• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

Hi All,

So I'll give it another try this year. God knows I love chillies and I would love nothing more than to have a bumper harvest... but I suspect the truth of the matter is I do not have green fingers. In fact, give me a chilli and I will be pretty guaranteed to kill it lol That's not negativity talking, that's reality based on last years experiences lol

Last year it was pots. This year its a farm east of Pretoria, here in South Africa. My reasoning for this madness is pretty much like a hunter hunting with a machine gun... out of the thousand seedlings I plant... I must walk away with something lol (I hope).

So I have a pice of land. Good soil down by a river in the african sun.

The planting area has been divided into two sections. An enclosed area (±40mx40m) with shade netting and an open area (±40mx40m). Water is limited, but there is borehole water.

Outside Area:

Inside Area:

Temps this time of the year are in the mid to high 30ºC. It's the rainy season, so there is rain and it comes in buckets and hail-stones!

So here are the pics I took of the inside and outside areas Saturday 6/10/2012. It was 37ºC that day. I have a video as well which I took last Sunday when I started the planting (to come). Luckily we have a cold front at the moment, so since monday it has been overcast, cool and we have rain (magic). I think its about 23/25ºC at the moment. I planted on Sunday (36ºC) early morning (24/25ºC) and late afternoon and pretty much watered for the rest of the day. Didn't look like rain at all... but it's here and could not have come at a better time really!

As you can see I have laid out the beds in rows. Planting is at 45-60cm intervals. I am doing a little experiment also with double planting and single planting. I suspect the yield will be lower with the bushes that have been double planted... but who knows. A different climate... maybe results will show different.

On the grow list:

Bishops Crown
PeriPeri (naturally)
Hot Pixie
Thai Dragon
Baby Belle
Cal Wonder
Yellow Scorpions
Black Pearl
Naga Viper
White Hab
Orange Hab
Brown Hab
Red Hab
Big Jim
Long Thai
Carolina Reaper
Pasilla Bajio
7 Pod
Bhut Jolokia
Naga King
Scotch Bonnet
Hungarian Sweet Wax
Cherry Bomb
Boriya Mirch
Brain Strain
Ring of Fire

Still to come...

Angkor Sunrise
Devils Tongue White
Naga Morich
Devils Tongue Choc
Hab Choc

One or two other... but I can't remember.

First lot I planted on Sunday 7/10/2012.... details will follow...

Over and out for now!

Hey Ramon! Thank you... the thought had crossed my mind, but I have been doing so many taste test vids daily I have hit my absolute limit on the Capsaicin barometer lol - even for me! I think that chopping board will still be good to marinade steaks for years to come!

I seem to think my Naga Viper looks like the real deal. I have no idea... how does one actually know what the true pods look like. There are so many variations - it's difficult to know which is the correct phenotype...

Or does that pod look more like a ButchT? I don't know anymore lol
I seem to think my Naga Viper looks like the real deal. I have no idea... how does one actually know what the true pods look like. There are so many variations - it's difficult to know which is the correct phenotype...

Another role for the Pepper Collective, to establish a database of all these new variations, identify/document accepted/preferred phenotypes, etc.
Hi Sawyer. You know, this is exactly it. This alone would sort the wheet from the chaff. I think this is most important... a database of chillies that lists all the important ones, showing the correct phenotypes, colouring etc.... I found a website that is trying to do exactly this: http://www.thechileman.org/

Unfortunately there are a lot of blanks! But for all of us that have no idea what a Naga Viper or a Bhut Jolokia or a Naga Morich or a Black Pearl should look... this would be the bible for chillies.

Chilli growers could register their hybrids possibly showing examples of their new entries. There would have to be a board of knowledgeable chilliheads to revue and approve entries. As I am sure there will be many entries that are possibly incorrect or mistaken identities.

But yea... what an asset to be able to buy seeds from a source, grow them and check to see that they are indeed what was sold to you. I think for most people who don't know... they will never know unless there is a reference to show them what that chilli should look like.

Anyway... I think this is a brilliant idea!
Lauren. Awesome grow man. On the pod varients. Most of these superhots are not even stable so you always will a great deal of variation. Most all you pods look very close to there parents unlike most of mine :dance:

So do you think the reaper is the hottest pod you have ever tasted? :shh:
Thanks for the feedback romy6! I am no expert, but I have tried a fair few. The Moruga oddly enough did not come close to the ButchT. This was previously the hottest pod I have ever taste tested. The pain around the tongue with the ButchT was unreal.... but the Carolina Reaper was definately more painful I would say. Not around the tongue, but around the back of the throat! It was hell on earth to say the least! Very Very painful! But that only ticks one box and I must say that the ButchT for me had no taste (or very little). The Reaper had flavour from the onset and once the pain subsided there was still flavour! But to answer your question, the Carolina Reaper is the hottest pod I have ever taste tested - yes!

