• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Greg those plants are really kicking. I always love you pictures of the deck and can't wait to see that puppy in full bloom.

After seeing that Skirt steak I'm glad I ate before stopping by. That said when they get the computer smell replicator invented I don't think it's going to matter whether we've eaten or not :)
Home made Chimi-churri with hot pepper in da mix is to die for, love it on flank, great call Greg! While some might find it strange, the green mango salsa from the Caribbean I posted some time ago is killer on flank as well, we be making some up this Friday as we're now in green mango season \o/

I like the green mango's, they're hard to find here. I've used them in a calypso sauce, but without them I used under ripe cucumber....good but not the same.

Can't go wrong with flank steak. It's lean but not chewy......your meal sounds tasty!

That Goat looks like it hiked up it's corolla skirt and gave us a booty shot! That is classic Greg material there! You have a lot of young ones to look after. I don't like seeing that bronze on the leaves,can't wait to get it on my skin though!! The season is upon us,let the skurrying begin!

Hah......corolla skirt, nice.

I hear ya, my fault for bringing out too many plants at once. Damaged leaves this early in the season can be caused by sun, wind and frost.....that was the alternate name for the band.....heh.

I may had had 140 -2 gal containers outside to start with. I figured keeping them under the cold frames with the frost blankets would do the trick. It did for all but a few. I couldn't see moving all the plants into the garage for a day or two. That's back breaking.

I'm planting out tomorrow, even though the forecast has changed for the weekend. Low's of 39 deg for Sat and Sun. The plants are shielded from damaging winds. Besides whats alittle chill in the air, the roots will be in the soil, the compost will keep them warm........wishful thinking.

Greg those plants are really kicking. I always love you pictures of the deck and can't wait to see that puppy in full bloom.

After seeing that Skirt steak I'm glad I ate before stopping by. That said when they get the computer smell replicator invented I don't think it's going to matter whether we've eaten or not :)
Thanks Bill,Although I don't have a deck, I do have a yard full of pavers. Likewise, I can't wait until everythigs in bloom !
Maaaaaaan! I just read through all 24 pages of this...

Greg. You are ... the.... man.

Thats all I got.

Whats your soil mix like??
Maaaaaaan! I just read through all 24 pages of this...

Greg. You are ... the.... man.

Thats all I got.

Whats your soil mix like??

If I had to read through all 24 pages I would be tortured.............. :shocked: . But you survived it well.........lol

My mix for my raised beds is slightly different from the containers. The beds have a high portion of compost, some top soil, torpedo sand, sphagnum peat, perlite and screened potting soil from the previous years containers. The beds usually shrink a bit each year due to erosion. The containers have a lighter mix. Peat moss, pine bark, perlite, compost, worm castings, humus, bone and blood meal and some 10-10-10 granular. I do use a mix of both medium and coarse perlite for drainage.
If you don't mind could you outline your container mix? Approximately what ratio would you say your using on the peat vs perilite vs compost/castings?

...and to that how blood and bone meal as well as the 10-10-10?

I'm having issues with my peppers and I'm sure its a combo of my mix and overwatering. they seem to not want as rich a mix as I've been using on my other plants.
If you don't mind could you outline your container mix? Approximately what ratio would you say your using on the peat vs perilite vs compost/castings?

...and to that how blood and bone meal as well as the 10-10-10?

I'm having issues with my peppers and I'm sure its a combo of my mix and overwatering. they seem to not want as rich a mix as I've been using on my other plants.

Here's what I'm doing this year. Most of my containers are utility tubs 18 gal. I do have some 20, 15, 12 and smaller containers ialso falling into play.
Roughly for an 18 gal tub.......its basically 6 gal of sphagnum peat,4 gal of mushroom compost, 1 gal of Dr Earth's compost (which has the bark and humus) 1 gal of mixed coarse/medium perlite, 1 gal of home compost , maybe .5 gal of worm castings. Half cup each of bone, blood meals and garden lime get mixed in. I scatter and mix 2 tbl of 10-10-10 granular in the bottom ft of the container and broadcast 2 tbl on top of the medium. The plant is coming out of a 2 gal container. The containers get topped off during the season with compost from the tumbler.
Thats perfect, thanks for the input I can figure it out from there.BTW ... anyone know how to take OFF a rating or change it?

I meant to rate your thread 5 stars but accidentally hit a lower start and now it wont let me change it. Sorry! Meant to give ya the full 5 this thread is awesome.
Thats perfect, thanks for the input I can figure it out from there.BTW ... anyone know how to take OFF a rating or change it?

I meant to rate your thread 5 stars but accidentally hit a lower start and now it wont let me change it. Sorry! Meant to give ya the full 5 this thread is awesome.
once you voted, you cant change it...
If you have a compost pile, you can mix it in with the compost... This way your recycling your soil and adding beneficial helpers to the soil...
Sorry folks........once again I'll be pushing my updates back yet another week. My father-in-law passed away suddenly and we have family members coming in from abroad, and other details to wrap up.
I will be returning next weekend with some garden photos...

Thanks for keeping our family in your thoughts...

Hey Greg just trying to catch up on some GLOGS! I always love yours!, though we haven't touched base since last year. Had a couple of questions first off I noticed many of the early pics of your plants the leaves seam crinkled and bumpy have you tried to correct that with CalMag as it always works for me or have you determined that it doesn't hurt em much? Next question do you grow from your own seeds ? If so what kind of problem do you find with crossing? , and what efforts do you use to try and prevent it? Last question do you have any bubblegum 7 or ice scream 7 seeds for trade or sale though I'm not sure what I'd trade you lol! Everything looks great !!