• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

As always, lookin absolutely perfect Greg. Those Matinque Habanero pods look pretty neat! Once I start looking for a permanent home I'm gonna be looking for an extra bedroom specifically so I can do something along the lines of what you have going on. Truely inspirational. I always rough estimate how much time your putting into this.. freaking insane. When you start hardening off, and you still have the others inside to take care of, and your still a workin man?! My god your busy. It's paying off for ya though that's for sure. When do you get to start bringing them outdoors? I hope the rest of your grow goes on problem-free like it has so far my friend. Hope all is well with you and not just your plants :)

Ho Hum. Another absolutely stunning update from Greg.
Just when I think I've seen it all, he comes up with more.
It does take time, and I appreciate that you put this stuff up
for us to look at, Greg! It's fun to see just what talent and a green
thumb can produce!
Greg ....your a legend man ....but my question to you is .....Can you grow a rum tree ? Imagine the amount of seeds you could share ...and the amount of rum we could drink !!!! Keep up the good work :lol:
Thanks Gary,
It's been a good season so far.............too good, no pests or fungal spot..........so I'm happy.
I cut back the lights to 14 hrs and next month to 12 . That will slow down growth a bit, but will not cause the plants to become leggy since I keep the light source close. It's a strong source for the 12 hrs. I've got some flowers on a few Congo's................... :cool:


Nice! Your grow is absolutely striking...in Chicago for chrissake!

In spite of my resistance to the idea, I'm really beginning think that for all growers except those living in the tropics, grow lights are absolutely indicated for C. chinense. Otherwise, they are just too slow to start. I think last year I was just lucky and had plenty of sunny days in February, when the seedlings were first taking off.

I'm doing a side-by-side grow of 6 plants of your Congo Trinidad seeds, and 6 plants from Congo Trinidad seeds from my 2011 Grow. That is such a wonderful chile to grow, so vigorous and productive, but even more satisfying to eat!

By the way, of all the C. chinense seedlings I have growing, yours are the only ones currently at 100% germination! The only other seeds I can say that for are the C. annuum.
As always, lookin absolutely perfect Greg. Those Matinque Habanero pods look pretty neat! Once I start looking for a permanent home I'm gonna be looking for an extra bedroom specifically so I can do something along the lines of what you have going on. Truely inspirational. I always rough estimate how much time your putting into this.. freaking insane. When you start hardening off, and you still have the others inside to take care of, and your still a workin man?! My god your busy. It's paying off for ya though that's for sure. When do you get to start bringing them outdoors? I hope the rest of your grow goes on problem-free like it has so far my friend. Hope all is well with you and not just your plants :)


Hey Brandon,
"Time" can be one's friend if used wisely. I'm easily spending 2 hrs after work with the chores.......any more is resulting in a burn-out.
Weekends are times for inspection of all the plants. Soon I'll have to decide on what makes the cut and what gets pitched. I need to pot up some to 2 gal trade containers. Some of my plants are slow moving, those can wait. But I have numerous plants of certain varieties......Douglah's, Scorpions, certain habs.....some of the "meek" will get filed to the compost.
I can start to harden off the tomatoes and some of the peppers in mid April......If the evening gets cold then the plants get moved into the garage. The remainder of the plants get moved out the 1st of May. I might construct a couple of small hoop domes to protect from the wind and cool evening temps. I know April seems far away but I'm still planting seeds, sweets and milds. And somehow it always seems to work out.

Thanks for for your input and thoughts...


Wow awesome results Greg

Thanks man, it's been a fun road so far!

Greg ....your a legend man ....but my question to you is .....Can you grow a rum tree ? Imagine the amount of seeds you could share ...and the amount of rum we could drink !!!! Keep up the good work :lol:

Haha.............the smell of a vat of molasses might make me ill, but sugarcane might work...............lol

Nice! Your grow is absolutely striking...in Chicago for chrissake!

In spite of my resistance to the idea, I'm really beginning think that for all growers except those living in the tropics, grow lights are absolutely indicated for C. chinense. Otherwise, they are just too slow to start. I think last year I was just lucky and had plenty of sunny days in February, when the seedlings were first taking off.

I'm doing a side-by-side grow of 6 plants of your Congo Trinidad seeds, and 6 plants from Congo Trinidad seeds from my 2011 Grow. That is such a wonderful chile to grow, so vigorous and productive, but even more satisfying to eat!

By the way, of all the C. chinense seedlings I have growing, yours are the only ones currently at 100% germination! The only other seeds I can say that for are the C. annuum.

That's good to hear they're germinating..............I'm sure they were a slow start. The pods from both of ours are slightly different shaped, the ones I received from you were oblong and creavesed, mine are more ping-pong ball shaped and deeply creavesed........both have that unique taste. I'll probably keep six plants of each. I'm hitting the various Scotch Bonnets pretty heavy this season probably about 25% of my plants. 10% will be super-hots and the rest a mix of what's left...
I'm just starting to plant the c.annuum's, I know they're grow fast, 8 weeks indoors will be plenty.
Thanks for the comments and compliments!

Always enjoyable to go through your log Greg thank you.

I may have to find some seeds of the Matinique Hab, those pods are wicked gnarly. Hows the heat/flavor? I'm also having a problem googling it. Is it Matinique or Martinique? Thanks again.
Always enjoyable to go through your log Greg thank you.

I may have to find some seeds of the Matinique Hab, those pods are wicked gnarly. Hows the heat/flavor? I'm also having a problem googling it. Is it Matinique or Martinique? Thanks again.

