• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

Time to get this Grow off the ground...

Well sort of...at least the indoor part of it.  Here's the current look at some of my outdoor containers. We've had higher than normal snow amounts since December. A couple of hard frosts to boot. That may kill alot of the spring White Fly that have been dominant the last 2 seasons.
A Couple Shots from the Most Recent Seasons

I've started out my seeds for many years in Dec/Jan, and no doubt will provide nice plants with rewarding harvests.
But when you have to start indoors under lights it comes with a cost of time, material and utilities. With some thought I've finally come to (my senses)  a conclusion. As of Febuary 1st I have roughly 14 weeks to plant out. I'm confident that I can raise healthy plants indoors in that span. So this year will be the test...who knows maybe next season will be a March startup.......a march to the finish !

This was my largest harvest last season, late August, 40+ lbs......a few hrs and many beers worth of picking.  
The harvests after this were a few bushels here and there down to the 5 bucket pulls once a week come late September.
Enough of the Old and in With the New...
Lights...Action......Camera !

Speaking of lights...my current and permanent grow area has been moved down to the sub basement. I gave up a spare bedroom which has been converted into a guest room........ :rolleyes:
I currently have alittle over half the room and lighting setups that I had last year.  I'm planning to use every bit of it.
When running over 4k of power you need to have enough "juice"  to supply the lights safely. Inaddition to the circuits I had in the past for the basement grow I've added 2 additional 20a dedicated runs. Also for those who don't, having a smoke detector within perimeter and a fire extinguisher nearby would be a good idea, especially when running HPS units.
I'm still in the process of mounting some lights, and unless they're being hard wired its a good idea to keep the power cables off the floor

Here's a photo of the plant framing before the shelving is put into place. The deminsions are 54" wide and 12' long.
There's 3 tiers....top has 7 six bulb high bay T8 fixtures, middle tier (shown) has 10 four bulb close spaced T8's with a 6 bulb T8 at each end. The bottom has currently 4 six bulb T8's with a few more being added. The sides have 70% Aluminet shade cloth with can be rolled up unto a pvc pipe and secured to the ceiling. The cloth can let air circulation through by the means of a fan(s). The ends of the framing have foiled faced styro insulated panels.
Here we have cups ready to go, each cup may have anywhere between 2 and 20 seeds depending on the variety.
I'm starting out alittle different with the seed soak this season. In the past I've used Potassium Nitrate (Salt Petre) for part of the soak. I'm out of it and its too late to order....what I'm doing instead is a 2 hr soak with 10% Hydrogen Peroxide/ water mix.......drain out then a 24hr soak with a brew of Chamomile Tea (4 tea bags to a gallon of distilled) plus one drop of Superthrive to the gallon. I haven't used the tea before but have heard excellent results in regards to damping off prevention or seed fungal issues.
The mediums for the indoor grow.....Hoffmans for the seed starter. For the potting up I'm using a mix of Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Pro-Mix. These will get equally mixed into thirds. My usual Fafards MetroMix is not in stock. These will give great results as I've used them in the past.
a few more shots later after dinner...........did some body say Octopus in Red Sauce.....yum
Spicegeist said:
Did you grow these from your 2012 seed?

These are looking nice... how are they turning out for you?  Do you think you'll grow them again?
Most of the Bonnet seeds were from 2012......A few from isolated pods...and some date back a few seasons, which have decent germination rates.
I will grow the Scotch Brains each season......they're F3's now......that reminds me, I need to isolate a branch.....lol.
I can't believe there's only a month and a half left of good growing. This seasons weather has been great and has produced some heavy bearing plants.
Trippa said:
Love it Greg !  ... its always a pleasure to stop in ... I can't wait to be able to have a cat to keep me company while doing the gardening in the future at some stage ... they are just great to have about ... great characters but happy to do there own thing.  Only a 20 lb harvest Greg .... you must be slipping ;)
Thanks Tripp..we've always had cats, I have 3.....they're all inside cats, since they're fully declawed. Sunny is the only one that goes outside, And I have to keep a close watch on him...no claws..no defense...but more of a close eye so I don't step on him. He likes to hang around me and watch what I'm doing....and usually is under my feet......... :lol: 
Ha, ...it was somewhat of a meager harvest.....but I'm glad I did it yesterday, it's raining constant today.....the plants will be a few inches taller tomorrow.
thanks for the comments !

