• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Dr. Livingston I presume? Very impressive Greg. Very very impressive.
Good one Patrick! Although no PHD's here...........I do have alot of "Patience"......with my plants... Greg
My wifes starting to dislike your growlog... Everytime you update I make her check out the pictures :lol: Lookin perfect once again Greg. Got roots? My lord man! great info on the transplanting too, I was wondering about that myself. I knew it was fine to do that with other perrenials but with hot peppers being so tempermental with some things I didn't know if the fluffing the root deal was gonna be a good idea. Thanks for the tip! Your yard this summer is gonna be out of this world.. Incase your wondering, your gonna have a rather large fan club by the end of this year lol. Brandon

Hey Brandon, If you're trying to make me nervous, its working..............ha
My grow-log is no different than most who've done this before. I get an early start for a good reason. I need to plant out mid May to get a few harvests before its over.

Oh, I do know the big guns from der south are lingering around. But they don't need to start too early and they can also plant out by March/Apr with no threat of a hard frost.

Your wife is surely proud of your glog and the awesome start-up of your plants.

If it makes you feel any better I can throw in a few out-of-focus shots.......maybe a photo of some dirt on the floor from a plant I'd knocked over......my electric bill next month when all the lights are running 16/8............OUCH!!!..........lol

just poking some fun at ya,

great update Greg...I think you will be ready when plantout comes.. :lol:
Well it's never too late for a weekend update!........Here's a few photos...


A few people have asked me ...what soil and chemicals I use during my indoor grow.
These are the products, the only change that I've made is to replace the "Baccto" medium that I was using. It seems to have gotten a bit "stemmy".
Instead I added another bag of Fafards to the mix. So I'll mix two bags of Fafard's to one bag of Fox Farms Happy Frog.


This is what the two mediums look like when they're mixed. It's a nice texture for potting up to larger containers. It doesn't have that "peaty-piney" feel or contain the slow release ferts. that some of the big box stores sell

Some more sprouts, a few cells have more than one seed. Those are mostly my seeds from last years stock and I just wanted to make sure to have One good sprout. The extra's will get cut down when I can determine which one is the strongest!


This is a Kitchenpepper....(.from semillas seeds)...the pepper will mature red and has a "Scotch Bonnet" flavor


This is a flower from the Kitchenpepper


An overall shot of some overwinters


Some recent pot ups to 5 1/2" containers


A Yellow Bhut Jolokia


An Ethiopian Birdseye, seeds from my friend Jason (Rudeboy 2010)

Thats it for this week,

Looking good Greg. That yellow bhut looks like it is made out of glass. Always informative and helpful. I am curious to see how you will house those freaks of nature in 3 months time.
You pepper plants look amazing. I have to keep learning so I can get to your level. Thanks for the info on the soil as well thats one thing I really need to work on. Can't wait to see more pics.
Looking good Greg. That yellow bhut looks like it is made out of glass. Always informative and helpful. I am curious to see how you will house those freaks of nature in 3 months time.

Thanks J,

Some of those c.chinense always seem to have that waxy look when they 're young. 3 months time, good (?). I was looking how many 1 1/2 and 2 gal containers I have.
Some fortunate people will have some nice plants for their backyards in May. For me I'll probably keep around 150 or so pepper plants. I still have lbs.of pods in my freezer.
Pretty soon I'll get back to making some sauces.......hmm......maybe some spicy cocktail sauce's for the Friday's before Easter.


You pepper plants look amazing. I have to keep learning so I can get to your level. Thanks for the info on the soil as well thats one thing I really need to work on. Can't wait to see more pics.

Thanks for checking this out.
As far as the outdoor soil goes, you may want to chime in with Dale from "Bakers Peppers". He's very familar with the Florida soil and weather from your area. His family has a been running a Greenhouse/nursery for over 65 yrs. He could also give you some good pointers.

Love those photos!
Very inspirational, indeed!
Ok, I've been following this for a while and I finally get the pornage reference now...because looking at yours me a little insecure about the size of mine...lol

Very impressive and inspirational stuff,
Ok, I've been following this for a while and I finally get the pornage reference now...because looking at yours me a little insecure about the size of mine...lol

Very impressive and inspirational stuff,

Pod Pornage from last year................lol


Der Peta Peppa...

You are the Hugh Hefner of chillies :drunk:

Now that can go in many directions.............but I'll accept it!............. :cool:

man, what great photos!! i cannot wait to follow them through the season!!!

Thanks man, It's a bit more work than last year...........I'll try to keep the weekend updates flowing


It looks like "World B Free" is a pepper fanatic also.

Oh, you must be referring to Lloyd "Bird Pepper" Free...............Gotcha........... :eek:

It looks like "World B Free" is a pepper fanatic also.

Haha, that's Carmelo not Artest, and he's doing the 'dat ass' face. I posted dat ass because this is a nice butt, bhut.


Damn man, I just wiki'd World B. Free, that's some cool shit, I thought you were messing around with Metta World Peace's name. I still stand by everything else that I posted though.

Damn. Auto merges your posts?

Nice, I this feature...This place is alright.
Once again great update Greg, I missed it this morning and was wondering if everything was going okay for ya, Glad to see that it obviously is lol. That overwinter shot is great, they're going to take off, your gonna have peppers in April lol. Great shot of everything you use.. Makes me feel good to know I have a little over half of what your using ha! PS.. You got some photography skills my friend.

Ken, the only Anacondas I want around here are the long horn shaped peppers that I'll be planting next month...........lol

Hmmm,............ waterfall. Actually what I need to do soon is plug in a dehumidifier. My house is somewhat airtight and the humidy level is up cause of those dang plants.

How's your grow going? I really haven't had a chance to check out everyones g-logs


Hey Trippa,

Are you getting a pretty good harvest yet?

Scotch Bonnets have some of the best taste in a raw pepper without going overboard with the insane heat. I went to Jamaica years back, that's when I got hooked on the "Jerk" style cooking and of course the peppers.

Sure there's many different flavors depending where they originated from. Some argue which is tastier the habanero or the bonnet. That's up to each his own.

I can rifle through a bag of kettle potato chips and munch on a Scotch Bonnet or two at the same time. That got to be a habit this summer.

They're easier to sell than the super hots in my area. I can convince more people who cook to try it out if they haven't yet.

But I mostly grow them to make hot sauce from. Those and the Caribbean Reds seem to make the tastiest sauces...........only my opinion.

Some folks here were kind enough to send me a few varieties I haven't tried before.

I am partial to the yellow peppers but the reds have that citric/smokey flavor also.......that is, if it is a real authentic "Jamaican Bonnet" .........................not a West Indian Red


Excellent looking plants and advice Greg! Truely you are a pepper wiz!
Damn! Every time I think my plants are looking good...someone comments on you glog and I have to come over her and get jealous all over again!