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photography Photo Album

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Canon 100MM MACRO F 2.8
Yeah I should have been on to it and purchased this about 4-5 months ago ... exchange rate has dropped here since and its going for around $100 more then it was back then
Decided to give a DIY lightbox a try....and I was in luck..it was a Sam Adams night!

I covered it with regular printer paper (gonna go get some fabric when I go to town in the next day or two.  I am using a daylight CFL, but I think I could use a bit more light.  Any recommendations on a bulb type??  I heard if you don't use a daylight bulb, you will get a off-color. Also, I will probably get a bigger box, I just wanted to see how my camera would shoot in this situation.
Disregard the spider web...didn't notice until after the fact :(

Nice pics Matt. You can use tissue paper if you want to let in more light. As long as you capture the true color of the pod,I don't think the source matters a lot. I guess it comes down to what affect you want.Using a higher K flouro will give you a blueish color like you said. You can tinker with the settings,but your camera will never adjust like your eyes do. I say stick with the small box for pod shots and build a bigger one for next season when you are showcasing kord pots with young plants in them. 36x36 maybe.
I started off using that exact DIY box and used archival quality tissue paper. It worked great but was such a pain to always move around. It did allow me to better understand the tricks before buying a real setup. Nice shots. I later found I could achieve the same affect as the DIY using a large 11 x 14 sheet of crisp white paper and a MACRO lens shooting in a sun room diffused by white sheer shades..
Poked some holes in mine! hah I have it in the grow room so I don't have to move often. Kitchen faces west and late in the day. I can get some decent pod shots by moving the subjects just out of the direct light,or by using paper to reflect light onto them.


A quick trip to the lake-
The kid took these cloud shots reflected on the water and the sun on the wake-




First run for the kid and he's up!

Skiing's like riding a bike, you never forget how~



Nice SL. Fun times for sure. I miss wake boarding. Really like the second cloud shot and the second to last shot of you skiing. Good stuff.
Switched to Flickr,picture quality is way better than photobucket. Is the pro membership worth getting,anyone?? The free version is a bit of a pain to me and the mobile app is garbage unless you like FB,which I don't use.

Any tips on loading pics here via mobile,I'm clearly not as smart as my phone.
Pr0digal_son said:
Switched to Flickr,picture quality is way better than photobucket. Is the pro membership worth getting,anyone?? The free version is a bit of a pain to me and the mobile app is garbage unless you like FB,which I don't use.

Any tips on loading pics here via mobile,I'm clearly not as smart as my phone.
I like the pro account so I do not have to worry about space concerns. They recently changed the format and I am still getting used to it. It almost seems like they are going the ways of Windows surface type stuff. You cannot beat the quality however, pictures do not lose anything. 
Pictures are pristine! I never noticed how bad photobucket was on the pics,just on the videos mostly.It was nice to be able to use the IMG with photobucket,plus photobucket mobile you just tapped the code and it instantly copied it and you could paste it in an instant. Seems like a lot more pissing around with flickr. I have only used it twice so I will have to tinker. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
Pr0digal_son said:
Pictures are pristine! I never noticed how bad photobucket was on the pics,just on the videos mostly.It was nice to be able to use the IMG with photobucket,plus photobucket mobile you just tapped the code and it instantly copied it and you could paste it in an instant. Seems like a lot more pissing around with flickr. I have only used it twice so I will have to tinker. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
Once you click on the picture there is an arrow with more ways to share...has about every option known to man.
El gato likes to climb trees in the morning trying to make me late for work. One of these days she's gonna get the water hose when I get tired of climbing after her lol. 

Mysterious liquid that apparently fell from the sky last night.