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Peppermania Mystery seeds - What did you get?

It will be fun to hear what you come up with, Roper!
Today i put one more mystery seed in the dirt. It is a Rocoto/Manzano. And one other seems to start sprouting. How about your seeds?
All six of mine came up and I've now transplanted two up. One of them is a pubescens, but who knows what kind...

The other has similar growth habits to my other chinenses (squat and broad leafed), but that may/may not mean anything.
Orange Rocoto from Beth at PM (one of her mystery seed packets).
Unfortunately the 2/4 that sprouted sprouted in the same cell, and the
second one right next to the first. I planted them half a cell apart,
but the darn things seem to migrate!

Here's the second one right next to the first. Dang.

And here's the survivor. I'm hopeful I can keep this one going. it's one I'd like to try
to overwinter:
Okay, BC, noted that no confirmation on the black seed (code name 'man-am' ) just yet. I'll attempt to grow them to find out.

The 'mystery pack' thing is fun, I'll check germination of the others with cups. I love to test stuff. But I'm serious, if they sprout, they may have to grow in the 'wilderness.' My garden space is already overmaxxed, so I can't grow much that is unknown. My wife-unit already thinks I'm pepper crazy and way overboard already... :cool:

Ohh, so its not just me then!
This are my two Mystery seeds. The left one is #2, the right one #1.


As you can see, #2 is much bigger yet. #2 seems to have some problems. I think i gave it to much water, like all my plants. But since i stopped giving them that much water, most look fine again. Only Mystery #2 and both of my Trinidad Scorpions have problems. The interesting thing is, that this Mystery #2 looks pretty similar in every way to my Trinidad Scorpions. So maybe it is one? I will see.

Eephus Man, yours look pretty good!
How about the others? I'm curious, what we all will get.
Figured it was time for a pictorial update...

This one was thrown in a small pot on the deck. It is to date, my largest plant besides my pubescent sp., which is also a mystery pepper.

Little one in the planter box. Chinense?

Raised bed, slot #11. Some aphid damage.

Raised bed, slot #13. Baccatum?

And an end cap.

These are pictures of my two mystery plants.





#2 is my biggest plant and is growing great. #1 does not look very good. I hope it will keep growing.
I In my last update i wrote #1 looks like my Trinidad Scorpions. Now the look different. So i think, it's something else. It looks a bit like my Aji Limo Rojo now. But i guess (and hope) it's some totally different variety.
These are pictures of my two mystery plants.





#2 is my biggest plant and is growing great. #1 does not look very good. I hope it will keep growing.
I In my last update i wrote #1 looks like my Trinidad Scorpions. Now the look different. So i think, it's something else. It looks a bit like my Aji Limo Rojo now. But i guess (and hope) it's some totally different variety.

#1 is a chinense and #2 is a baccatum I believe. If I were to guess at all I would say that #1 is a Peruvian White hab just because my plants that grow white pods tend to have those chlorosis-like problems with early growth like you're having. My Fatalii Whites had the same problem this year and fixed themselves. Back off on the watering a bit and it should recover. Good luck!
#1 is a chinense and #2 is a baccatum I believe. If I were to guess at all I would say that #1 is a Peruvian White hab just because my plants that grow white pods tend to have those chlorosis-like problems with early growth like you're having. My Fatalii Whites had the same problem this year and fixed themselves. Back off on the watering a bit and it should recover. Good luck!

I had this problems with a lot of plants because of to much watering. I already backed it off and nearly all the other plants are fine again. #1 still has problems, but i keep trying to find the right dose of water.
Peruvian White Hab would be great. I already though of buying some seeds.

Thank you!
#2 looks like a baccatum to me as well. Hard to say just yet, though!

I'll post updates to mine here soon, as its been a couple of weeks. My potted mysteries are doing fantastically and I should have fruit set soon on my big boy, I think. The raised bed plants are suffering, and I don't know why. We'll see how that goes...
Just some pictures of my mystery plants again.

#1 still has yellow leaves. To me it looks like they start yellow and get green within some time. I have no idea why. But it's still alive and growing. It's around 16 cm high now.



#2 is still my biggest plant. The first flowers already show up, even if they are not open yet. And it starts to build a crown, as you can see on the first picture. The plant is about 35 cm high now.


Out of the 5 seeds I sowed, 2 germinated. One of the two is not thriving. So I really only have
one mystery pepper. It's not a chinense. I need to pot it up, it's getting flowers already,