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Pimento L. porn

I'm excited to be growing the Pimento L pepper again this year. I haven't grown it for several years now, but it is one of my favorite sweet peppers and it grows very quickly and productively.

Here's a 7 week old plant that I started early. I wanted to test old seeds early for germination, and when I had good results I just had to let 1 live... and here it is

I'm going to run out of room soon:(

And here's the last one I grew in 2005

I usually start heating my greenhouse in the beginning of spring but the bigger plants get a lot of in/out time during March and I don't usually plant peppers in the ground until nearly July when the ground finally warms up
7 weeks old! How much of that is the "fast growing" part and how much of it is the way you're raising them?
caroltlw said:
7 weeks old! How much of that is the "fast growing" part and how much of it is the way you're raising them?
:oops:Well they are annuums, so they usually grow quick but these are explosive, and also when I started them they had lots of room under lights as well as getting some natural sunlight. Unfortunately I can't spoil all my plant this much:)...but there are more.
I usually start heating my greenhouse in the beginning of spring ...

Hmmm. To me, this it the beginning of spring because the sun is actually over the horizon. -27,5 deg C or -18 US-grades, but the sun is back and it is spring!

What is spring to you? Be more specific:)
Ya, I'm not sure what the L is for but they're called pimento L and they're sweet and tastey

I love pimento peppers, I grow several of them instead of any bells. It's funny when I give them away, or take them to the Farmer's Market, most people go all stupid face when I try and explain that they're not bell peppers, they're pimento peppers.
They get quite big and thick-walled, like a mini bell pepper but more heart shaped. Maybe 4 or more inches long.
Here's another pic from 2005. You can see one pod is cracked, it should have been picked earlier. Or I can just say its "corking":)

They get quite big and thick-walled, like a mini bell pepper but more heart shaped. Maybe 4 or more inches long.
Here's another pic from 2005. You can see one pod is cracked, it should have been picked earlier. Or I can just say its "corking":)

Wow - very nice! I'm adding that to my grow list for 2010. :)