• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

Hi All,

So I'll give it another try this year. God knows I love chillies and I would love nothing more than to have a bumper harvest... but I suspect the truth of the matter is I do not have green fingers. In fact, give me a chilli and I will be pretty guaranteed to kill it lol That's not negativity talking, that's reality based on last years experiences lol

Last year it was pots. This year its a farm east of Pretoria, here in South Africa. My reasoning for this madness is pretty much like a hunter hunting with a machine gun... out of the thousand seedlings I plant... I must walk away with something lol (I hope).

So I have a pice of land. Good soil down by a river in the african sun.

The planting area has been divided into two sections. An enclosed area (±40mx40m) with shade netting and an open area (±40mx40m). Water is limited, but there is borehole water.

Outside Area:

Inside Area:

Temps this time of the year are in the mid to high 30ºC. It's the rainy season, so there is rain and it comes in buckets and hail-stones!

So here are the pics I took of the inside and outside areas Saturday 6/10/2012. It was 37ºC that day. I have a video as well which I took last Sunday when I started the planting (to come). Luckily we have a cold front at the moment, so since monday it has been overcast, cool and we have rain (magic). I think its about 23/25ºC at the moment. I planted on Sunday (36ºC) early morning (24/25ºC) and late afternoon and pretty much watered for the rest of the day. Didn't look like rain at all... but it's here and could not have come at a better time really!

As you can see I have laid out the beds in rows. Planting is at 45-60cm intervals. I am doing a little experiment also with double planting and single planting. I suspect the yield will be lower with the bushes that have been double planted... but who knows. A different climate... maybe results will show different.

On the grow list:

Bishops Crown
PeriPeri (naturally)
Hot Pixie
Thai Dragon
Baby Belle
Cal Wonder
Yellow Scorpions
Black Pearl
Naga Viper
White Hab
Orange Hab
Brown Hab
Red Hab
Big Jim
Long Thai
Carolina Reaper
Pasilla Bajio
7 Pod
Bhut Jolokia
Naga King
Scotch Bonnet
Hungarian Sweet Wax
Cherry Bomb
Boriya Mirch
Brain Strain
Ring of Fire

Still to come...

Angkor Sunrise
Devils Tongue White
Naga Morich
Devils Tongue Choc
Hab Choc

One or two other... but I can't remember.

First lot I planted on Sunday 7/10/2012.... details will follow...

Over and out for now!

lol when do you possibly get a window for the chillies?
Funny you should mention that... The soil here in New England is mostly stony and poor. In fact the only thing here that grows well is the stones themselves. Why, I've pulled out a couple of tons to the acre each and every year. The best way to get plants started here is to inject the seeds with a hypodermic syringe and put a mustard plaster over them so the proper degree of heat and moisture encourage them to grow. One year I tried to economize by re-using the mustard plasters from the previous year, but they didn't have enough "oomph", so the harvest that year was a fizzle... ;)
Thanks for the offer Lourens, but I just couldn't take the chance. Some of those monkeys might stow away in the bags and wreak havok once they got here! Who knows what mischief they'd get up to? Why, once they realize they're smarter than any politician, they might run for office and then where would we be? :shocked:
Whoa a day or two off da net and I'm like 20 pages behind Lourens, when will you be publishing the cliff notes ;) Great stuff, not sure why but every time I read this glog I feel like the lyrics in dis song ... "I wana sail away to a distant shore..." ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
»» Foobar2k ::: The Kinks - The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1) (2002) - 20 - Apeman ::: 2:14/3:54 (••••••••••) ::: 556 kbps ««

... once they realize they're smarter than any politician, they might run for office and then where would we be? :shocked:
Planet of the apes flashback :D
Thanks for the offer Lourens, but I just couldn't take the chance. Some of those monkeys might stow away in the bags and wreak havok once they got here! Who knows what mischief they'd get up to? Why, once they realize they're smarter than any politician, they might run for office and then where would we be? :shocked:
lol your politiciant too huh?

Politics shmoletics... the world over... there's only one politics we speak here and it's dabating the pros and cons of pod porn... viva chilliheads!

Sorry chilliheads, its been a while... spending so much time on the chillies, I had to catch up my graft! Pics are a little smaller as my server is getting a wee bit full ;)

So here we go...

Mr Naga Viper is in da house peoples... respect!




I have to do this taste test... but man I am dreading it for real! But while chopping these up... these do smell absolutely amazing! Like a naga but just much fruitier and sweet... hmmm what to do lol

A trip that would bring on a near death experience I believe - I know!

For those who have been grumbling about the Reaper not looking consistent... they all have tails and look pretty consistent to me lol


Coincidentally these babies drip capsaicin like I have not seen before... bu chopping board was soaked in oil by the time I finished chopping these. In fact I will not be able to use the chopping board again... it has soaked up so much capsaicin this month I just need to place food on it to spice things up lol

7 Pods are coming in fast and furious too.. chopping plenty of these babies...



Some of them just look freaky


But lots ripening now...


Backtrack... lol... got to show you this little Reaper pod.. its tail is bigger than the body... that is going to be some pod to watch I think!



Could I have a bump please guys :)
:) Hey Pic1 - thanks my friend!

A bit jumbled here... nice pic of a Reaper again...


I see a lot of Brainstrain in the Reaper... not sure where the tail comes from, but the top looks a lot like Brainstrain I think...


This Fish Pepper just looked awesome. White leaves and the one pod had a white stalk...



Nagalahs looking delicious man... these are very much like the Naga King Jolokias... almost identical in fact...


Talking of which... the Naga King Jolokia :) Possibly my favourite chilli on this planet. Taste is out of this world and that burn just goes on till forever! A good 45 mins when I last tasted these...



