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PH and shelf life.

I just made my first sauce and was wondering a few things. I used some liquid PH testing stuff that is used for hydroponics (I put it in a teaspoon of sauce and it turned really red. I assume that this type of PH testing can be used for the sauce?
Also, I was wondering, with a PH this low, my sauce should be safe for at least a week or longer right?
Yeah there is no worries using that kind of ph tester, Texasclosetgrower uses it and he is still with us!! I would personally trust a sauce with a ph lower than 4 for a lot longer than a week. Usually the life if kept refridgerated is in the months, sometimes longer.
Pure and simple is the way to go. My sauces are all preservative and chemical free. 4.1 is your guide to be safe. This and below, stored in the fridge your fairly cool for a minimum of 3 months if not 6-9. Most sauces will stay stable at this temp if 4.1 and under. I get alot of my sauces tested officially through the brainiacs (microbiologists) but it depends on what level you are producing. Good luck with it! Drop me a pm if you want a hand with good natural ingrediants that help preserve without the vinegar taste?
