• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

GLOG =Good Looking Older Gentlemen or maybe Got Lot's of Gas......Today I'm going to have to go with both.....TMI....I think not.

So this will be my first GLOG. Enjoy Everyone.

Grow List

Brain Strain 7
Jonah 7
Yellow 7
Chocolate Bhut
Peach Bhut
Yellow Bhut
Naga Morich
Chocolate Scorpion

White Habanero
CGN 21500
Fatalii Yellow
Fatalii White
Aji Lemon Drop
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Bonda Ma Jacques
Long Chocolate Habanero

Should have the grow area set up and seeds germing by February 15th
Dude, I think your buddy could be my brother. Like twin brother. :) Anyway, you can fit more plants without the raised rows but you will get more optimal yields with less plants. So, it's your call. Justaguy planted super tight last year and got lots of peppers but Pepp3rFreak planted less in raised rows and yielded more. Who knows.

You should do a flea market stand one day and sell off some to recover money on the whole thing. You have all kinds of stuff people can't get at the local greenhouses...

I would also suggest Genovese Basil over sweet basil. Hands down better for pesto and everything else. Also super bushy with big ass leaves.

Good luck man. I also didn't know you could get a sod cutter. Well, we learn new stuff here all the time.
Awesome score on the composted manure! I'm guessing the plants will absolutely love that. That's a total transformation for that plot of soil. I'm just waiting for plant out too. My plants are too tall, too packed together and too root bound, but I don't want to jump the gun and have them out before we're done with frost.
@Beehunter- Thanks Bee-rother....sometimes I just have to be corny...it's like Tourette's Syndrome but not as funny.

@Sethsquatch- Yes, I thought about shoving them all in there like a bunch of illegal immigrants....but I went with giving them some elbow room instead. Dude....maybe he is your brother...."Think about it" (Picture the guy in the army surplus store on the movie falling down) My buddy and I are selling some of our plants and when harvest time comes around, we will be selling fresh pods and making powders as well. "WINNING" I just went ahead and planted what I got. I have so many things I am going to plant and want to grow....that I figure I mine as well just grow everything that touches my hands.....could get weird.

PS. I hope you've seen the movie Falling Down....lol

@Pulpiteer-I am hoping they love it. I am wondering how much nutrients it will actually provide?? The soil is 1000 times better than before but still 1000 times away from where it needs to be. You've got the Brady Bunch all living together as adults too huh. With 34 grand children and one guest room......Alice is going to be pissed. Keep that patience bro-it will serve you well. The cold weather will stunt them worse than being root bound. (Shhhh.....don't tell anyone...but I know from experience...lol) Good luck

Time for a little Update-ski:

Alright, so I always say "I'm going to update the glog tomorrow".....and then we do something else and I'm like "Oh, I'll wait until after this and put it in there too....I'll just do it tomorrow".....and then tomorrow becomes 10 days later....whoops. I'd like to keep up with it on a more regular basis. Instead of treating it like an illegitimate son that I neglect and tell to bring me a beer and go clean the bathroom because the toilet's backed up. Any way...

May 11, 2012 WHOOO HOOOOO! It finally happened. I stuck all of those cramped, stunted, overworked and underwatered bastards in the ground! Hell yeah and it felt oh so good. We kicked the shit out of the garden (It kicked the shit out of our backs) and we got 5 rows of beautiful little soldiers lined up and ready to rage. It went really well. Things have been working out exactly how they should with this grow...even when things don't go the way they were supposed to, 99% of the time, it worked out better than the original plan....lol. I'm stoked to have them in the ground and let mother nature take a lick at it. (for the most part...what you think that I'm just going to give her full custody.....pshh...I'm too controlling for that...hehehehe)

There is so much more for me to update, that I am going to have to do like 3 or 4 of them lol. Too many pictures to fit for sure. They will be successive of eachother though. I won't make you wait for a week.....no To Be Continued's......I fucking hate those.

Thank you all so much for taking this ride with me and hanging around to see what we have going on. It really means everything to me. I've had a hard year as I know a lot of people are and this garden has helped me get through a lot of it....and I'm going to make damn sure it gets what it needs to grow some wicked ass peppers....I want to make a killer ending to this glog for you guys..again thank you for droppin' in and keeping me company.

PS. Ted Barrus is a dumbass.






This little son of a bitch was rode hard and put away wet....so he decided to pump out a little pepper and 4 flowers right quick and he is only about 4 inches tall....lol. So funny, I think it is an Ancient Sweet. So I just stuck it in the ground and am letting it do it's thing.

These are a bunch of extra's that we have, going to try and sell a few, give a few to my family and a few I promised to other people. Which I am a complete ass because I haven't kept in contact with them and I said I would. Sorry dudes. I will try and better myself. Forgive me for my sins....oh yeah, and there's two BrainStrains in the back that wilted like nobody's business...lol. But they came back from a near death experience! ah hahahaha. I love it. It's like a freaking soap opera up in this glog.

So much more to come. Tis just the beginning...stay tuned.
DAMN! Inside and in the pots i could not tell how big and bushy your plants were! Those things are gonna take off like rockets! Chit mang! It wont be long now.
Haha. Hell yeah, it's almost surreal. I hope they like the play dough that they've been planted in....lol it's home now! PODS PODS PODS PODS PODS PODS
Looks awesome - nice work! And I'm guessing from your comment that we can look forward to a dedication video of you eating hot peppers until you throw up? Can't wait! :lol:
Jamison-hey man, thanks. I still have some small guys if you ever want to swing through.

Sethsquatch-thank you Mr. Squatch. No jealousy necessary, your grow looks great too!

Pulpiteer- You coming over to join in the puking festivities?

Update later tonight
Haha, thanks WD. Things are going ok. I'll tell you though it's been a nail biter. I'm going to stop by all of your glogs.
Sorry to hear that Spice...I've been fighting many battles non the less. We will get through them. These plants want to grow. Just like the world to try and keep'a good man down. Things will take a turn for the better SG...keep up the good fight!

Update: Part Duex

Here are some more pics of the garden. We've got the fence up, my buddies veggies in. (I hope my peppers make his tomatoes "Flaming" Mu ah ah ah. We have Onions, Broccoli, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Beans, Peas, watermelon and Competition sized pumkins.....hell yeah lol. I love it. We are going to squeeze cucumber on the back fence and let it grow upward. We's gonna cram as much in dis garden as we can....yes sir.

Things are warming up around here and the plants have been in the ground for 4 days now, so I'm hoping in a week or so they will start to really take off.

Hope everyone's plant out's are going well.

I've got my home grow plants in the ground now as well. They're chillin' in the sun catchin' rays. We've also got: Tomatoes, Green/Red peppers, Brussel sprouts, Onions, Potatoes and my nephews cabbage for his school competition.....which I....I mean HE...will be winning come fall.

I'm in the process of building the fence for this garden as well. (I think I need a scarecrow, a birds been creepin' on my plants and I think he stole one of the onion bulbs out of the ground already....bastard)













OMG>.. your plants are on steroids!! whatd you feed them plants....DuDE... hope they pod up soon and youll need to have TESTERS for them...keep up the good grow!.. burn baby burn :onfire:
Them ones in the corner got enough light David? or is it just the time of day you took the pic?

Told you man, just plant the whole garden out, LoL

WOW...those first couple pics of your plants in the ground almost looks like young tobacco plants from a distance. Those leaves are HUGE! Both plots looks really nice. Great job on the fence as well, everything looks really pro!