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pet lovers

bentalphanerd said:
My 'Dangerous' Dog ( I had to sign a waiver when I got her from the dog pound (shelter).

Yes, well, she's got her legs under her, ready to lunge and rip out your throat!!1!

I got a small discount on my home owner's insurance because Matilda is a large dog and I took her to obedience lessons.


You can see how dangerous and unstable she is as she nervously eyes seven pound Zoe, whom she's afraid will go after her tail again.
bentalphanerd said:
Make sure they're house trained before you invite one home tho :whistle:

One would think that it is one of the universal laws of hospitality that the guest should *not* pee on the hostesses' sofa, be the guest four-legged or two. Whilst one might be forgiving of a small accident against a kitchen cupboard by the former, the latter can expect to have their nose rubbed into any accidents they have, and to be locked into the backyard beerless forthwith.
Pam said:
One would think that it is one of the universal laws of hospitality that the guest should *not* pee on the hostesses' sofa, be the guest four-legged or two.

how about 8 legs? ;)



actually..spiders don't pee. they sort of take care of everything with one go.
thirsty too. :D the coloration of that genus is very nice..that is one of my favorite species of the group too..and a favorite of mine out of any of them. the coloration on the underside of their legs is a warning..they rear up and lift the front two sets of legs to display their fangs and make themselves look bigger when they feel threatened. they have some of the more potent venom amongst tarantulas.

had some four legged pets in the past.

our old miniature schnauzer. she was about 14 years old in that pic..she got pretty bad, so we wound up putting her down.

my parents new dog..well they've had it for a year or year and a half or so..this one they weren't 100% sure what it was exactly..was a rescue. they are fairly sure it's a lab/poodle mix.

then we had a couple cats at my old house.

a little stray we took in for a while.
and terminator cat that my roommate rescued then later wound up giving it to this girl we know since she had a cat and it didn't have anyone to hang out with while she was at work...neither did our cat.

he liked my spiders though..had to keep my door shut when i wasn't there, and keep an eye on him while he was in there with me.

still...i miss all my little ones that had no interest in getting to know me.
tasty water dish (bottled water cap)
I like your spiders more than the cats. I can't justify having a cat in Oz, not that I'd harm one. We have a lot of Huntsman spiders here - locally they're called 'heart attacks' they kind of leap out from behind things when disturbed :lol:
xgrafcorex said:
how about 8 legs? ;)

I have spiders in the house that I won't let anyone kill, much to my mother's horror. The spiders catch the flies that sneak in to have a go at the cat food. I just can't be arsed to get all upset over a few cobwebs when the spiders provide such an organic method of fly control.
huntsman are pretty cool..i caught one outside of my parents front door in tampa. they get pretty big!

took my snake out last night..first time in a while.. took some pics with autofocus.



Pam said:
I have spiders in the house that I won't let anyone kill, much to my mother's horror. The spiders catch the flies that sneak in to have a go at the cat food. I just can't be arsed to get all upset over a few cobwebs when the spiders provide such an organic method of fly control.

Nice one Pam - they're also good at cockroach control. They have a lot of competition with the geckos and skinks though.
Pam said:
Is she a rat snake? What a beauty!

well it's a corn snake..but i guess they are kinda the same thing. Elaphe guttata guttata. actually i think a rat snake is a different subspecies of E. guttata. i love that snake though..very docile..hasn't tried to bite me or anyone ever. it tried to slither down the inside of my sleeve a few times.

like my floridian tan? haha
xgrafcorex said:
well it's a corn snake..but i guess they are kinda the same thing. Elaphe guttata guttata. actually i think a rat snake is a different subspecies of E. guttata. i love that snake though..very docile..hasn't tried to bite me or anyone ever. it tried to slither down the inside of my sleeve a few times.

like my floridian tan? haha

I thought corn snakes had more orange-ish or reddish pigmentation. Guess that's why you're the expert, not me. My ex-boss kept one in her office for years that was a very gentle corn snake...you know, unless you were a mouse. Scared the house keeping staff silly, though. They wouldn't even empty the trashcan.
haha it's funny how scared of them people can get. most of them are gentle as a puppy..like you said though..as long as you aren't food. handling food without washing your hands can elicit a bite as well. they smell it and go into feeding mode.

corns come in all kinds of colors and patterns. that's one reason they are so popular. breeders have been selectively breeding for a while and have made new color forms or new patterns with existing color forms. http://www.moreptiles.com/cornsnake gallery.htm that's a good list of different ones...they come with the normal saddle pattern, stripes, zig zags, and even solid coloration. my favorite is the reverse okeetee which is on that list..only i've seen some nicer pics of them.

also, the nicer or more rare a particular coloration/pattern is, the more expensive they are. the one in the pics i last posted me only cost me $20 as an unsexed snake born that same year.
took a few more pics tonight since the snake was out and about.



it carded me since i was drinking.. the license is actually upside down..i hadn't drank that much though. :P
