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photography Pet picture thread!

Boy do I agree.
But don't only take the stupid owners but also the damn politicians who made this extremely stupid law. They don't have to prove that your dog is of the "wrong" breed. No it's you who have to prove that it's not. And if you can't - well so long bye bye - they actually murder the dogs. (yes I know that murder is a strong word  but that's how I feel).
The forbidden breeds are: Pitbull, Tosa Inu, Amstaff, Fila Brasiliero, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog, Boerboel, Kangal, Central Asian Ovtcharka, Caucasian Ovtcharka, South Russian Ovtcharka, Tornjak and Sarplanina.
Nulle said:
Boy do I agree.
But don't only take the stupid owners but also the damn politicians who made this extremely stupid law. They don't have to prove that your dog is of the "wrong" breed. No it's you who have to prove that it's not. And if you can't - well so long bye bye - they actually murder the dogs. (yes I know that murder is a strong word  but that's how I feel).
The forbidden breeds are: Pitbull, Tosa Inu, Amstaff, Fila Brasiliero, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog, Boerboel, Kangal, Central Asian Ovtcharka, Caucasian Ovtcharka, South Russian Ovtcharka, Tornjak and Sarplanina.
Nevermind that pitbulls are the single most obedient breed once trained. The fact that they fight isn't because they're aggressive, it's because they love people so much that they'll hurt themselves and other dogs to make them happy.
These are my furry friends:
Sadie, a 6 year old Border Collie:

Raiden, a 3 year old Boxer:

Ella, our newest addition that we adopted 2 weeks ago from a shelter (she is 10 weeks old):
beer2beer said:
This is Mequetréfi, one of my 4 cats.
A hug!
*EDIT: Trying a new image hosting, please let me know if image is too big/small and/or any problems you may have about it. Thanks in advance!
No problems!
Wonderful kitten!
In the end no one wanted last cat we found, so today we neutered her (she's older than how it seems), now i'm going to take her back home.

Here are a couple of shots of our Shiba Inu, Yoshi, who passed away this past January.  Great pup and missed a lot.


And here is our Border Collie, Monty.  He's about 10 years old and almost blind, but still playful and likes playing fetch with his Deedle Dude (from Amazon... nice toy for a vision-impared pup):

And the noisiest member of our family, and Umbrella Cockatoo named Chicken.  We did not name him... if we had, his name would probably be Houdini or Mega Destructron, Destroyer of Everything ;)
There is a reason for all the chains and padlocks on his cage :)

We recently got a Keeshond puppy as well, and I'll get some pics of her up when I can pull them off the other computer.  She's a pretty lil thing, but I think she is part piranha :)
Edit: Restored links
At the wife's insistance, I took a couple of shots of the puppy.  She's 12 weeks old today, as my wife so nicely reminded me :)
She is a Keeshond, named Princess Kneesaa



She is already sitting and shaking on command (although, she's now in the habit of automatically putting her paw up as she is sitting down...lol).
I'll try to get some better pics of Monty and Kneesaa when I have the missus here to help wrangle them :)
Edit: Restore links and add a pic  :P