• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

Hi All,

So I'll give it another try this year. God knows I love chillies and I would love nothing more than to have a bumper harvest... but I suspect the truth of the matter is I do not have green fingers. In fact, give me a chilli and I will be pretty guaranteed to kill it lol That's not negativity talking, that's reality based on last years experiences lol

Last year it was pots. This year its a farm east of Pretoria, here in South Africa. My reasoning for this madness is pretty much like a hunter hunting with a machine gun... out of the thousand seedlings I plant... I must walk away with something lol (I hope).

So I have a pice of land. Good soil down by a river in the african sun.

The planting area has been divided into two sections. An enclosed area (±40mx40m) with shade netting and an open area (±40mx40m). Water is limited, but there is borehole water.

Outside Area:

Inside Area:

Temps this time of the year are in the mid to high 30ºC. It's the rainy season, so there is rain and it comes in buckets and hail-stones!

So here are the pics I took of the inside and outside areas Saturday 6/10/2012. It was 37ºC that day. I have a video as well which I took last Sunday when I started the planting (to come). Luckily we have a cold front at the moment, so since monday it has been overcast, cool and we have rain (magic). I think its about 23/25ºC at the moment. I planted on Sunday (36ºC) early morning (24/25ºC) and late afternoon and pretty much watered for the rest of the day. Didn't look like rain at all... but it's here and could not have come at a better time really!

As you can see I have laid out the beds in rows. Planting is at 45-60cm intervals. I am doing a little experiment also with double planting and single planting. I suspect the yield will be lower with the bushes that have been double planted... but who knows. A different climate... maybe results will show different.

On the grow list:

Bishops Crown
PeriPeri (naturally)
Hot Pixie
Thai Dragon
Baby Belle
Cal Wonder
Yellow Scorpions
Black Pearl
Naga Viper
White Hab
Orange Hab
Brown Hab
Red Hab
Big Jim
Long Thai
Carolina Reaper
Pasilla Bajio
7 Pod
Bhut Jolokia
Naga King
Scotch Bonnet
Hungarian Sweet Wax
Cherry Bomb
Boriya Mirch
Brain Strain
Ring of Fire

Still to come...

Angkor Sunrise
Devils Tongue White
Naga Morich
Devils Tongue Choc
Hab Choc

One or two other... but I can't remember.

First lot I planted on Sunday 7/10/2012.... details will follow...

Over and out for now!

Holy Cow Lourens! Is that a 5 liter tub of hot sauce?
Yup, I have another 14 of those :D Got some awesome PeriTabsco sauce, Mixed Salsa and a special Superhot Salsa as well... this winter it will be cold outside... but it will be warm inside! May the toilet paper permanently have a place in my freezer lol

Lourens dat skull & crossbones looks killer, but blue … why not red, lols ;)

I would love to taste your sauce, too bad I’m so far away :/ I’m betting it goes great on all your favorite foodies, awesome job brethren! I agree with you on pods & cooking, while they are great in all foods, there is nothing like eating fresh pods! Now it’s your turn in the kitchen, before you were too busy with that huge grow of yours and now we’re counting on you. We will need daily if not bi-daily updates with pictures of what’s going on with all dem tons of peppers you’ve so painstakingly harvested. Don’t let the ball drop, part of what inspired me to post many foodies in my glog was your frequent visits and drooling, now it’s my turn to drool :D

Have a great week Mon!
Ramon, you got me there! lol I agree 100%... black or red would have been more threatening lol

I just love fresh salsa. It broke my heart to boil all those chillies. But I have a stash of private reserve salsa that just tastes divine. And got some pucker heat to go with it. I will have to raise that bar way too high to meet your standards in the kitchen my friend. But I will give it a try and if I even get half a drool from you I shall consider it a job well done!

We have a holiday tomorrow... 3 guesses what I will be doing? lol
… Ramon, you got me there! lol I agree 100%... black or red would have been more threatening lol
Only joking mi brethren I too grab the first permanent marker I can reach, thus the wink.

I just love fresh salsa. It broke my heart to boil all those chillies. But I have a stash of private reserve salsa that just tastes divine. And got some pucker heat to go with it.
Me too, fresh is da kine Mon! That said, I’d freeze a whole bunch for other purposed, make a few pounds of powder and various individual sauces if I were in your shoes. Fermentation and pickled too, good luck with what ever paths you take, you can’t go wrong with all dem chili’s as long as you don’t let them rot ;)

I will have to raise that bar way too high to meet your standards in the kitchen my friend. But I will give it a try and if I even get half a drool from you I shall consider it a job well done!
WalkGood looks over shoulder, hmm you must be talking about Greg’s cooking, mine’s not all that special. I just like to show what I do with the few chili’s I harvest … BTW I’m saving 1 out of every pod eaten to powder, I’m years behind you lol but already have 2 baggies in da freezer and soon come a nice harvest time \o/

We have a holiday tomorrow... 3 guesses what I will be doing? lol
I’m looking forward to seeing your creations and that sauce you made looks great! Have a wonderful holiday Mon ^_^
Only joking mi brethren I too grab the first permanent marker I can reach, thus the wink.

Me too, fresh is da kine Mon! That said, I’d freeze a whole bunch for other purposed, make a few pounds of powder and various individual sauces if I were in your shoes. Fermentation and pickled too, good luck with what ever paths you take, you can’t go wrong with all dem chili’s as long as you don’t let them rot ;)

WalkGood looks over shoulder, hmm you must be talking about Greg’s cooking, mine’s not all that special. I just like to show what I do with the few chili’s I harvest … BTW I’m saving 1 out of every pod eaten to powder, I’m years behind you lol but already have 2 baggies in da freezer and soon come a nice harvest time \o/

I’m looking forward to seeing your creations and that sauce you made looks great! Have a wonderful holiday Mon ^_^
You can't go grabbing any old marker in my house... cause the burn will get you lol Good news is my kids know never to touch dads markers lol

It a good holiday for making some more sauce lol
Lourens, You are a quality guy and I just know your business venture will do great things. I don't look at you as a competitor but as a friend so if there is anything I can do to help you out I'll be delighted to help. We've learned a lot in 25 years of being in business.....so email me or call me if we can give you any guidance or tips. You probably won't need us....but if you do we're here for you. Fiery Regards, Pepper Joe
Lourens, You are a quality guy and I just know your business venture will do great things. I don't look at you as a competitor but as a friend so if there is anything I can do to help you out I'll be delighted to help. We've learned a lot in 25 years of being in business.....so email me or call me if we can give you any guidance or tips. You probably won't need us....but if you do we're here for you. Fiery Regards, Pepper Joe
Hi Pepper Joe. Thank you my friend! This is a great honour and I will most certainly be in touch with you. Your business is an absolute Icon in the chillihead community globally. I will be contacting you for sure - thank you for the offer! Great news on the Carolina Reaper forum... looks like there is some exemplary pods coming to the fore! Even more impressive than the ones I posted. I will be in touch soon!
Ok where's the new sauce pics, foodie, processing pics, etc., etc. ... it aint over till we say it's over, lols ... On a more serious note I hope you're enjoying all the heat \o/
Ok where's the new sauce pics, foodie, processing pics, etc., etc. ... it aint over till we say it's over, lols ... On a more serious note I hope you're enjoying all the heat \o/
Ramon! Time to make your keyboard wet my friend lol... got a very nice salsa on the go. A blend of pretty much every chilli I grew this season. Its rich, its complex, its very very hot and man its going to keep this winter all fired up. I only have about 15 litres so far though... it's taking a while to process it all. Pictures will follow shortly :)
Hey PeriPeri

Not to Hijack your thread with my pictures but thought I would add something.

Don't worry about the Bahamian Goat Peppers not having a 'tail' they don't really get them ... more like a scotch bonnet shape when they are pod "perfect" which they often are not




As for your Mystery pods ... I think they may be similar to what I got from Jungle Rain as a mystery superhot. They are not a superhot though but they grow upright (sagging once they get bigger) and are shaped like your pods you posted
They are certainly a chinense though



The two pods on either side of the Yellow 7 (at the edges) are off the Mystery plant .... very similar to yours I thought??
Hi Trippa, thanks for the pics! :) Hey all smiles here now. I thought my Bahamian Goats where possibly Bohemian Sheep :D Nice to know that fespite their aphid set back... they are still true to form. I am hoping to get those in this season still. I saw last week they were turning colour. So holding thumbs!

The red mystery pods I have are definately Equidorian Sweets. I have done the taste test... with that sweet flavour and heat it has to be them. The seeds came from a local supplier off whom I actually bought a plant. A lot of her plants turned out bogus. This is the problem with seed suppliers who do not catalogue seeds properly. But it was a good end result, as the Equadorian Sweet is really awesome. It's much like a Cherry Bomb really... but much sweeter... possibly a little hotter. Loads of seeds.. so those will be going on my site as well.
Going to the farm today to see the effects of the colder weather for sure. Hope some of the tail enders have had a chance to change colour! I think most of today will be dedicated to putting my specials into packets... So many chillies still on those outside plants - I will try and bring those in as well.

