• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

peppers 2014

Little late getting this posted, but better late than never.  Most were started in early February.  I ordered another 20 varieties late and started them in early March.  Plants are looking very healthy now and getting almost too big for their homes.  No room to pot up indoors, so I am hoping to get them in the ground in about 10 days or so.  Have spots in the group prepped for 92 plants.  Might stick a few of the extras in pots or some obscure corner of the yard.  
2014 List:
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow
7 Pot Brown
7 Pot Burgundy
7 Pot Chaguanas
7 Pot Chocolate
7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic Yellow
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot SR-Strain
7 Pot White
7 Pot Yellow
7-Pot (Long, large)
Antillais Carribbean Habanero
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Giant
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia Purple
Bhut Jolokia White
Bido Tacana
Black Congo
Bonda Ma Jacque
Brown Moruga
Carolina Reaper
CGN 21566
Condors Beak
Devils Tongue Chocolate
Devils Tongue Yellow
Dorset Naga
Fatalii Chocolate
Fatalii White
Goats Weed
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Capuchino
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Lemon
Habanero Manzano
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Naranja Picante
Habanero Orange Giant
Habanero Peach
Habanero Peruvian White
Habanero White Giant
Mako Akokosrade
Naga Big Bang Chocolate
Naga Black
Naga Morich (Original)
Naga Yellow
PI 159236
PI 439437
Pickersgills orange
Pimenta da Neyde
Royal Gold
Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet Tobago Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion (CARDI)
Trinidad Scorpion (Moruga)
Trinidad Scorpion (PI 281317)
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Peach

Turkish Cap Rojo
Arriba A SAIA
Brazilian Starfish
Gorong Red
Grac De Bodes
Some pictures of their progress:






21 of the peppers will go here when all is ready and weather permitting.  Will have other plants nearby, strawberries, about 8 - 10 tomatoes 6 bell peppers, broccoli, and some cabbage.

This is the bigger plot on the other side of the yard.  Will hold 71 peppers.  Have some plastic down to get the ground nice and warm.  
JJJessee said:
Plants look great.
Looks like you're ready to rock n roll.
Thanks.  They have really shot up in the last 2 weeks once I started taking them outside on nice days.  At one point I didn't think they were growing.  Now I wish most of them would slow down.  Might be 2 more weeks before I can plant depending on weather forecast.
was traveling through indiana last week so decided to run by thechilewoman.com's greenhouse.  never have seen a place like that dedicated almost exclusively to hot peppers, with a few sweet peppers and tomatoes.  she was all sold out online of many varieties but managed to find a few to add to my list
hopefully if weather forecast holds up almost everything will get planted out on sunday as long as my back and knees don't fail me
these guys need a new home,  getting 8 - 10" now.  hopefully they will be in the ground sunday after this cold snap breaks.  40s and 50s here most of week with rain
GA Growhead said:
Good luck with your grow!
Great grow list, nice plots for them, and beautiful plants!
Thank you.  Been a long time since I grew anything substantial like this.  Went a little overboard.  Starting to try to figure out what I am going to do this fall when these guys ripen.  I was giving away tons of peppers last year with only 12 plants.   Guess I will have to make enough powders for a lifetime and try to come up with some sauce recipes or something.
got about 65 in the ground today, still waiting on a few to get a little older/bigger before putting in final place
this plot is on the east side of yard and will have 71 peppers when done, will get west plot in this week i hope where there will be 21 more along with tomatoes, bell peppers and some other stuff

Very nice, I like that you left the plastic down like that as well. Are you planning on mulching on top it or leaving as is? Plants look amazing. 
Wow!  Your list is frightening!!  By the looks of your plants, you need no help from anyone.  You're using T8s? 
Might I ask, what is the advantage, if any, of plastic ground cover instead of mulch? 
Roguejim said:
Wow!  Your list is frightening!!  By the looks of your plants, you need no help from anyone.  You're using T8s? 
Might I ask, what is the advantage, if any, of plastic ground cover instead of mulch? 
Yes, used T8's to start everything.  Started out this year with plans for about 10 choc. habanero plants, then as i do with many things it got out of control fast
had the old shop lights in storage so pulled them out, didn't want to spend too much money on anything
last time i grew anything serious was back in early 2000s, did mostly tomatoes then with hot peppers as the secondary, kinda reversed now
did a lot of experiimenting over a few years with mulch, black plastic, red plastic.  seemed like the black had the most advantages for me
in the early going keeps moisture in and heats the ground and keeps the heat in.  Had a hard frost one time years ago, during the experiments, and had about 15 tomatoes planted through the black plastic and 15 in just dirt and/or mulch.  All of the ones in the plastic lived just fine, all the others died.  So it helps provide some cold weather protection even though its just covering the ground.  Its very effective weed barrier.  And its clean and no mess.   Also very cheap, just use the 3mil i think painters plast 10 x 25 sheet for $6.00 on sale I think it was.  I also used clear plastic over this ground for a few weeks to warm it up before putting down the black for planting. 
A few pics from 10 years ago at my old house of tomatoes and a few peppers grown with plastic down everwhere.
This is the tomatoes.  Most over 7ft tall.  When you go into the rows can't see out.

This was a small ring of peppers, probably about 10 plants I think, I remember having more than I could ever use.  I have no idea what I am in for this year.

A typical daily harvest in early august.  Once they would start setting would pick like this about day or two for a few weeks.

Hopefully the plastic will work again this year.  This soil at the house I am in now is no where near as good as what I had in the pictures above.  I haven't  had tomatoes even remotely close to that size here yet.  
D3monic said:
Very nice, I like that you left the plastic down like that as well. Are you planning on mulching on top it or leaving as is? Plants look amazing. 
I plan to leave as is.  If any mulch, I would just mulch the exposed dirt around the plant, but not the whole thing. 
Those tomato plants are giants!  I'm in awe...I hadn't considered that you were in Illinois, where plastic mulch would be a smart option.  You have it figured out.
got most of the west side plot peppers in today, only 3 or 4 left once they get a little bigger, will have 22 hot peppers over there when done along with 9 sweet peppers 9 tomatoes and some other misc. stuff

Been a long time since an update.  Had too much work to do and then left for 10 days for vacation.  Came back and in 10 days most plants double to quadrupled in size creating quite the jungle already.  Many peppers 2 - 3 ft. and tomatoes mostly getting up to 5ft already.  Pods on quite a few plants, almost all have blooms or the start of them.




Yellow Moruga


White Bhut

Yellow Brain Strain
Black Naga
Little picture update.  Most plants have pods now.  All but 2 at least have blossoms, haven't figured out why the 2 without blossoms don't have any.  Even though I probably have thousands of pods on the plants now, there are so many blossoms, all I can do is hope that most of them don't develop as I have no idea how I could handle that.  Many plants probably have 100 to over 200 blossoms and 20 up to over 50 pods on some. Most plants are very large compared to what I had last year.  Most 3ft plus and just about as wide as they can be as they have all grown together.  Pimenta De Neyde is the tallest now at almost 4ft but also the skimpiest.  

Condors Beak

Turkish Caps

Royal Gold


Bahamian Goat

Pimenta De Neyde


A few Reapers

And the first pod to Ripen will be Yellow Moruga.