definition how obama got elected twice,I can prove it with your own words
Handled like a true stereotypical Fox news follower. Take a deep breath, fondle a couple guns, lick the bible a couple times, and marvel at how amazing it is that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. 
C'mon man, I don't know what's happening in your life to make you so abrasive, but this is a pepper forum. Be an adult. Don't talk politics if you can't speak coherently. It makes everything you believe in look bad.
TNKS said:
Always the crusader on your site,yes indeed I said YOUR SITE!!
Next Order is 60lbs,you gonna front it and cover PL ass?
Point isnt seeds,its INCOMPETENCE on behalf of PL
You are by definition how obama got elected twice,I can prove it with your own words
Your initial review had merit in that it did present your experience with the business.. At this point, you're only using your responses to insult others and to try to divert the topic towards politics - which has absolutely no basis in this thread at all, unless you're somehow attempting to claim that your current President, or the political party you dislike, is at fault for what has happened with your order (which seems far-fetched). You're only vaguely even mentioning the vendor at this point - and only to insult her, so your responses aren't really contributing anything more constructive to towards the discussion.
The issue with your actual orders would be quite troubling for anyone in your shoes, regardless of the size of the order - though the price tag can add weight to how you feel, for sure. Hopefully at some point the vendor will make it onto the website to respond to your review and maybe present a telling of their end of the experience - which would contribute to the community having a better understanding and a better feel for the vendor themselves. That is what the Vendor Vault is all about - sharing experiences. So let's focus on that. And we can hope that, at the very least, the issue you've experienced with your orders can come to some positive resolution. :)
Super Hots Canada said:
Your initial review had merit in that it did present your experience with the business.. At this point, you're only using your responses to insult others and to try to divert the topic towards politics - which has absolutely no basis in this thread at all, unless you're somehow attempting to claim that your current President, or the political party you dislike, is at fault for what has happened with your order (which seems far-fetched). You're only vaguely even mentioning the vendor at this point - and only to insult her, so your responses aren't really contributing anything more constructive to towards the discussion.
The issue with your actual orders would be quite troubling for anyone in your shoes, regardless of the size of the order - though the price tag can add weight to how you feel, for sure. Hopefully at some point the vendor will make it onto the website to respond to your review and maybe present a telling of their end of the experience - which would contribute to the community having a better understanding and a better feel for the vendor themselves. That is what the Vendor Vault is all about - sharing experiences. So let's focus on that. And we can hope that, at the very least, the issue you've experienced with your orders can come to some positive resolution. :)
:D I love you, Canada
TNKS said:
Let's see - when prototyping for most of 2013 I ordered and received several MFRB of peppers from Judy/pepperlover. Among these were both the scorpion peppers I'd ordered, and the 2-3 additional varieties she'd always include at no additional charge.

I then procured a sizable amount of scorpion peppers from them and had them shipped to my kitchen in a different city, along with the required documentation (harvest date, handling, allergens, etc) - peppers arrived in perfect condition with beautiful quality.

These orders of peppers, small and large were collectively used to prototype, then produce at scale my Black Label recipe, whcih to this day remains my favorite sauce.

Pepperlover is a fantastic resource, they're lovely people, and I sincerely wish them the best of luck and success in the future. I will gladly do business with them again.
Im off the PL Train,many new high volume sources to draw from
Awesome pods and direct involved customer service free of excuses.
65lbs arrived in Texas in January,no wilts or bugs or surprises

Im off this thread,twist it to suit your understandings
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Let's see - when prototyping for most of 2013 I ordered and received several MFRB of peppers from Judy/pepperlover. Among these were both the scorpion peppers I'd ordered, and the 2-3 additional varieties she'd always include at no additional charge.

I then procured a sizable amount of scorpion peppers from them and had them shipped to my kitchen in a different city, along with the required documentation (harvest date, handling, allergens, etc) - peppers arrived in perfect condition with beautiful quality.

These orders of peppers, small and large were collectively used to prototype, then produce at scale my Black Label recipe, whcih to this day remains my favorite sauce.

Pepperlover is a fantastic resource, they're lovely people, and I sincerely wish them the best of luck and success in the future. I will gladly do business with them again.
Judy is Excellent. When I first started with Superhots, that was my first seed supplier. I can only speak for myself, I never had any problems with her seeds. Now that I'm trying to get my small seed business started, judy will always going to be my seed supplier. Thanks Judy from blazinhot B.K.A Torre Williams CEO of Williams Superhot's