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Peppermania Mystery seeds - What did you get?

Just some pictures of my mystery plants again.

#1 still has yellow leaves. To me it looks like they start yellow and get green within some time. I have no idea why. But it's still alive and growing. It's around 16 cm high now.



It's an Aji Habanero, i'm pretty sure of this. All the seeds i've grown from my peppermania aji habaneros are doing this, and i've never seen this yet with another strain. I don't know why too, but they don't do it when the plant gets bigger. It slows down the growth of the young plants a little compared to other baccatums i grow.
I've posted some pics of my last year plant in this topic:
Thank you. My plant still keeps doing this.


Aji Habanero ist C. Baccatum, isn't it? I thougt, this plant is C. Chinense. But now i see, there is only one flower building per node.
I am waiting for the first flower to open. They seem to be small, as you can see on the picture. And there are a lot of flowers growing.


Does this still remind you of Aji Habanero? Thanks again.

PS: I just found a comment in a german forum (http://chiliforum.hot-pain.de/thread-12525.html), where Peter from Semillas la Palma says, that Aji Habanero needs a lot of calcium. If they do not have enough of it, they get yellow leaves. He writes, if high quality soil does not help, you can spray 0,1% calcium nitrate on the plants or put fertilizer limes or bonemeal to the soil.
Yes, Aji Habanero is a C. baccatum. Baccatum's flower buds are usually small. About the aspect of the plant, it could be, hard to tell, but you'll see soon if it's a baccatum with the flowers.
Interesting comment about the yellow leaves, it could explain why it shows it in the germinating soil and not is the final potting soil for me.
Well I also have a yellow leaved aji habenero. I still have 2 more mystery aji types to identify but the pods are still small. I'll have 3. Chinense to ID later.
Two more pictures of my mystery plants.


Pod of my mystery plant #2 (seeds from peppermania). Some idea, what this is?


Mystery plant #1 that seems to be Aji Habanero. Thank you FayahBen.
I took some more pictures of Mystery #2. Maybe someone can help me ID it? I already had a look at the varieties Beth sells at the moment, but it seemed not to be still in her catalog or i just was looking for the wrong aspects.

As you can see on some pictures, the stems show some brown/violet color. The color of the fruits is dark green. The pods are around 6 to 7 centimeters long and around 3 centimeters wide at the moment. It shows only two pods right now and only three more (open) flowers. It is C. Annuum, i guess.





I can't help with the ID, but your peppers (and your photos) are beautiful. I think the white wall helps in the photos. Are you using any kind of special lighting?
Thank you! I used an external flash, indirectly, flashing against the side wall or the ceiling. The rest is just Photoshop, using "Levels". I put the white-adjuster more to the middle, so that the grey shadows of the wall became just white and put the midtones-adjuster the way, that the rest of the picture looked normal. In the first two pictures you can still see some parts of the wall. The pictures in the post before were taken using the external flash directly. An if it is possible, i just use available light.

I recognized something weird. I also tried growing some seeds of this pepper:

But none of these sprouted. Now i am thinking about, if i maybe used the soil of these peppers for the mystery-pepper. If i did, i'm sure i did not find any still sproutable seed in it, but who knows...
Thank you! I used an external flash, indirectly, flashing against the side wall or the ceiling. The rest is just Photoshop, using "Levels". I put the white-adjuster more to the middle, so that the grey shadows of the wall became just white and put the midtones-adjuster the way, that the rest of the picture looked normal. In the first two pictures you can still see some parts of the wall. The pictures in the post before were taken using the external flash directly. An if it is possible, i just use available light.

Thanks, Christoph!

I'm about to start experimenting with that exact technique (external, indirect flash with a trigger) in some automotive photography. I have a LOT to learn
Howdy chile head kidz!

I had no idea this thread existed, I even forgot my login to THP and had to do a do-over. It's exciting to see so many of the mystery seeds being sowed and growing well. I don't cull those seeds so I am glad germination is moving along. Great photos and documentation by all!

I think that your Mystery #2 is Fresno judging by the broad "shoulders". Fresno is a wonderful substitute to the Jalapeno when let ripen to red and the the sugars go. It is definitely one of the Mexican chiles if not the Fresno.
Mystery # 1 could be Aji Habanero, definitely C baccatum but until you have ripe fruit, it is a great wide open...maybe I missed the photos of the fruit. I do have a bit of C baccatum in the mystery mix.
Regarding the chlorosis (yellow leaves) feed with a liquid soluble food and add 1 - 2 tablespoons of espsom salts (Magnesium sulphate) per quart. This will help the uptake of calcium and nitrogen and he should green up soon. This especially works well with seedlings.

For anybody that has questions about the business card seeds, I have a blog post:

For ID questions, please be sure you submit photos of mature ripe pods and drop me an email found on the web site. I have grown so many varieties over the years, it does not make sense until I can see the color of the mature pod(s) :confused:

Thank you for your business and having fun with the mystery seed packs!

Beth in Texas
Thanks Eephus! Maturing Minds.....I could do a reality show!

I hope you are getting rain out there in the Hill Counrtry. I bit here so snails are eating my lunch. Where do those skanks come from?
Thanks Eephus! Maturing Minds.....I could do a reality show!

I hope you are getting rain out there in the Hill Counrtry. I bit here so snails are eating my lunch. Where do those skanks come from?

lol. Dunno. Finally got sluggo this year. I wish it were raining. Thunderheads keep splitting around us out west. My garden is fine still but the deer are moving in with hungry looks in their eyes.

I also have a raccoon that *really* likes young jalapenos!

Thanks Eephus! Maturing Minds.....I could do a reality show!

I hope you are getting rain out there in the Hill Counrtry. I bit here so snails are eating my lunch. Where do those skanks come from?

lol. Dunno. Finally got sluggo this year. I wish it were raining. Thunderheads keep splitting around us out west. My garden is fine still but the deer are moving in with hungry looks in their eyes.

I also have a raccoon that *really* likes young jalapenos!
Thank you Beth! Great to have you back here.

Fresno sounds like a possibility. The pepper i bought once and which i took seeds of that did not sprout, could have been one, too. So maybe this was just a coincidence. Does Fresno normally have white flowers? I found some information, that it normally has white flowers with violet edges. But these pictures also showed upright growing fruits which were smaller than what i found on other websites. So i think, there maybe are some wrong informations around the internet. I think some people mix up "Fresno" with some informations about a pepper called "Fresnoid". My plant is not very productive. Is this typical for fresno? (I have to say, that it's in a small pot, so maybe it would be more productive, if i put it in a bigger one.) I will see, if the pod ripens from green to orange to red. If so, it should be Fresno, i think.

Growing your mystery seeds is a lot of fun! ;)
Yes, the Fresno has wihite flowers, your photo looks correct. I have not heard of the Fresnoid, maybe it's a hybrid or something.

The C annuum like to have big room for the roots. It looks like he needs bigger shoes ie a larger container and you should get better production and larger fruit. He does look healthy!

I'm glad to hear you are having fun. Chiles are a hoot and perfect entertainment!

Picking some Datils today from a 3 year old plant. YIPPEE! I have not had success with Datil 3 or 4 years.