On my own today. Me girlfriend has deserted me. So flying solo today. Who knows maybe I will get more done :D :D :D
Hi Rick,
Geez sorry folks, I got so far behind on my work, I had to just put chilli related things completely aside! Have kind of caught up again phew! I have images from last weekend... (a couple) that I will load. And will be going again tomorrow... but things are real slow at the moment. Frost has held off thus far... but I have started bagging the keepers and have set them up in my garage that gets good light throughout the day. Nice thing is I just roll up the door in the mornings and the chillies are set for the day.
I have ButchT's, Scotch Bonnet Peach Long, Yellow CardixBhut, ButchTxJonah and a couple of others that have been brought in and are changing colour. I will post some of those shortly too.
I will take some pictures tomorrow for sure and get some eye candi for you all.
I also have to catch up on all your glogs... it's a flurry of activity up in the north I see lol Spring must be in the air...
AWOL in my case meaning I drowned myself in a bath of superhot salsa :D

So, back home, the Jalapeno's are going ripe. Nice big ones this year :)

Back at the ranch...
The Bahamian Goats are ripening hoooray!

Now I did a taste test of these babies and man they are delicious! Not a hectic burn. The one I ate was about entry level Haba heat. But absolutely lovely flavour and most importantly an nice overall burn... I really like these! Love the colour and shape too... just like a Scotch Bonnet on top... lovely folds. Gets my thumbs up!

Nice size pods too. I can see why these are so in demand!

Them Bhuts have started coming in. Still a lot of green ones... but I should be getting them in this weekend. Otherwise I'm bagging and letting them ripen indoors.

Those Naga KIng Jolokias seem un-affected by the cooler weather. Ok the pods are much smaller... but the plant is still looking 100%. Don't get me started on this chilli... it absolutely rocks my favourites.

The ButchT x Bhut has produced like a winner. It's still churning out pods. I am picking them when orange now and letting the ripen off the plant. I have noticed that they are loosing their shape somewhat in the colder weather. In fact all the chillies are loosing their classic shape somewhat.

The Red Fatalii... seems un-affected by the colder weather. Still producing nice pods. The Yellow Fatalii's are definateluy showing signs of slowing down. Pods are getting smaller and shape too is being affected on the Yellow Fatalii's...

Still waiting for them Purple Tigers to turn red... certainly one of the prettiest plants in the garden.

The Scotch Bonnet Peach Long are massive and taking their sweet time. These were bagged last weekend and brought inside. They have been changing colour now... I will post images later!

Those ButchTxJonah are looking very intimidating. A match made in heaven I reckon :) I also bagged these last weekend and have brought them indoors. They have now started changing colour... I just can't wait to try these. I reckon this could be a real mean combination!

Anyone for a Bump please :)

Could someone give me a Bump please :)
WalkGood said:
Ya mon! a bump as the doctor ordered :)
Thank you my Friend!

A real Autumn picture... Those Bishops and Baby Belle Pimento's are still churning out pods. Really incredible producers those.

Equidorian Sweet still producing loads of pods.

The Reapers have now closed shop for the season. Pods are small and most pods don't even look like Reaper pods anymore. But there are still one or two. As small as this one might  be... lol it's got a stinger of note. Having tried these... I would not want to be on the receiving end of this tiny little pod. The Reaper (even this small one) is hectic! Tasty, but really kicks like a mule!

ButchT is now changing colour... this was bagged and brought in last weekend. Really changing colour now :)

Ok now... this was a horror! The Yellow Cardi X Bhut did not like the colder weather at all... :(
I have bagged this and am trying to turn this plant around... but I am struggling. Looks like this plant has decided to shut down.
This is like a scene out of texas chainsaw... so don't look if you are squeemish guys!

But I am hoping I can get the pods to change colour :) Holding thumbs!

A lot of the pods are looking un-recognisable. This is my Brown Bhuts... but hey, I'm glad I am at least getting them in. Really tasty these and a nice corker of a burn too.

That's all the pics from last week folks. I did spend most of the time bagging and picking chillies. So not much time to take pictures. Also, with all the plants going into winter, picture opportunities are limited.
I will post some more pics later of the plants I bagged. Some nice developments on the pods. Lots of colour!
I will only be going to the farm tomorrow now. Kids... plans have to change!
Chat soon!
Nice pics of the chiles winding down Lourens. It looks like there's still plenty of heat coming out of your garden!
It's finally warming up here pretty well, but as usual we've been getting strong wind when that happens. I took down the hoophouses so I've gotta stake up the chiles and eggplant. Cheers!
A whole lot of great fire and great pods left in your garden Lourens, thanks for sharing dem pics! In the end will you leave any plants in the ground, I’m curious to see how they fair … Have a great weekend ^_^