• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

I keep a smoke alarm right by any set up with lights I have on a timeryou can never be too careful.

Always better to be safe, it is a scare in the middle of the night to have the whole house chiming.......has happened to me in the past. When the growlights would go off,...total darkness and the only illumination is the pulsing led from the smoke alarm. Gnats are attracted to light so it only takes one to enter the son-alert slots and bingo. The alarms would beep (whole house) for about 5 pulses , by that time the pesty insect would be shell shocked, move off the sensor and all alarms would seize. This would only happen at night, it was embarrassing the first time it happened at 2a.m. during the springtime with the windows open. It took me a day or two to figure why they were going on and off sporadicaly. Process of elimination was the end result. No more pests in the grow room................true story


Here's the weekend post, starting out with some overwintered plants


Here's the Perrins (Yellow Manzano) it does not like my Metal Halides, or the room temp. so I moved to towards the edge of the light pattern.
Next step might be back to the cooler grow area in the sub-basement.


Here's a Red Scotch Bonnet.......nice even growth


An FDA Scotch Bonnet.....this was a steady producer and I decided to keep her again this year (2nd yr)


Trimming some old leaf-age from a Yellow Bhut Jolokia


Here's a West Indian Yellow Hab


An overhead shot of a Bhut jolokia (CPI)

some small plants on the next post


Here's a few shots of early starts


Here's some 4 and 5 week old plants


Here's 5 SB7J plants 3wks


Here's some contrast, ...Purple Bhuts, Bahamian Goats, CGN 21500, Cardi Purple... (6 wks)

"That's All Folks!"

Wow. What are you going to do with all these plants?
I saw that you grow CGN 21500? I want to grow them two. I ordered some seeds and hope they will get here soon. Must be a realy nice plant.

Good luck!
JJ, This war aint gonna fight itself...:lol: BUT I have begun to formulate ideas that may allow me to grow a plant or two. So I have to soak up all of Greg's wisdom while I am around.

Greg, love the purple plants. Looking awesome.
Wow. What are you going to do with all these plants?
I saw that you grow CGN 21500? I want to grow them two. I ordered some seeds and hope they will get here soon. Must be a realy nice plant.

Good luck!

I hope to sell some in the Chicagoland area in May, that is if there are any hot pepper growers around here, last year I could have sold another 100 Tomato plants if I had them. As far as the hot one goes.....most people were buying the mild and medium.
What I'll end up with goes into my garden and the over flow into my sisters........no permission needed there!

By the way the CGN 21500's are the two purple plants to the right with the green tops...


I just got given some CGN 21500 seeds also. planting tonight.

No grow next year? shipping out or stopping to let the pepper burn go away for a while.

I hear ya,

Its tough trying to plan a vacation in the winter/spring. ....although we're going sometime in March. It's easier when the plants are outside, in their new homes.


JJ, This war aint gonna fight itself... :lol: BUT I have begun to formulate ideas that may allow me to grow a plant or two. So I have to soak up all of Greg's wisdom while I am around.

Greg, love the purple plants. Looking awesome.

Thanks MG,

Purple tops on the leaves and green under sides. From what I've seen from Grant's (Jungle Rains) and C. Cmpmam's photos of their plants, the leaves will stsrt to variegate green/purple when brought out in full sun.

thanks for checking out my g-log

Greg.. your plants n setup make my jaw drop every single time you update. I hope I have a setup like you someday. it's nuts! And your plants? really?! 6 weeks old from sprout on the last picture? Are you feeding your plants diluted cocaine as well? My lord that is some incredibly fast growth! I dont think I'd even want mine to grow that fast! You gotta be potting up plants almost weekly. I'll be lucky if my plants look like that at 12 weeks. Absolutely amazing dude.. You need to be do this for a living.

Here's 5 SB7J plants 3wks....

Greg...is that from transplant or from seed?
Greg.. your plants n setup make my jaw drop every single time you update. I hope I have a setup like you someday. it's nuts! And your plants? really?! 6 weeks old from sprout on the last picture? Are you feeding your plants diluted cocaine as well? My lord that is some incredibly fast growth! I dont think I'd even want mine to grow that fast! You gotta be potting up plants almost weekly. I'll be lucky if my plants look like that at 12 weeks. Absolutely amazing dude.. You need to be do this for a living.


Thanks man,

Flattery will get you somewhere..............."as they say in business".........Cocaine........ha............sounds like a song. Although I have piped some music in the grow room on occasion.
Fast growth alright, probably too fast, but as they get potted up, only the best will survive...I'll probably be looking at 300+ on the hot stuff alone. I have the containers stacked. The big investment is the bags of "growing mediums".

Oh by the way, your plants will be looking like that soon........there's no stopping them once you pot them up and give the roots some space to spread. Sure you can keep them in smaller containers, that hinders the growth. But they crowd together and the light doesn't reach the entire plant.
Good luck , Brandon and keep those photos rollin!


Here's 5 SB7J plants 3wks....

Greg...is that from transplant or from seed?

