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in-ground Peppers after a week in the Ground

They have been in the ground a week now. And it looks like I am going to lose 1 plant. I did not harden them off before I put them in the ground. SO I guess I am lucky. Got 89 plants in my little space. I know they are a little close together, Oh well......

Here is also the only 2 Bhut I got. They both came up....Babying them


This is a flower on one of the plants. It is one of the Mystery plants from Peppermania

The only place I could put my Tomato plans......

And my Little Tangerine Watermelons......
If you're thinking you're going to lose one of those pepper plants in your garden, I sure can't tell which one. They all look pretty good to me from that angle.
The Buckets.....They are Drywall Mud Buckets. They looked so tacky in white. So I just spray painted them.....Now I also dont have to woryy about Bugs or worms. And I have flowers on the Tomatos also....
It looks really great! Good luck with it!

Looking at that first pic.... You're gonna lose much more than just one plant if you ever fail to hit the brake in time! The fence might also not like it, not too mention the dog.... :)
Mine have been in the ground about that long too.

I left them out for 2 weeks before that. No transplant shock whatsoever. A few of them shot up 2 inches over the first week.

It is nice to have plants in the ground again!

OUCH ! ! ..........We had Bad Thunder storms today. Wind & Hard rain... I think I lost 2 more plants. The Tallest ones are Bent way over touching the Ground. Both of my 100 Gallon rain barrels. filled to the Brim, and over flowing. Sunny tomorrw, so I hope they come back.

Slyone...same thing happened to me...I have staked most of the tall ones now...

Looks great....absolutely
Very nice garden and setups you have there! I think you'll have a tough time picking the peppers pods when their ripe as it's going to get a bit crowded, but it sure will look beautiful!

btw, I don't know the breed of 'Tangerine Watermelons,' but if they grow like regular watermelons, watch out, as they go crazy with growth! I had 3 I planted and within 2 months they went from little ones like in your pic, to 15ft long vines in all directions and took over a big portion of my garden.

Best wishes for success!