I am eagerly awaiting the Primo, Brainstrain and Jonah... although I have tried a Jonah dried pod and it was not in the same league. Lovely taste and extruciatingly hot... but not on the same level :)
Hi Sawyer. You know, this is exactly it. This alone would sort the wheet from the chaff. I think this is most important... a database of chillies that lists all the important ones, showing the correct phenotypes, colouring etc.... I found a website that is trying to do exactly this: http://www.thechileman.org/

Unfortunately there are a lot of blanks! But for all of us that have no idea what a Naga Viper or a Bhut Jolokia or a Naga Morich or a Black Pearl should look... this would be the bible for chillies.

Chilli growers could register their hybrids possibly showing examples of their new entries. There would have to be a board of knowledgeable chilliheads to revue and approve entries. As I am sure there will be many entries that are possibly incorrect or mistaken identities.

But yea... what an asset to be able to buy seeds from a source, grow them and check to see that they are indeed what was sold to you. I think for most people who don't know... they will never know unless there is a reference to show them what that chilli should look like.

Anyway... I think this is a brilliant idea!
No board though... the one who decides what makes the cut is Julian, the sysadmin.
Hi Scott, what full grown plant are you referring to? I will try and take a better pic for you. This year I have gone for about 45x45cm and this just isn't enough. Makes it very difficult to navigate. But yea, let me know which plant and I will try and see if I have a pic or can take one for you!

I'm sorry I should have been more specific.

I'm getting close to planting Reapers, Red Caribbean, and Orange Habs in the garden. I've never grown them before, I also have a few primo's, bhut's and Moruga Scorpion's that are still way small.


You my brethren have been assimilated ;)
Are you going to join the Pepper Collective Ramon? One step for man, one giant step chillihead kind ;)

I'm sorry I should have been more specific.

I'm getting close to planting Reapers, Red Caribbean, and Orange Habs in the garden. I've never grown them before, I also have a few primo's, bhut's and Moruga Scorpion's that are still way small.


Scott you are a piromaniac for sure lol Those are some seriously hot chillies... what will you do with them? Sauce? Salsa? Powders?

No board though... the one who decides what makes the cut is Julian, the sysadmin.
I am not sure how one could do this on this website. One would need some sort of an archive system with indexing. Hmmm...

I think this is a great idea and it would give this site an incredible asset... a database of chillies that the commuity can compare to!
I use http://www.thechileman.org/ to look up pod types etc, and its very good. The problem is each chilli gets a photo (not always) and a caption. There is not a lot of standard information for each, just species, origin, and heat. Some of the information sounds like its cut and pasted from seed vendor sites, so its less descriptive and more marketing.

The idea of this database is awesome but the nuts and bolts of getting to work well are no small thing. I really like the idea of having a hybrid section where growers can upload their own creations.
Scott you are a piromaniac for sure lol Those are some seriously hot chillies... what will you do with them? Sauce? Salsa? Powders?

Well this year is find out what I like year, I have a some other milder peppers in the ground already, which the bugs seem to like....

I can say this after reading through all these glogs next years grow will include more variety. I intend to give a bunch away, what better way to get others to join our ranks?

And I do intend on making Sauces, Salsa, and the powders. I have some learning to do but that's half the fun!

I use http://www.thechileman.org/ to look up pod types etc, and its very good. The problem is each chilli gets a photo (not always) and a caption. There is not a lot of standard information for each, just species, origin, and heat. Some of the information sounds like its cut and pasted from seed vendor sites, so its less descriptive and more marketing.

The idea of this database is awesome but the nuts and bolts of getting to work well are no small thing. I really like the idea of having a hybrid section where growers can upload their own creations.
It is the beginning of something great. Awesome concept and one that is really missing. But point in case. I wanted to establish wether my Naga Viper is true to type... and there is no pic or info. Now as far as I am concerned, the Naga Viper is one of those chillies that is a keystone chilli... it should be documented.

A hybrid section would be great too. But the input data would be very much up to the grower which I think is where the problem would begin!

A really awesome idea... but how to go about it?

Well this year is find out what I like year, I have a some other milder peppers in the ground already, which the bugs seem to like....

I can say this after reading through all these glogs next years grow will include more variety. I intend to give a bunch away, what better way to get others to join our ranks?

And I do intend on making Sauces, Salsa, and the powders. I have some learning to do but that's half the fun!

