• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

A few pod shots...


St. Martin Habanero


Mustard Habanero


Yellow Burkina with flower.................perdy!


Some Hawaiian Waialua's


Matinque Habanero


The 1st Purple Bhut Jolokia pod starting to form.

Zimbawie Bird chili starting to ripen

Have you had the nagabon before greg?? It's one variety I have my eye on for next season

Yes,........I did!
Last year was the first and I really enjoyed them. I over-wintered 2 plants, my pods took on the creavesed "Bonnet" shape and had good flav and taste. I 've seen other photos from different growers, and their pods looked "Habish".
I also started some plants from seeds acquired from last seasons pods. We'll see what shapes up this season...

Greg just an awesome grow my friend , you have inspired me my friend . I am glued to your Glog like fat old ladies are to twinkies and soap operas!
Those Purple Bhuts look sick... Crossing my fingers that the seeds I got germinate... I want some so badly... Grow on sir Grow on.
That plant that is pictured was seeded on Dec 1st , I have 4 more that size and a few extra that I started a month later. That's the first pod showing but all plants have many flowers. Plants are very compressed with growth. Although they have started to branch out it seems that they will follow a "shrublike" growth pattern.............which is fine with me.
Yours should germinate fine, since most seed sources have fresh stock of that variety...

Damn Gregg! Every time I start to get prod of my grow I look at yours...damn, damn, DAMN!!!! :banghead: Then I think..."I am getting so much better at this photography thing!" Once again I visit your Glog and feel inferior!!!

Your plants, photos and pods all look amazing! I actually check often on weekends for your updates!

Keep it up so I always have something to shoot for!
Thanks Shane,

I know to some folks, its a mere few photos......but it does take time to move everything around to inspect and water. That's why I leave the updates to the weekend. I've got around 350 plants, maybe more................who's counting.
Each week I try to find something unique or a different variety that hasn't been photographed, yet. I couldn't believe how many plants that have small peppers forming on them...since last week!
Your photo skills are pretty dam good.......and that's what makes these glogs interesting...at least for me, viewing photos.
I can't wait to get the crop outdoors where I'll have more room to roam.

Well time to take the Miz out for dinner....

Your photo skills are pretty dam good.......and that's what makes these glogs interesting...at least for me, viewing photos.

Thanks! That's a great comment from one of the masters! I am snapping with a little point and shoot job. It does a pretty good job! If I would actually take more time to setup the shots they would be better.

Hope you and the Miz have a great time! I am gonna fire up the grill for some burgers.

Thanks Shane,

I know to some folks, its a mere few photos......but it does take time to move everything around to inspect and water. That's why I leave the updates to the weekend. I've got around 350 plants, maybe more................who's counting.
Each week I try to find something unique or a different variety that hasn't been photographed, yet. I couldn't believe how many plants that have small peppers forming on them...since last week!
Your photo skills are pretty dam good.......and that's what makes these glogs interesting...at least for me, viewing photos.
I can't wait to get the crop outdoors where I'll have more room to roam.

Well time to take the Miz out for dinner....


Out of interest greg what type of camera are you using? Those are some nice pictures!
Great photos Greg. I can't get good images with my cool flouros. I have to bring them under warmer light.Do you raise the lights way up? Most of my issues are do to junky cell phone cam. My tax return will directed towards a proper camera. Ok now about the plants. You mentioned one of your rooms had high humidity. Do you notice a difference in pollination between the two rooms? Any pods on that Jonah "Holmes"?
Out of interest greg what type of camera are you using? Those are some nice pictures!

Believe it or not its a cheapo "Canon" $300...........it does have a problem with the highlight to shadow ratio.......but it takes great vacation photos

Gotta love the weekends--cause its time for Greg's Amazing Photo Update. Well done, once more.... :cool:

Thanks Sil,
I'm looking forward to moving the photo shoot outdoors where I'll have more room...............Sometimes I feel like a "Sardine"


One word....AMAZING!!!

Thanks, but thats an over statement.........

Great photos Greg. I can't get good images with my cool flouros. I have to bring them under warmer light.Do you raise the lights way up? Most of my issues are do to junky cell phone cam. My tax return will directed towards a proper camera. Ok now about the plants. You mentioned one of your rooms had high humidity. Do you notice a difference in pollination between the two rooms? Any pods on that Jonah "Holmes"?

Hey J.B.
Yes I have to raise the lights up, yesterday I had to turn the ones in the background off. The cheap camera I use doesn't portray the midtones very well so what happens is that the top of the leaves look white or washed out. I can't take any photos under the 400watters....those plants have the darkest leaves but the camera makes them look all washed out. The key for me is to shoot down at the plants to avoid the bad constrast that I sometimes get with the photos, but in doing so the plants look dwarfed.........Some day I'll buy a good camera.
My growroom that's actually a large bedroom has high humidity I have over 3000w of lights running, at different cycles, probably 2000w on at one time. Between the heat from the lights and the constant watering the humidity builds up. I do have two fans running and a dehumidifier also. The plants in that room have the largest leaves, while the plants in the basement have slightly smaller more normal size.
Both areas have fans running and I believe they contribute to the pollination occuring.
Theres no difference in the rooms as far as pods go, but there are so many varieties started from Dec through Jan 1st, some haven't started to flower yet, but the ones that have all produced peppers..........small but that's how they start...............lol

No pods or flowers on the "Johnny Wad" yet...........but photos will happen!


I love the purple bhut!

It does look pretty cool, but the pods do eventually turn red...........

Greg...how many plants do you have that were started the first of December?
Greg...how many plants do you have that were started the first of December?

I started 4 trays of 72..........not everyone germinated......no galapagoense......must have rotted, a few others were replanted, or cutback because of too fast of a start. Right now I'm sitting at about 400 or so....most in 5 1/4 x 6" deep containers...March 1st I'll start to pot up to the 2 gal trade containers for the ones that really need it..
The sweets and milds getting planted today. 2 trays of 72 there. Once the warm weather moves in some plants will were gradually be moved out to harden off, and brought back into the garage on the cool evenings.
When the going gets tough only the best will survive. I'll probably trash around 50+ plants. I'm hoping to have an early plant sale at my house beginning of May and a few others at conservatory or two. But I'd like to plant 180 into containers and beds for myself. At least one of each variety and extras of my favorites...


Wow just beautiful. Those Matinque habs look beautiful. What cool will they mature to?

They mature to a vibrant red........different tasting than the typical orange hab


Wow...just staggeringly beautiful...

Thanks Gary,
It's been a good season so far.............too good, no pests or fungal spot..........so I'm happy.
I cut back the lights to 14 hrs and next month to 12 . That will slow down growth a bit, but will not cause the plants to become leggy since I keep the light source close. It's a strong source for the 12 hrs. I've got some flowers on a few Congo's................... :cool:
