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photography Pet picture thread!

Don't give your dog -
Bones or  rawhide chews from places like china.
The U.S.. Canada somewhat regulate stuff used to manufacture stuff.
China etc. use formaldehyde when they make their chews.
A lot of the bones sold for dogs in the net packages is just dryed bones (fat etc.).
Bad news!
HINT: Cut Dino Bones into 2in. slices.
They are full of Marrow.
Pooper snoopers eat only the Marrow.
I get the same bone in the pic from the grocery store(soup bone),
Take it to the band saw...Any saw.
I boil them to kill any nasty in them.
Dogs eat the ends,knuckles.
They don't eat the other bone slices.
Knuckles have more good stuff on them I think.
Cartilage and softer bones or?
We are no longer a dogless house!.  We only waited about 6 months after putting down our second dog in 1.5 years.  The house has felt like it was missing something this entire time.  We had two purebred weimaraners that we love(d) dearly.  Money is tight these days so paying for a purebred dog was out of the question.  When I saw this weim/lab mix on a dog rescue site I jumped on the opportunity.  This guy is 1 year old looks like a wiem but is lazy like a lab around the house.  He is so calm compared to the hyper girls we had.  I will try to get a better pic up soon when I break out the DSLR.  Welcome home Vinny!
Yay Vinnie! He is very handsome! All the newest pics are funny everyone!
My two favorite breeds of dogs are Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Sheppard. Both breeds are exceptional herd and farm protectors. My coworkers just had a litter of 8 puppies that are a mix of both...........I soooooooo want one of these puppies!
We don't really keep any actual "pets". We do keep various tarantula species, snake species, scorpion species and other "bugs". It would take half the night to post all of them, so I will just post this mature male Grammastola rosea we picked up earlier this evening to breed with one of our mature females. Haven't even taken him out of his container yet, which is making him rather grouchy since he keeps raking his fangs on the edge of the container and producing that lovely "nails on a chalkboard" sound.

TNR edit: Provided we get a good ootheca from the pairing, we will be interested in trades for pepper products and/or other invertebrates.
You little @#$%!!! I was cleaning our 2.5" Brachypelma boehmi's tub last night and this evil little spider, which is usually content just flicking ultricating hairs at me (those are loads of fun as well!), had a go at me and tagged me. I'm sure glad it is still small and not an old world species! The bite was comparable to a bee sting and itched like crazy for a bit. Nothing serious. I REALLY HATE THIS TARANTULA!!! If I didn't spend so much on it I would taken my size 12 boot to it a long time ago!

The little jerk that nailed me. Brachypelma boehmi (aka Mexican fire leg tarantula)
husker,you name that pooch yet?
t-bone rules musky
uh spider dude.   you mean your spider actually bit you? :rofl:    
reminds me of a joke.
a lady finds a dying snake and takes it home and nurses it.
after a coupe months of caring,feeding and providing shelter the snake bites her
the lady as she lays dying ask the snake:   i cared for you why woud you bite me/
the snake says:  "look lady you knew i was a snake."
sicman said:
uh spider dude.   you mean your spider actually bit you? :rofl:    
reminds me of a joke.
a lady finds a dying snake and takes it home and nurses it.
after a coupe months of caring,feeding and providing shelter the snake bites her
the lady as she lays dying ask the snake:   i cared for you why woud you bite me/
the snake says:  "look lady you knew i was a snake."
Yeah... Something like that... ;)
Just a head up on the rawhide thing mentioned a page back…. If you are looking for rawhide from the states go to Target, most their dog treats (the boots and barkley brand i believe) are 100% american rawhide.  Its usually cheaper than pet stores too!  
sicman said:
reminds me of a joke.
a lady finds a dying snake and takes it home and nurses it.
after a coupe months of caring,feeding and providing shelter the snake bites her
the lady as she lays dying ask the snake:   i cared for you why woud you bite me/
the snake says:  "look lady you knew i was a snake."
On the note of snake bites, I bet I could match ole Steve Irwin bite for bite! I've taken thousands of nips from non-venomous species over the years, mostly from young colubrids (corns, milks, kings, bulls, etc), amazon tree boas and baby carpet pythons. It comes with the territory when you breed snakes. My worst bites would be a toss up between a massive adult female coastal carpet python (close to 10 foot) and a 7ft male dumerils boa. Neither of which even required a bandaid.
Give me any of those bites over that little spider bite any day of the week!
sicman said:
a lady finds a dying snake and takes it home and nurses it.
after a coupe months of caring,feeding and providing shelter the snake bites her
the lady as she lays dying ask the snake:   i cared for you why woud you bite me/
the snake says:  "look lady you knew i was a snake."
     Am I the only one who feels like that old lady every time I vote?