Nothing quite like jumping in the deep end!
Wow...I had to skip a bit of the middle, but will go back are catch up when I got a bit more time on my hands...great job this season! Sorry I just found this, I get stuck in the "my content" section and trying to keep up with all the great glogs is getting tough! Will be watching from here on out and on the lookout for next season when the time comes...
Wow, I don't even know where to begin. Everything is looking fantastic, and you appear to be getting a huge crop of some pretty impressive looking pods. The nagalah really caught my attention, what am amazing looking pod! The tiny reaper with all tail is a hoot, and I think that definitely is the one to watch. Bring lots of milk along when you try to take on that fella!
Hi Lauren, Looks like you are in the fun time of your season, lots of ripe pods to taste, lots of fresh sauces to try out.
My grow is still in the beginning stage no since even taking pics as they are still to small to look at.
It looks like I will have several that are just singles with no bros or sises to take care of them so I will have to watch over them.
Most are struggling from lack of proper lighting, but its starting to warm up so pretty soon I can start taking them out to harden off.
Oh by the way I really like those Naga King Jolokia's if that is right, they look really hot? I have several red brain strains and some super scorpions that I can hardly wait to try along with some T.S. cardi's, my Butch T's didn't come up but i have some yellow Trinidads to make up for them.
Here's a Bump if you need one. :P
Wow...I had to skip a bit of the middle, but will go back are catch up when I got a bit more time on my hands...great job this season! Sorry I just found this, I get stuck in the "my content" section and trying to keep up with all the great glogs is getting tough! Will be watching from here on out and on the lookout for next season when the time comes...
Hey stc3248 - thanks for dropping in! I know what you mean. My side has been so busy I have had very little time to catch up with everyone else's glogs. Feel incredibly guilty, but between running my business, picking chillies, chopping the chillies, harvesting seeds and packaging, setting up my website, running this glog and my kids... theres not much time left lol And then theres the grolfriend that has her needs :) Oh the life of a chillihead!

Pretty cool link there Lauren. I'm going to have to check it out a little more in depth this weekend.
Hi RocketMan! I think so... it's really going places I think. I use it quite ofter, but do get a little frustrated as it is lacking a lot of content!

Wow, I don't even know where to begin. Everything is looking fantastic, and you appear to be getting a huge crop of some pretty impressive looking pods. The nagalah really caught my attention, what am amazing looking pod! The tiny reaper with all tail is a hoot, and I think that definitely is the one to watch. Bring lots of milk along when you try to take on that fella!
Hi Stefan, The Nagalahs are really nice. Very simillar to the Naga King Jolokia's just more red. I had the impression they were supposed to be more brown... but still good. Great taste, good burn. I do prefer the burn of the Indian Naga's/Jolokias/Rajas... its a slow consistent burn - as opposed to the bam wham thank you mam of the chinense's :) Not small pods either! No ore Reaper for me thanks. One pod a season is enough I think! That pod is at the top of my hazardous list for sure lol

Hi Lauren, Looks like you are in the fun time of your season, lots of ripe pods to taste, lots of fresh sauces to try out.
My grow is still in the beginning stage no since even taking pics as they are still to small to look at.
It looks like I will have several that are just singles with no bros or sises to take care of them so I will have to watch over them.
Most are struggling from lack of proper lighting, but its starting to warm up so pretty soon I can start taking them out to harden off.
Oh by the way I really like those Naga King Jolokia's if that is right, they look really hot? I have several red brain strains and some super scorpions that I can hardly wait to try along with some T.S. cardi's, my Butch T's didn't come up but i have some yellow Trinidads to make up for them.
Here's a Bump if you need one. :P
Hi Wildseed57. Now that I am in it... it feels like the fun time was when they were all young plants growing lol. The wishful thinking has almost turned into regret. Sorry to break the romantic notion... but the work load has quadrupled. Today we were at the farm from 8am till 6pm, picking and watering chillies all day... and now we are home, we have to chop and deseed dozens of kilos of pods... but, I have a fire going and music going and it feel almost bearable lol.

Summer is definately heading your way. Our days have cooled off considerably. Day time temps are down to about 27/32ºc. Night time temps are 17ºc at the farm. A few clicks south were I live night time temps are down to 14/15ºc... But as we get cooler, you will be heating up - not long now for you guys in the north!

The Naga King Jolokia is an amazing chilli - it really is. I tried a pod last season and fell in love. Its a big pod. The plant is actually quite big - about 1,5m at the moment and more and more pods coming on. Good yield! The taste is simply amazing! The burn is awesome... it just goes on forever - as only the indian chillies can :)

The ButchT in my books is pipped to that totem pole of pain by the Reaper and the Reaper had really good flavours on its side... but that ButchT is painful beyond belief :) What that pod will do to your tongue is truly unreal.

Keep tuned... more pictures from todays harvest coming shortly :)
lol lisdexia is a side effect of eating superhots. But if all else fails PeriPeri is easier to write lol

Thank you Coron :rofl: :rofl:

;) I hope you have a peaceful Easter Conor!