How's the oil, seed count and scent of the Reaper. The Brain and the Primo are slightly different scented when cut open...How does the Reap compare ?
I have to tell you. The Reaper has been a good germinator, fast grower and has given a good yield per plant. The pods have a good 20 seeds per pod and the inside is just oozing yellow oil. The scent is naga like. The taste is great too, which based on taste alone comparing it to the ButchT is a winner... as the ButchT has very little taste (in my experience). My chopping board was drenched once I had finished.

I have not taste tested the Brainstrain or Primo... although I am hoping to soon. Brainstrain looks like its going to go red soon.... Primo's are a way off yet.... but I am hoping to get pods in this season still.

As for the Brown Habas... they are just gigantic! The hot weather and dry summer we have had has resulted in massive Brown Habas and let me tell you... they are searing hot for Brown Habas.... I sat there with a glass of milk after my taste test absolutely perplexed that these could burn quite so badly lol


And a lot of Brown Habas with seeds that needed harvesting lol I am not a fan of the Brown Haba taste, but these didn't taste half bad I have to say :)


And quite a few ButchTxBhuts...


This plant has been a brilliant producer, great grower and each pod has a good yield of seeds. These are really fruity and they also have that ButchT burn the crap out of the back of your throat kind of - stick a red hot poker down there - kind of heat lol

I really like this next one... the Peach Haba is great. Entry level Haba heat... but totally different flavours. Less citrus... more delicate... really nice - and pretty big pods too!



Bit blurry... sorry!
Just went through your glog start to finish. Whoa what a ride. Absolutely beautiful grow you had! Your soil looks amazing. So dark but not compacted or soggy at all. Your plants and pods were very impressive. I especially enjoyed your video reviews. You have a superhuman resistance to pain. That Reaper pod looked devastating but you took it like a pro. I am still skeptical about the Reapers but your vid almost had me buying seeds. I'm worried about getting seeds that don't grow true so I'll have to wait to get them this year. Anyway keep up the good work man. Best of luck to you!
Very nice update pod-miester!

The babies are beautiful!

I would love to see a full grown plant pic, I'm about two weeks away from planting in the dirt and am unsure of the spacing.

Have a good one,

Man Lourens, you've had a H@## of a ride this season! It's been fun watching your chiles grow and getting your previews of some of the new varieties before they start producing in this hemisphere. Good on ya!
Wow those all look great! Nice job.
Thank you laynlow - paydirt at last ;)!

Just went through your glog start to finish. Whoa what a ride. Absolutely beautiful grow you had! Your soil looks amazing. So dark but not compacted or soggy at all. Your plants and pods were very impressive. I especially enjoyed your video reviews. You have a superhuman resistance to pain. That Reaper pod looked devastating but you took it like a pro. I am still skeptical about the Reapers but your vid almost had me buying seeds. I'm worried about getting seeds that don't grow true so I'll have to wait to get them this year. Anyway keep up the good work man. Best of luck to you!
Thank you Dshlogg, you said it well - it has been a ride! What a rollercoaster! I have to say the soil has been good... very fertile down by a river. That Reaper is nothing like I have ever tried. I still have to try the Brainstrain and the Primo... which I think will be important as a comparison - but I think it will be an impressive plant in most peoples grow log! You can see from the three pods on my hand that that shape and tail are pretty good, although having said this there are a few pods on my plants that are slightly different looking. I will keep going till Jack Frost comes calling!

Very nice update pod-miester!

The babies are beautiful!

I would love to see a full grown plant pic, I'm about two weeks away from planting in the dirt and am unsure of the spacing.

Have a good one,

Hi Scott, what full grown plant are you referring to? I will try and take a better pic for you. This year I have gone for about 45x45cm and this just isn't enough. Makes it very difficult to navigate. But yea, let me know which plant and I will try and see if I have a pic or can take one for you!

Man Lourens, you've had a H@## of a ride this season! It's been fun watching your chiles grow and getting your previews of some of the new varieties before they start producing in this hemisphere. Good on ya!
Lol Stickman don't you just know it! I never thought things would spiral like this. It was really quite a crazy notion to plant so many. I think I said at the beginning that in my season before, I had planted in pots and killed most of my plants due to having no green fingers. This year my intention was to plant hundreds to possibly have a fair few survive... ofcourse pretty much all survived :) It has been a lot of work! Ups and downs, lefts and rights and ins and outs... it has been one heck of a ride! But yours is fast approaching and I will whatch your glogg with eager anticipation to see how the pro's do it - thanks my friend!
Your pods are just SICCCCCC. Absolutely fkin gorgeous work. Well done and keep them pics coming as long a you can. I am living vicariously through them pics. Cheers.
Your pods are just SICCCCCC. Absolutely fkin gorgeous work. Well done and keep them pics coming as long a you can. I am living vicariously through them pics. Cheers.
Hi Pia :) Thanks! I am seeing some of these pods and checking around on the internet and many questionmarks are coming up. So many visuals of the same species, just the images don't look like mine lol... The Naga Viper for instance... the whole plant has these Scorpion/Mushroom pods with tails... yet I see other pics that suggest the Naga Viper is more of a Naga Morich shape... getting very confusing I must say. Those pics will keep coming as long as there is daylight and summer temps ;)
While chopping and de-seeding the chillies I cam across a seed that was hooking inside a Jawala. I have often seen baby pods inside pods and I guess this is it. Seeds germinationg inside pods... strange!
- Another great update!
- Will be interesting to read your take on the Naga Viper.
- Surprised you didn't marinate a steak on top of that drenched chopping board
- Keep dat great work going my South African Brethren ^_^