AJ, those were started from seed in a 72-flat and I just moved them up a few days ago into 3" pots. I ran out of the sq. ones, which have a bit more room but these will do. Either way I can fit 16 in a permanest tray. Those plants are about 31/2 wks from seed.
Hey Sil,
I have separate gallon containers for each product. Each gallon also has a few drops of Superthrive in them. When I water I use a 2 gal watering can. That's enough to water about 3 flats, which currently have 18 plants in each. What I do is pour a minut capful from each gal bottle into the watering can, such as a capful of Pro-Gro, Karma, Cal Mag and Fish Emulsion......remember that's a capful of already diluted solution and its getting diluted even more when I fill up the w/can with water. There's no way to burn the plants that way, and they're getting a little nutrition with each watering.

I foliar feed with epsom salts...it's pretty fast with the results....I use both, but the Cal-Mag does the job with the needed calcium.
You don't have to use both. Epsom salts are cheap and will last forever.....at least it seems that way...If you have it use it.

I remove the seedlings to the basement once they get potted up. It's 85 mainly because of the lights. 3- 400w mh and 12- 4 bulb T8 fixtures.
It probably isn't the best idea to keep the heat mat under the sprouts unless there are more seeds to emerge. I place a bath towel over the mat to eliminate any hot spots under the seed flats.


Thanks Meatfreak,
I can't wait to get the 1st ripe ones off the plants.....salsa it will be.


haha I feel like an echo-real beauties......2-3 days till I reach the beach and start the seeds.Could you spec one of those MH lights(make/mod)?

I have a Jack Russell that stays under foot(or out the passenger window!)and will go batshit if not allowed into the growing space, and will promptly herd the cats away from the trays-its a riot!
Wow. I'm in awe. To say you have it down to a science is an understatement. I'm really unsure of just how to get started - don't just want to be random in my choices. I don't have a lot of room and want to grow for variety and personal use by a few amigos. I probably have room for 12 or 15 seven to 18 gallonUS, and maybe a dozen 2-4 gallon, containers. Figuring this out is great fun!
Wow. I'm in awe. To say you have it down to a science is an understatement. I'm really unsure of just how to get started - don't just want to be random in my choices. I don't have a lot of room and want to grow for variety and personal use by a few amigos. I probably have room for 12 or 15 seven to 18 gallonUS, and maybe a dozen 2-4 gallon, containers. Figuring this out is great fun!

Get a jump on the c.chinense, those are the long season bad boys. (the "Supersteaks of the Tomatoes") they do take longer to mature. I get an early start indoors so I can get a 2nd or running harvest. The annuums are fast growers I'll start mine in early Feb.

I can't wait to roast some "Hatch" chili's or get the ole' grilling baskets out for "Steak Fajitas"

Nice size containers you'll be using.....mine range from 7 gal squat nursury to 18 gal utility....some people get great results in 5 gal Good luck with your start-up

Get a jump on the c.chinense, those are the long season bad boys. (the "Supersteaks of the Tomatoes") they do take longer to mature. I get an early start indoors so I can get a 2nd or running harvest. The annuums are fast growers I'll start mine in early Feb.

I can't wait to roast some "Hatch" chili's or get the ole' grilling baskets out for "Steak Fajitas"

Nice size containers you'll be using.....mine range from 7 gal squat nursury to 18 gal utility....some people get great results in 5 gal Good luck with your start-up


Thanks for the great advice, Greg. Very helpful! What's a "Hatch" chili?

Holy smokes look at the green! You have a fantastic start going Greg congrats! Glad to see the SB7J seeds germinated and they seem to be doing well. Thanks for posting the pics of them.
Holy smokes look at the green! You have a fantastic start going Greg congrats! Glad to see the SB7J seeds germinated and they seem to be doing well. Thanks for posting the pics of them.

You're welcome Patrick, and thanks for the seeds...

I'm currently potting up some plants to 5" containers. The last thing I want is to get over run by the grow room work (well a warm beer would be pretty bad ,also) ......lol

I'm amazed at the root zone in the 6 week old plants.......I'll have to take some photos tomorrow.

I'll perodically post photos of the SB's and Madz, as other people are growing them here from your seeds.

I hope your startup runs smooth

Hey Greg, What are the SB7Js? I have seen some others with that on the list, but not too sure what they are/where they come from?
Hey Greg, What are the SB7Js? I have seen some others with that on the list, but not too sure what they are/where they come from?

Those are a cross from a Scotch Bonnet and a 7/Pot "Jonah"......created by Patrick. He can give you a better discription on it. I believe he posted a photo from his grow last season.

Thanks for the great advice, Greg. Very helpful! What's a "Hatch" chili?


Hey Paul,

The "Hatch" chili's are an Anaheim type grown in Hatch, New Mexico, Noted for their famous "Hatch" chili festival.

]The combination of the soil, sun and dry air account for their unique flavor.

Someone is sending me some seeds, I may not get the exact same results growing them in Chicago, but what I get will get roasted on the grill.
