• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

GLOG =Good Looking Older Gentlemen or maybe Got Lot's of Gas......Today I'm going to have to go with both.....TMI....I think not.

So this will be my first GLOG. Enjoy Everyone.

Grow List

Brain Strain 7
Jonah 7
Yellow 7
Chocolate Bhut
Peach Bhut
Yellow Bhut
Naga Morich
Chocolate Scorpion

White Habanero
CGN 21500
Fatalii Yellow
Fatalii White
Aji Lemon Drop
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Bonda Ma Jacques
Long Chocolate Habanero

Should have the grow area set up and seeds germing by February 15th
Looks like fert burn bro. Should bounce back when you repot and flush with H20. Other than that looking good! Greenhouse looks cool. Might steal that idea.
Damn King. Haven't dropped by in a while. Things seem to have changed big time. You got some crazy elephant strains growing there brother! Good looking first year man! Those nutes are working miracles!
I don't know what the deal is, I didn't get a notice saying anyone commented on here since the last post. Sorry guys.

Stc3248- Ey man, thanks for the info, that makes sense. I think it's due to the lights being to close. The nute ratios aren't that high to begin with. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

KingDenniz- Yo, go here and get the free sample. They last forever on non hydroponic grows. If you have a local grow shop, they will ship them there for free. If you don't have one close, you pay shipping and they will send them to your house. http://www.xnutrients.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=SamplePackRequest2

Jamison- F'in Fert burn....yep, I think you and Stc2348 are correct. No biggie. I got to flush them out a little but haven't gotten to the pot up yet. Being unprepared with minimal growing space is a PITA. Once I get to harvest it will all be worth it. Steal away brotha, it was cheap and easy to build. We still have to finish it up. I would prefer a shorter front and a steeper angle from top to bottom, if you know what I mean. but this still works out great.

Sethsquatch- Hellz yeah, they are frankenpeppers! I love it. Can't wait to see how they grow once they get in the ground. Things are totally different lol, everything changes on a whim. In the words of Bob Dylan "The times, they are a changin'" Thanks for the props Seth.
I keep getting that, for some reason? threads i have subscribed to (including my own) un subscribe themselves??

Yeah, I'm not sure, it's happened to a few of mine. Hahahahaha, I see by your signature that you are very proud of yourself :clap: lol. It is awesome. I'm going to make one, when I get some time and money. :silenced:
Yeah, I'm not sure, it's happened to a few of mine. Hahahahaha, I see by your signature that you are very proud of yourself :clap: lol. It is awesome. I'm going to make one, when I get some time and money. :silenced:

Its not expensive Dave, mine was on a shoestring budget (you know that) and time,, well just do a couple of hours on the weekend every week & Rob`s your fathers brother (English joke that) :D

Mezo, you know my Uncle Rob?? :high: Yes, I know your budget, It really comes down to having a ride to go get the stuff. I'll be on it soon enough. Even if I had money for a badass dehydrator, I would still want to build one of these. It's just too cool and anything I can make with my hands is time well spent.

Update: Ok, so We've got the second greenhouse built. All the plants are outside full time now and the weather is finally starting to get nice. I need them in the ground now! I don't think there's any soil left in the pots, it's all root!

We've started on the garden, we sodded our 27ft X 13ft garden. The dirt is thick though.....it has a lot of clay in it. I'm thinking some sand and compost would be necessary for this to be good planting soil. Getting any of that is another thing.....man o man. When money is tight, trying to stay calm and get creative is an ongoing battle. I'll be looking on CraigsList and searching other outlets to try and find something to amend our dirt.....I'll keep you updated on the going ons.

As for the home grow I have going on that I over fertilized....all of the leaves have been yellowing and falling off from the bottom up. Some of the green leaves just fall right off too! lol...but new growth has been growing in it's place as the older leaves fall off. So things aren't all bad. It's a crazy thing to experience. I haven't been able to pot them up yet, but I do have the new pots and soil. I'm just wondering if I should just wait and get them in the ground. I mean it's so close to plant out. So many things to do. Keeps me on my toes for sure.

If anyone reading this in the Chicagoland (North West Suburbs) wants some plants I have extra that will not be making their way to the garden. If no one claims them, I will just let them grow in the 1/2 gallon containers and see what happens.

I'm so excited to finally get these guys in the ground. I know all of you guys are too! Hellz yeah buddy! They are going to take off. So curious to see them start growing wild! No restraints just some sun, rain (fertz.......lol) and good old mother nature. Going to be great. Get ready for the next series of problems to tackle.

