Now that I know smokemaster donated I know we will all get a few intresting things
thanks for the donation Mike
i put 4 stamps inside so idk
and i didnt wear a helmet
i had a concussion 2 years ago but oh well
i didnt hit my head when i did my summersaults down the mountain trick lol
instructions on how to do the trick :
1 get your board caught on a piece of missing ice later in the day when theres no powder but all ice
2 let the board flip you forward down the mountain
3 put both arms out and do 3 summersaults
4 land on your stomach and slide 20 feet down the mountain
5 get back on your feet and you landed the trick lol
I'm going to the orthopedist on tuesday so if i did anything else ill know in a few days

and i didnt wear a helmet

instructions on how to do the trick :
1 get your board caught on a piece of missing ice later in the day when theres no powder but all ice
2 let the board flip you forward down the mountain
3 put both arms out and do 3 summersaults
4 land on your stomach and slide 20 feet down the mountain
5 get back on your feet and you landed the trick lol
I'm going to the orthopedist on tuesday so if i did anything else ill know in a few days