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Peppers 2008

Adding to my chilli grow list seeds from S. Africa......(replacements for the Ethiopian Thunder seeds that did not germinate).... Inferno and Red Top chillies....anxious to see how these varieties will do (-8
I've added seeds and made replacements too Daisy. My Caribbean reds, Scotch Bonnet Big Sun and Beni highlands never germinated which I was really disappointed about, especially the Caribbean red as I've heard it's a lovely tasting pepper. My replacements were Rocoto yellow and Fatalii but I probably would have grown them anyway, I also started Jalapenos and Cayennes as I just knew they would germinate because I wasn't over keen on growing them.
I was looking forward to the Ethiopian Thunder because it is supposed to be a very flavorful, but not too hot chilli....oh, well...better luck next time. I think my problem is that I did not supply enough heat....I put all 20+ varieties in one bag over the same heat source and some germinated right away and others didn't.....I think the very tropical, heat-loving chillies must need higher temps to germinate [+90F] or the seed will just rot at lower temps. My Inferno chillies just germinated yesterday at the higher temperature.
My problem was old seeds, I was warned that some of them might be too old to germinate, all the seeds I had of them didn't germinate. I tried the method of drying them out again and trying the whole germination process from scratch but with no luck.
Update for Chilli List

Well just finished cleaning up the yard and getting the garden ready for planting....whew! what a job! I'm adding Biker Billy to my chilli list this year....and with that I have reached my limit...NO MORE CHILLIES THIS YEAR!!!
I have gotten my first buds on my Pepperocine peppers and have hand pollinated them so that they will be true Pepperocine (this is my first attempt at hand-pollinating so it's going to be interesting to see if they will actually fruit indoors)...

Some buds on my Hungarian Death pepper.....

Everything in now growing like CRAZY and I have transplanted just about all plants into larger containers....here's a pic of the roots of my Kashmiri Chillies, grown in extra long seed starting cells to encourage good root development...

I can't wait to actually get everything planted outside!
Daisy's got that green thumb thing goin'...

Well, I pollinated my Pepperocine plant last week (using a q-tip, I am also storing some of the pollen away for future use)...and about a week later I got my first pods!

Also some pics of my other plants:
7-Pot and sunflower seedlings

AJ's wild tepins

Trinnihottie's Scorpions
The method is basically described in the Hybridizing thread

I take some pollen on the tip of a Q-tip and pollinate other flowers on the same plant (for non-hybridizing purposes)....the q-tip is then stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for future use (since it contains only one type of pollen)...needless to say that you can re-use the Q-tip if you are pollinating the same variety, but once you hybridize with a different variety you must discard the q-tip because it holds two different types of pollen.

My peach tree in bloom...spring is offically here!!:onfire:
Good News and Bad News

Well, the good news is that my peppers (and other plants) are growing like CRAZY!...the bad news is that they're still in my HOUSE:rolleyes:
It has just been too darn cold to plant anything outside (last night the temp was 37F!!!) so my house is full of plants (I'm starting everything at least a month later next year)...I plan to plant out this weekend for sure.
I have been able to do some isolation and cross pollination of peppers that are blooming indoors.....
This is a Hungarian Death X Hungarian Death (hand pollinated)---That's one AJ's Wild Tepins in the background

I was also able to do a Zimbabawe Birdseye X Hungarian Death cross that has resulted in a maturing pod.

Here is a Kashmiri X Aji Lemon cross that has resulted in a rapidly growing pod.


I did a reverse of this and tried to pollinate a Kashmiri with some Aji Lemon pollen and got nothing (the flower wilted and fell off, and it looked like a pod was forming, then it turned pale and fell off)

Here's a Pepperocine X Pepperocine pod


I am saving some pollen from each of these plants in plastic zip-lock bags in the cooler for future use... so far so good!

Here is a pic of some other chillies.....These are from Trinnihottie and are from front to back...Scorpion, Lantern, Bean Shape, 7-Pot, and Red Bell Hot....

Some peppers at different stages of maturity....from left to right....Hungarian Death, Unkown Thai, Wild Tepin, Biker Billy....


And a shot of one of my Zimbabawe Birdseyes in bloom....looks a lot like the Wild Tepin.....

And one of my goals is to get an up-close shot of this little guy...we have a Scarlet Tanager that visits the yard every evening...maybe a few well placed bird feeders will do the trick.