Wow now that is great final shot harvest your weather is still nice how are the nights. I enjoyed reading the step by step process for the overwintering can not wait to see your new season list and grow room start up always amazing.
Thanks for stopping by and your responses have always been appreciated. Harvest shots have always been fun to shoot. I try to include enough pods but not too many as they would appear small and unrecognisable. As far as next years wife already has the scissors out.........ha. Seriously, she's been very supportive through the years with this addictive hobby. My main focus next yr will be a variety of Scotch Bonnets for sauce making and other preparations and of course...the hottest seeds that I have or aquire.
Nice play by play on the OW process Greg! Your spot has been fun to watch. The attention to detail you take is amazing. Always a clever and fun read topped off with Pic1's signature pics! Thanks again for the care package brother and all your input throughout this year. Hopefully I can do you proud next season! You and a few others are making the grow list for next year hard to sort out!
Thanks Shane,
Theres really a good core group of growers here and info galore. I give the folks credit here who participate in these glogs. Its time consumming but worth while. And for you...How many views and counting, like an old odometer that would cycle back zero...yours is tallying up! You're very welcome for the seeds, I see you had some mushroom/squat annuums growing and I just thought the c.chinense would be a nice addition. Hey man thanks for all your inputs through the season.....pretty soon it starts all over......yea !
Thanks again for your help,insight,and banter Greg!! I spent many of mornings this past year with coffee dribbling out of my nose! I have come to expect epic updates,this one is just another in a long list! You have a way of being extremely detailed and keeping it very basic at the same time. A lot of us newer growers have "paralysis by analysis" as I say, and a lot of the "true gospel" and "chest puffing" going on here makes it hard to filter out the gibberish. It is very easy growing when you keep it simple.
I have a couple questions about the recycling,and overwinters. Will you be using any of the "screened" soil in your containers next season? Just adding it to your raised beds? I am considering it to keep costs down a bit next season.
A lot of these plants have different growth structures. I am noticing the main stem and fork on my indian varieties
stays short and throws out a lot of side branching at about 2" from the ground. Those were easy to cut because the branching is green.
I have a couple other chinense canidates that have a more annuum structure. No side branching.... Just 2 1/2" feet of bark and then the branching. I don't want a 3' overwinter....can I cut it back to the main fork and hope for the best?
Wow thanks John,
Thats another uplifting usual on your part!......I just felt like I'd placed the ball on the "green" in two........on a par 5........ha
You've always added enjoyment to this and other glogs. Humor and spontaneity keep these readings interesting.
The screened soil will top the 4 raised beds through the winter. The excess mounds on top of the beds will be used to pot up
any plants when brought outdoors in the spring. The large containers of 16 gal + will get a few yards of a new garden mix.
Nothing goes to waste. I like to empty the large containers so I can clean them out before next yrs planting.
As far as the larger c.chinense, you can cut them back to a short plant as long as you cut into the green branching. My
Naga Morich grew laterial as well as my Indian Carbon OW's from last year. But the Chocolate Bhut which grew tall
outside was cutback to a ft tall for the OW. It grew to about 3 ft during the indoor session and a total of 5ft outside this
year. You can always pinch back the new growth while flourishing indoors.
Just wanted to say thank you as well. You are an inspirtation to many of us and your willingness to share your many years of experience is second to none.
Please keep us posted through out the winter of your overwinters and such
Thank you again.
Thanks Jamie,
Your words are appreciated, well put...from one chilehead to another you're well respected here within the growing community for your knowledge and generosity, alike
Ok enough about the truth...........whens Happy Hr.......hah
Greg, by golly I go looking for information about transplanting from nursary pots to root pouches and I find it right here in your OWing guide. Awesome information, thanks for taking the time to post it up.
Bill (the sauce dude) I hope I answered the PM correctly. Thanks again for your contributions here and the Hot Sauce sections....
One suggestion and 1 only...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This should be a 2000 OR a 5000 piece puzzle.
Would piss off a lot of puzzel people.

Ha.......good one. It would probably piss me off too, I'd probably misplace a piece during the process.
Hey, Greg! Thanks for the OW guide - very nice. I think I'll do 2 or 3
as a trial run this year just to see how it goes. there are so many I'd
like to do, but I have no room, and I'm not sure if they will survive in
the greenhouse all winter. The low temps are 40 or so with the space
heater running a little every now and then. We'll see.
Great season, Greg, but it looks like you've done that before! It has
been an informative and interesting experience reading your glog this
year, and I look forward to your postings throughout the Fall and Winter.
That last harvest pic would make an insane puzzle, for sure!
I'll visit again, soon, brother!
Hey Paul,
Once again thanks for stopping in. Give the OW a try a few would be a good start and not overwhelming. Its good that you have a seed bank to fall back on for the new starts. If I have any seeds that you'd be interested in just give a shout. As far as updates when my OW'S start to show and the clones take a foot hold, I'll have to clean the pearlite dust off the camera and shoot a few..........ha.....can't wait