Hey Patrick,

Look at "Semillas La Palma Seeds"......that's where my seeds are from, and a few others that I grow.

The taste is better than the typical orange hab, more on the citrus side, heat 7/10..........good producer, 3ft plants

Cool. Sounds like we're going to have some real good data to compare this year, as lots of us are doing large grows of the same chiles.
Soon I'll have to decide on what makes the cut and what gets pitched............................some of the "meek" will get filed to the compost.

Whooaaaaa.....please dont pitch or compost.....ill gladly pick them up from you and compensate you for your time invested!!!!

Thanks PIC. Are they a cemmercial outfit or do you just know them personally? (As to why they wouldnt sell to me) I'll have no where near as much as you. I'm planning on having around 55 plants potted up. Transfering outside to the ground in the spring. Ill look around locally, I like word of mouth makes the cost of experimentation cheaper.

They will sell it to you....i picked up a couple bags yesterday ......
Whooaaaaa.....please dont pitch or compost.....ill gladly pick them up from you and compensate you for your time invested!!!!

They will sell it to you....i picked up a couple bags yesterday ......
Hey mrwicks,
Just a figure of speech, I would only toss something if it were stunted.....I am planning to have a plant sale at my house in early May...I should have many plants available, Tomatoes and Peppers.......all well established. I will post here and send you a P.M. when I decide on the date. It depends on the weather and my work schedule with the "G8/NATO coming to town.

That's good to hear they're germinating..............I'm sure they were a slow start. The pods from both of ours are slightly different shaped, the ones I received from you were oblong and creavesed, mine are more ping-pong ball shaped and deeply creavesed........both have that unique taste. I'll probably keep six plants of each. I'm hitting the various Scotch Bonnets pretty heavy this season probably about 25% of my plants. 10% will be super-hots and the rest a mix of what's left...
I'm just starting to plant the c.annuum's, I know they're grow fast, 8 weeks indoors will be plenty.
Thanks for the comments and compliments!


Cool! Good to know they have the same flavor...We must have the rill ting. Mon.

I was planning a big Scotch Bonnet grow, too. I seeded 36 Jiffy cells with various Scotch Bonnet types and their derivatives. However...

I think I'm going to need to replant my main C. chinense tray of sprouts. I forgot to turn on the fan in my grow room for the first couple of weeks...Most of the seeds must have rotted, because my germination rate, after 1 month, is abysmal—probably around 30% on average. The reason I'm telling you all this is because as of this writing, your Congo Trinidad seeds are the ONLY of my C. chinense that are giving me 100% germination. That's a robust chile plant, to do that well in spite of my neglect!
Hey Gary,

I just saw that "windchicken" avatar making a comment here and I had to stop by and check it out.............ha
Sorry to hear about some of the seeds, I had a few that dampened off that I had to replace. The Piementa de Neyde struggled from the start, lost the few wimps that came up, I was determined to grow that "thing" that I went ahead and ordered a pack of seeds from a different source. They're in the soil now and I hope they'll produce. My germination rates have been good this year, unexpectantly so. One season my red bhuts took over 3wks to sprout, the same seed source took less than 10 days. So my start this year was a bit early for the lush c. chinese. This week I started to plant the mild and sweet peppers. Next week I need to get a jump on the tomatoes.........and potting up some of the larger pepper plants.

Your Congo plants that I have are doing very well.
I've bought myself four 1 gallon size glass bottles, sanitizers, air-locks...etc. for fermenting peppers. I'm taking the sauce making one more step in the right direction.
Man, I can't wait for those 1st few ripe peppers!

Hey Patrick,

Look at "Semillas La Palma Seeds"......that's where my seeds are from, and a few others that I grow.

The taste is better than the typical orange hab, more on the citrus side, heat 7/10..........good producer, 3ft plants


I never heard of them before. Just had a look around the site and I think I have found a seed supplier for next year. Has everything you've had from there grown true?
Hey Greg as usual your plants look great. I have had 100 percent germination with all your seeds except the Piementa de Neyde's.But i have several more I am gonna give another go.

Have you had any luck with the scotch bonnet's from my in laws?

I never heard of them before. Just had a look around the site and I think I have found a seed supplier for next year. Has everything you've had from there grown true?

Good germination rates, and cost. About 10 or so seeds per pack. But if you need to grow more than 10 you'll need to buy more packs. True as the pictures show on their site.


Hey Greg as usual your plants look great. I have had 100 percent germination with all your seeds except the Piementa de Neyde's.But i have several more I am gonna give another go.

Have you had any luck with the scotch bonnet's from my in laws?


That's good to hear on the sprouts. Same here with the PDN's, I recently ordered seeds from a different source, as I needed to replant mine. I started the seeds you sent, by looking at the shape of the pods and the heat level they resemble the Jamaican Hot Red, which is a flatten mushroom shaped pepper. Those sre perfect for pickling since you can fit alot of them in a qt jar...

Now that I'm back from snowmobiling.............Here's the weekend update...............A few shots of some overwinters


Brown Scotch Bonnet, Spanish Naga Morich


Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Red Bhut Jolokia (cpi)


Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet, TFM Scotch Bonnet


Large Yellow Congo, FDA Scotch Bonnet, Douglah


Butch T, Bombay Morich, Black Habanero


7Pot Yellow Large, FDA Scotch Bonnet, TS Red


Back.......Nagabon, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia,
Front.......West Indian Yellow Habanero, "Authentic" Scotch Bonnet (3yr old o.w.), Indian Bhut Carbon

more photos .............after a bowl of "Chili" and a "Stella"