Good luck everyone with your summer time plant out!

Check out the gnarly growth I'm getting on some of these plants.....it's all small and spindle'y (if that's a good word to describe it) These plants are suffocating and need to get out of their jail cells. Also I have a pick of one of our White Habanero plants. They are so prolific. Even at 10-12" tall, they have around 50-75 buds on them.....yikes. I decided I don't feel like trying to pinch all of them. So I am just letting them go as is and see what happens. If it stunts them, I will just over winter them and let them get bigger next year.

Sod cutters are awesome, I ripped through this grass like I was giving it a haircut with some sheers! dat dat dat dat dat dat dat! Tilling it is going to be a whole other story though...lol.

I'll have some pics of my home grown plants and some more of our greenhouses outside. Soon to come. Otherwise enjoy and hopefully keep learning from my mistakes!






Nice job on the sod cutting. I have two big trees blocking all my sun in the bigger yard so I can't do that. It pains me. I would say watch putting a lot of sand in clay soil. It sounds good but it can make it like cement. You might want to dig a much bigger hole than you need for each plant and make a nice growth pocket for the plant with good soil in it. Then keep amending the whole plot over the . Or however long you live there.
Man I hate the old sod cutter. Plants are looking good man. Soon you'll be able to get them plants out. I know what you mean tho, so close yet so far. If your still thinking bout getting rid of a couple I might be able to swing that way and pick up whatever you don't want. Send me a pm and let me know. BTW stop by my glog one day when you get a chance man. Happy growing!
Nice job on the sod cutting. I have two big trees blocking all my sun in the bigger yard so I can't do that. It pains me. I would say watch putting a lot of sand in clay soil. It sounds good but it can make it like cement. You might want to dig a much bigger hole than you need for each plant and make a nice growth pocket for the plant with good soil in it. Then keep amending the whole plot over the . Or however long you live there.

Thanks P-Son! Yeah, there are trees but we are planting anyway. We will see how they do. I've decided to go with composted horse manure at about 3 yards worth. It's been composting for a few years and I can get as much of it as I want. So we will be picking up that and a tiller. Goin' to town on the plot. Thanks for the advice. I'll be careful in my mix.

Man I hate the old sod cutter. Plants are looking good man. Soon you'll be able to get them plants out. I know what you mean tho, so close yet so far. If your still thinking bout getting rid of a couple I might be able to swing that way and pick up whatever you don't want. Send me a pm and let me know. BTW stop by my glog one day when you get a chance man. Happy growing!

Hate it!? You must be using a sub par sod cutter. The one we rented from HomeDepot was the shiz. It cut through that grass like nothing. We had the whole garden cut in about 15 minutes. (Stupid 4 hour rental....buggers be wast'n me money) Thanks the plants are doing decent. They need to stretch their legs though. I will hit you up about the extra plants. Thanks for stoppin' by the Glog (God Loves Our Garden...Bam!) lol

Update: I decided to put out the 8 plants I have at home and let them harden off for the next couple of days. Shut down Plant Hollywood for now. It needs to be torn down and renovated anyway haha. It served it's purpose.
We had the whole garden cut in about 15 minutes. (Stupid 4 hour rental....buggers be wast'n me money)

Should have just done the whole yard mate & grow hundreds of plants. :party:

Yeah i know your uncle Rob David, you must know my aunt Mary? Mary Chuwanna? :high:

Saweeet! Gonna be an awesome plot! i wish i had dirt behind my place... its just a parking lot back there :) city living... What is east west in the pics you posted? looks like that spot should get a ton of sun! Congrats man wont be long bill they are all in the dirt!
Dude -I finally saw the log! It s the stems!You can just trim the burn off with clean sharp scissors....but you better be careful those bad boys might just f*ck you up if they see it coming!
Man, I am so jealous, can't help it, I so miss the tilling up and being able to create a garden. That has got to be the best part of this time of the year. I had to leave my 12 acres of land behind when the economy turned and now the ex has got it. But oh well, I have been learnin a hell of alot from this blog and when I do regain a space in time I will definitely follow alot of your footsteps bro. Awesome Glog..

