chinense PexPeppers Vs Butch T trinidad scorpion

I think the shades are way cool. I enjoyed the video, i dont care what kinda Butch T it was, i wouldnt have the nerve to do it, you looked very smooth during the naration. I bet you could win loads of dough in pepper eating contests. P.S. if you do snort hot pepper powder please make a video!
Can I send you a pepper and you video tape eating it for us? You can take your pick of the pepper. 7 Pot, red, brown or yellow, Trinidad Scorpion, chocolate or yellow, Bhut Jolokia, red, chocolate or yellow. Just pick one and it's on the way.
Looks like you got a pretty mellow one. Not all of them hit the 1.4 million number, I'd bet most don't come close.

I'm not putting you down, on the contrary anyone who has the nerve to pop one of these into their mouth has my respect, I sure as heck ain't going to do it. It's that I've never met anyone or seen any video of someone eating a superhot and they have zero reaction. No sweat, no drooling, no snot running and only one sniffle, no facial movements, no change in your voice.

I'm having a difficult time believing that was a Butch T Trinidad Scorpion that went into your mouth.

send me 2 and i will eat one on live webcam.
I think the shades are way cool. I enjoyed the video, i dont care what kinda Butch T it was, i wouldnt have the nerve to do it, you looked very smooth during the naration. I bet you could win loads of dough in pepper eating contests. P.S. if you do snort hot pepper powder please make a video!

when I opened the seed pack of my new mexico chili seeds from NMSU it left my nose burning. then i decided after opening packet 2 to take a sniff. bad idea....
I have NO DOUBT that was a Butch T! Pex can eat some heat! You rock dude! I think I'm being challenged by salsalady this weekend with A Butch T. It was cool talking with you guys the other night! We'll have to do it again!
One Chocolate Scorpion it is. I don't have a ripe one right now but it won't be long. Going to be a couple of rules I would ask you to follow. I'm going to put a piece of masking tape with my signature on it around the pod. When you show the pepper please show my name on the tape. From that point on keep the pepper in view at all times. If the pepper ever goes out of sight then the challenge ends.

You eat this pepper and have the same lack of reaction like you did with the TS Butch T I'll send you enough pepper powder to get you through the next year and apologize for doubting you. If you suffer and have problems handling it you come clean about the Butch T. Deal?

One last thing, are you immune to capsaicin? Are you one of the rare individuals who doesn't feel the heat from capsaicin?

You stepping up for this is good. I'll let you know when the pepper is on the way.
Anyway I can talk you into something else? Not sure I'm going to get any chocolate scorpions to ripen. Weather is turning cool. How about a 7 Pot Barrackpore?
i do agree with you its deff not the heat of the butch T regularly is, but it was still damn hot. sure a barrackpore would be fine, id love one of those mushroom cloud lookin crosses you have too :)
Awesome Pex, thank you.

I'll see if I can find one of each for you. Keep the seeds of the 7 Jonah cross, I remember you wanting some from me. I'll put a few MadBallZ seeds in the package too.

I'll post here when the pods are on the way.