recipe Pho

Tonight's dinner Pho
Ingredients - Soup
2-1/2" sirloin roast
4 to 5 lbs. Beef bones
Whole onion
2 or 3 Star anise
Fresh ginger
Fish sauce
Hoison sauce
Garnish - 
Green onion 
Bean sprouts
Thai basil (I didn't have Thai basil so used Italian basil and 1 extra star Anise)
Sliced Jalapeno
The Pho:
1. Roast the beef bones at 425 degrees for about an hour
2. About 15 minutes in put the onion in with the beef bones

3. Mean while the bones are cooking toss the roast in the freezer for 20 to 30 minutes to firm up for slicing.

4. While the meat is in the freezer dice up some ginger get the Star Anise ready and a couple cloves of garlic
5. Slice meat and set aside while the bones and onion finish browning. 

6. After the beef bones and onion are browned all the kids into the pool and cover with water (about 4 quarts)



7. Simmer over low heat for 6 to 10 hours. I use (at my own caution) my Kerosun heater in the garage for low simmers.

8. About 1-1/2 hours before you want to eat soak an pack of rice noodles in cold water for 1 hour. 
9. About 20 minutes before you want to eat remove the stock pot from the heat and strain and collect the broth to separate out bones, garlic and ginger.
10. Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil. Drain the noodles from the cold water soak and cook in the boiling water for 1 minute.
11. Portion the noodles out into bowls and then ladle over hot broth and meats. 
12. Garnish with bean sprouts, lime, Jalapeno and cilantro 
Bon' Appetite 
I will add more pics as I make it though the process. 
Holly2015 said:
I apologize for the pictures being turned all directions I do not know how to correct them.
It is the stored EXIF Data that causes this.

Even if you don't have an iPhone (And this article talks about email orientation.), this is helpful, Why iPhone pictures flip when emailed, and how to fix it

Our intrepid leader posted this helpful hint.
The Hot Pepper said:
If you edit the pic before uploading it will upload correctly. Editing it "saves" the orientation instead of using native, which would be the way you held the phone. Really it is uploading correctly, but other sites like FB have better software that read the orientation EXIF.
Holly2015 said:
I went in and rotated the pics on my iphone then re-emiled them to myself then deleted the old and reposted the new. I'm sure fo rthe comuter savy thre is a much easier way. 
I don't have this issue with an 8 year old android so you're head & shoulders above me! Especially deleting the originals - replacement with corrected pix in correct order as I always have issues with the multi step pix posting hoops we have to jump through. Unless of course you have a "quickie" method you can share?
Didn't mean to hijack your thread & wanted to compliment you on the thoroughness of explanation/pix your recipe!
Unfortunately no secrets here.
I type out the step by step then start inserting pictures between the steps. Or download all the pictures then cut and paste them in between the steps. Either way is equally as cumbersome gets the job done .
Thank you on the compliment. I try to make my posts easy to follow in hopes others who lack cooking confidence will say I can do that and then do that.  
I love pho, never been able to come close trying to do it myself.  This looks good.  Do you fish out the sliced beef and serve it?  For the blandness, maybe it just needs more salt/tamari/soy?  or Miso???? I dunno~~~
Thanks for sharing.
Oh!  do you have a plated pic?  You know, the Money Shot?  Even tho it's only noodle soup, it would still look good with the garnishes.
Yes the bones and onion were plucked out then the meats and broth seperated. The beef was good by itself but all together it was just bland.
Salt was definitely lacking as was a strong beef flavor. Also liking the idea of adding tamarind sweet with a hit of sour. Maybe beef stock in lieu of water and  some other flavor profiles. Some heat would have been nice so maybe a Thai/Viet hybrid next time?? 
Failures are not negative and I have no problem posting them along with successes.  We can all learn. A failure is only a failure if you repeat it.
For the record rice noodle are like rice. A small amount of dried makes an enormous amount once rehydrated. I made two (2) 8oz packs of rice noodles and I could have fed 1/2 the neighborhood. I could have easily filled  a dozen bowls like in the pic.
I'm using the rest of the lime making gin and tonics with Plymouth Navy strength gin and Schweppes Tonic. That how I salvaged dinner:) 
My recipe is starting to rival some of the better pho places I've been to... Always tweaking though...

I like PHO too..purchase usually, have not tried making myself...Pl. share your recipe unless it's a family secret...looks good.
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A wise cook once told me secret recipes are the ones you share. The recipes that do not turn out well are the once you keep to yourself.
Depends on which side of the recipe one might be on.

Familia, maybe after 50 years...

Or leak a NotGood recipe to the competition....
1 yellow/white onion, cut across the equator. Do not trim the ends or remove the outer skin.
1 hunk of ginger, cut in half width wise. Do not skin.
Broil onion and ginger (cut sides up) until they are crispy/black, but not burnt.

Toast 1 pack of Old Man Que Huong Pho Bac Spice Seasoning - Gia Vi Pho Bac in a stainless saucepan.


Let spices cool and then place into provided spice bag. Tie closed.

3 hunks/pieces of beef bones. I use leg since it is easy to get frozen at the meat market. I'd use ox tails and tendon if I could get my hands on it for a reasonable price.

1 palm sugar "disc" Pure Palm Sugar. I use Cock Brand.

Everything above goes into an Instant Pot. 14 cups of water (estimate 2 cups of broth per serving).
High pressure for 4 hours. If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can rolling boil for 12-18 hours, no less.

Thin dried rice noodles. I get a kettle of water boiling, pour it over the dried noodles in a big bowl. Let sit for 5 mins. Drain the noodles, then add another batch of boiling water and sit for another 5 mins. Drain. This has been the best way I've been able to get the noodles to the right "doneness" once everything is assembled.

Thinly cut any lean piece of meat. Eye of round, flank, etc. Frozen thai beef meat balls are good too (thawed and reheated). Pick your protein (shrimp, goat, lamb, yak, you get my drift)

Thinly sliced green onion
Thinly sliced white onion
Chopped up cilantro
Wedges of lime
Thai basil if you got it
Mint if you got it.
Sliced jalapeno
Mung bean sprouts


Ladle ~ 2 cups of broth out of the Instant Pot into a small pot. Taking care not to get any onion or ginger.
Bring the broth up to a boil. Add 1 TBSP of white vinegar. About 3-4 TBSP of fish sauce. More or less to taste. Use the good stuff. Red Boat Premium, Tiparos, Mae Noy, Golden Boy.

In your big pho soup bowl, add a handful of the soaked noodles into the bottom of the bowl.
Add all of the garnishes above.

Take your meat, and put it into the small pot of boiling broth (~ 2 cups) for about 10-15 seconds. Immediately, take the broth and meat and pour it over the noodles and garnishes in your pho bowl. Squeeze your lime before it gets too hot in the bowl.

I use two shallow mini bowls (about 1.5 inches across) for sambal oelek and hoisin. Add a little bit of either or both to each pho spoonful with chopsticks.

Repeat assembly process daily for lunch/dinner until the broth is gone... I'm the only one in my family that eats it.

Feedback welcome.

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Thanks for posting the recipe...I'll have to gather the ingredients and take it from there,,probably after the holidays.
Some ingredients purchased....gonna have a go on christmas eve day....
Been working on this.....all day.....