A shot from early this evening....we got around 4" of rain last night in a short period. The plants needed it and responded well.....they grew overnight !
the tempertures going to be in the mid 80's for the next week. Plants are podding back up for a fall finally.

another tray in the dehydrator.....next week I'll be making a case or two of some wicked puree and also start on the Scotch Bonnet /  Jamaican Habanero jellies....can't wait !
Time for a quick update......

First off, yesterday was a great day to work outdoors......and I got stuck down at the harbor checking out a few jobs on our marine boats.......big weekend.....ya know.
Nothing like taking a cruise on the lake when its smooth as glass !
Off to the pepper patch !

Finally, a few Tovarii flowers forming. Probably won't get chili's outdoors but this weekend I'll take some cuttings from certain plants to grow indoors. If I can get a green one from this plant then I'll work it from there. But if no takeres then the plant will get winterovered.

A random shot of some Bonnet varieties:
Bottom row: MoA, TFM, P.Dreadie, Scotch Brain, Tobago, FDA.
Top row: Bahamian Orange, Trinidad Red, Guadalope Yellow, Papa Joe's mkt, Scotch Long, Jamaican (Ocho Rios mkt)

First bowl from the back garden...brown pods are the "Hand Grenades"

A combo of sun scald and overwatering will cause the splitting, like a tomato !

The smaller Hab plants keep pushing the pods out. This area will be the last to get hit by fowl weather. Its surrounded on all sides by fences and garages. Very little wind in this area.

I'd say I just stripped these plants clean.....but most of these photos were from last weekend.....lol
btw......the first plant on the left is a Red Nagabrain

another back garden plant, this Mourga Blend is now over 5ft. I removed all the ripened pods but as you can see there's plenty of green to go around.

Nice new growth on all the plants......next year 50 gal of AACT weekly.......I'm convinced by the results. Other folks that have bought plants from me here locally do not tea brew and they're plants are somewhat......different.

Guatemalen Yellow Rocoto......only a few ripe pods so far....but they're coming !
a few more photos ahortly...
Curious, are you spraying all these plants with the AACT or just watering them with it?  I ask, because for me, when I spray them, a single gallon of AACT goes a long ways, since I cut it anywhere from 4-1 or 2 -1 with water.  I know you have lots of plants, thus my question.

Plenty of processing going on lately. I don't plan on freezing any pods this year, so I've been running dehydrators constantly.
Here's a small plate of Red Bhuts.......they make awesome flakes for Bhut Burgers !

Chocolate Scorpion........nothing sweet about this tail

Funky looking Jay's Peach

Red Nagabrains......on my top list for the c.chinense for next season.

Naga Kings.....or is it King Naga's...........who cares.....lol
They're blocky fat ass pods !

Yellow Scorpions....earlier in the season these were all ripening light yellow, but now  it's a sign that Fall is on its way when the yellow turns orange.........and sometimes black if left on too long.

Reapers, these all all red as of today.

Yellow Congo's

Recent photo......Ronan had asked how I manage to to harvest the pods with limited space. It's not a hurried process, I'm able to turn the containers, push them aside but mostly I push one branch aside at a time. Very little damage although I sometimes cut off unripe pods along with a bit of a branch by mistake....lol

Lots of Tomato dehydrating also........coins and halves sliced up. Great for pizzas and sauces.
A couple more shots soon....

Here's some of my original Red Bhuts. These seeds were ordered online way back when from a dude that lived on the North Shore of Oahu Ha. He had the nastiest Bhuts growing at the time...
.and the way I look at it...island grown is always the best........
Volcanic Soil that is......what were you thinking ?...........Island Flowers........... :D 

Armageddon...........haven't tried one yet

This Bombay Morich is rolling right along....fast ripening pods and the plant is 5 ft +

Mustard Bhut....still have a few more days to muster-up

Heck, all I did was ask my son Mike to snap a photo of me working in the garden. He got a shot of me digging..shoveling down an IPA.... :party: 
It was a hot day and the harvest was over.....ha

Biggest one day harvest yet, this year
closeup shot

Bagged and weighed in at 32.6 lbs...all 2 gallon bags
From this point I'll separate the "Brains from the Bonnets"........Dr Pepper.......har,har

Yellow peppers for a puree (22 lbs) ...currently in the process of making and will pressure can tonight..more photos this weekend
thanks for checking this out.
Hope everyone has a safe weekend !
A most excellent update Greg!
I love the lushness of your grow, I wish I could achieve that here. Well I'm going to try next season with a fall planting, don't know how it will turn out. But the most it can be is a waste of seeds and time...
Plenty of pods to puree for sure! You mentioned pressure canning, so no vinegar?
Have a great weekend!