Be Well..
I had no idea that you could rent a sod cutter. Yeah, I'm that sheltered. That looks a lot easier than the battle I have to do when tilling a new plot - battling through the chunks of grass and everything. The horse manure compost should do a good job for you. I'd say go totally with that and stay away from the sand. I've heard the same thing about sand plus clay can turn out badly, unless it's a course sand. Either way the composted organic material will serve you better imo. Your plants look great btw. They have even been growing under harsh conditions - I mean look at that ugly Bears calendar. ;) It only speaks to your growing prowess that you can raise plants in the shadow of something like that.
Mezo....lol, it's my buddy's house or I would have! He says that the garden is huge....I think it's small.....but since I've started working on it, it is seemingly getting BIGGER in my mind...hahaha.

Bee- East and west is front to back, long ways. I am standing taking the pictures facing the east, looking at the trees. (There are some big trees and getting enough sun might be an issue. But this is the only spot we can do it and if it wasn't here, it wouldn't be anywhere, so it will have to do and the plants better love it or else!)

Gnslgr-Hell yea, these bad boys have biceps...they will be entering this years pepper strong plant competitions.

Sawdust-Thanks man! I am very appreciative that you follow and take anything away from this glog. (Don't worry, I got an Ex too, and she left behind some debt for me....but it's a damn good trade off if you ask me. You can always change your future, you can't beat getting rid of dead weight!)

Pulpiteer-.......Don't dis my Bears man.....lol. DITKA! Thanks for the comps dude. Your plot is looking great as well. I did end up going with another load of compost. We tilled in the first load and needed another...we ended up putting 8+ yards of it in our plot. It will be a whole nother story next year. We will have to work with what we got for now.


OK, things are going as smoothly as they can at this point. Breaking up with my GF has given me some much needed time to tend to the garden.......lmao. The plants we put outside in our first greenhouse have been a little stunted by the 32-45 degree nights and cold gloomy days. They are still growing, just very slowly now. The annuums seem to be handling it better than the Chinenses. The plants that we put out in the second greenhouse just a week ago, are thriving and loving it. (now that the nights have been warmer, around 48-50+) Can't wait to see what all these babies do once it gets really warm and sunny out!

We stopped giving the plants nutes, they are so root bound, I need to slow the growth down a little, since we are not potting up and just waiting for plant out. Should be fun trying to untangle the jungle of roots once we put them in the ground...ugh. But hey, the rewards will be worth the effort.

We are allowing one of the Long Choco Habs to flower as well as the three White Habs we have going. There are a bunch of buds on the LCH's and a few should open up to flowers in a day or two I think. (I will get pictures soon) The WH's are exploding with buds. I'd say they have about 50-75 buds on each plant and they are only a foot tall, if that. I'm not pinching that many.....lol. They can have their way and do what they want. I'll overwinter them and get a bigger plant next year if the flowering stunts their vegetative growth.

Now on to the garden. We dumped about 4 yards of compost onto the plot and tilled it in. Once we got done with that, the clay...*clears throat* I mean soil, still clumped into playdough balls. So...we went and picked up another truck load (4 yards) of compost and tilled that in as well. It helped out extensively. The plot is still far from any consistency I would consider great but it is a million times better than what we started with. We tilled around 12-14 inches deep.

The compost came from a local horse farm. We know the owner and he has a ridiculous pile...the EPA is actually coming down on him to get rid of it because it's so huge. He loved us for taking it off his hands..lol. We got the good stuff from the middle of the pile, that has been there for around 3 years. It doesn't look like earth but it smells just like it...so good. Anyone in the area that wants some of this stuff, it's free and he will load it with a bobcat. If you want it delivered (to the lake and mchenry counties) we can do it for a delivery fee.

We had my buddies little helper too. I love him, he's a cool little dude.

I'm still a little lost on what I want to do with the garden, as in how I want to plant and if I want to try and do raised rows or just rake it all even and plant them as is. The garden is roughly 6inches higher than the ground around it already. Plant out is maybe next weekend! Hell yeah. You guys will get to see three grows now. My home grow, our pepper grow and our vegetable grow (I only get half the garden for the peps.....lol) We are going to grow Watermelon, Pumpkins, Green Beans, Peas, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Broccoli and Onions. I'm also going to start a herb garden in my grow box now that I put my peppers outside. (Cilantro, Sweet Basil, Chives,Garlic, Oregano and Chamomile)

Here's some pics, I might have to wait until someone posts to fit all of them. I know I'm probably leaving something out too lol. Oh, I have some pics of the second green house we built and we will be building a fence around the garden soon too.







Flick your buddy a few pounds of chilli`s & got get some more of that steaming manure & just plant out the whole yard.

You know if i was living next door id be be saying, "f**k his lawn David lets plant some chilli`s"

Probably best i live down here hey. :party:
