• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013

here we go my first ever glog, this my first time growing peppers so please bare with me with my unorganized plants and pictures.my growing medium is MG potting mix, MG moisture potting mix, perlite, red and black cindersused jiffy pellets and my aerogarden to sow my seeds.

my grow list is all mixed:
giant green bell pepper (home depot)
jalepeno (home depot)
serrano (home depot)
poblano (home depot)
anaheim (home depot)
numix twilight (amazon.com)
explosive ember (amazon.com)
charleston pepper (i forgot were i got this from)
pretty purple pepper (amazon.com)
bhut jolokia (i forgot were i got this from)
orange habanero (not sure)
bolivian rainbow (amazon.com)
cowhorn (free seed from pepper joe)
peter pepper (pepper joe)

ok gonna start my new grow list pretty soonmy grow list:

Thanks to Pshngo, Auction:
7pot yellow
7pot jonah
7pot chocolote
7pot red
7pot brain strain
7pot brain strain yellow
yellow bhut jolokia
aji chuncho
yellow fatali
chocolate habanero
red trinidad
naga morich
trinidad scorpion butch T

Thanks to Spicegeist:
Bonda Ma Jacques (OP)
choco habanero (OP)
Bombay Morich
Choco Bhut x cajamarared bhut (OP)
maya red (OP)

Thanks to LanMan:
red cayenne
orange habanero
Red habanero (bonnies world hottest)

Thanks to Wayright:
Scarlett Lantern

Thanks to Ajijoe:
Surprise Superhot mix
Siling Labuyo
korean chile mix
BG Bomb Cherry
Yellow Thai
Cherry Bomb
Bulgarian Carrot
Black Hungarian

Thanks to Heirloomchef:
Tobasco Sweet SB
Aji Brown
Aji Dulce yellow
Grenada Seasoning
Trinidad Seasoning
Trinidad Congo Yellow
Trinidad Congo Black
Red Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Thanks to Denniz:
Devils Tounge
Satans Kiss
White Habanero
Peach Hab
Goji Berry

Thanks to Shane:
Thai Ornamental #1
Thai Ornamental #2
Thai Ornamental #3
Goats Weed
Orange Manzano
Red Manzano

Thanks to Melissa:
Yellow Manzano
Red Rocotto
7 pot Primo

Birdseye Chili (kitazawa seed Co.)
Thai Holy Basil (kitazawa seed Co.)
Japones (Garden Gate Seed Co.)
Nok Guk Put F1 (korean store)
Wa Mae Wo F1 (korean store)
Han Rim Ggwa Ri Put F1 (korean store)


2/01/12 seeds in the aerogarden 2x explosive ember, 2x bhut jolokia, 2x habanero, 1x pretty purple pepperthe one the 1nch pots are my trials for jiffy pellets

2/08/12my first sprouts from my jiffy pellets transfered all the sprouting seeds in a open container
2/09/12 my mini open green house in the living room
2/12/2012 all seeds germinated in aerogarden
2/12/2012 my first batch transplanted to my 4 inch pots
2/20/2012 my 2nd batch transplanted to 4 inch pots
Your plants look really great, and your outdoor garden is so cool.
Really enjoyed the Hawai'i pics. What a nice place to live. I thought
the video was funny. Would have been funny if anyone had done it.
Never heard of these dudes before, but the guy has swing by the yard
to eat three of those babies.

Really enjoying your hawai'i grow, brah!
Your plants look really great, and your outdoor garden is so cool.
Really enjoyed the Hawai'i pics. What a nice place to live. I thought
the video was funny. Would have been funny if anyone had done it.
Never heard of these dudes before, but the guy has swing by the yard
to eat three of those babies.

Really enjoying your hawai'i grow, brah!

Yea hawaii is good place to live the only problem is everything is exprnsive..my peppers is loving the weather right now im waitin for my next paycheck so I can get some soil to ammend our clay soil...and thanks for stopping by brah
Dam brother its lookin' stupid good ! All clad is the bomb man !! I gotta a lot of ?? about limited space and growing. I know I can and should do more ...
Dam brother its lookin' stupid good ! All clad is the bomb man !! I gotta a lot of ?? about limited space and growing. I know I can and should do more ...
thanx bratha, yep that all clad is sh**t when it comes to cooking pots that's my gift for myself :dance: my next project is to get my soil amendment for our red clay soil and the rest will stay on containers
I know stuff is expensive there, Pinoy. That's the down side of paradise.
I'm sure the laid back hawai'i life style helps make up for the screws the
man puts to us!

Good luck getting your soil up to snuff; that's a worthy quest!
I know stuff is expensive there, Pinoy. That's the down side of paradise.
I'm sure the laid back hawai'i life style helps make up for the screws the
man puts to us!

Good luck getting your soil up to snuff; that's a worthy quest!

yep sure damn thing expensive here...but its hard to leave this place i love tropical weather...good relaxing at the top of dead volcano with a good view will make up for and the nice beach also,
yep good luck to me with that super hard clay soil...i just dont know how the hell my dads hawaiian chiles manage to stay alive its been 2 or 3years and they just going strong and now i removed them from there home because i wanna fix the soil i just hope they don't mind removing them from time being and stay alive in there temporary homes

and now my new transplants hopefully they do good not like the last 3 batches that i messed up but they still hanging in there
some pics of my new transplants

all of my transplant goes in a process like this so i just took 1 pic


I just realized that i transplanted 18 plants

2gallon transplants

1 quart transplants

and whats left of my starter kit
thats from march 15 to april 26
Holy Guacamole Batman! That looks like a heckofa big root ball. Makes sense though, that you wouldn't see much difference in the crown at first while it was building up the root structure underground. When I transplanted my chiles, they didn't seem to do much for a few weeks. Some of it was probably the cool air temperatures, but looking at their size now, I think they were working on putting out the roots too. Then a few days of rain and warm overnight temps. and they just shot up.
Lookin' good, Pinoy! Your transplants look great. I hope this
post finds you alive and not killed by your dad for messing up
the hawai'ian chiles' nice clay bed! ;)
thats from march 15 to april 26
Holy Guacamole Batman! That looks like a heckofa big root ball. Makes sense though, that you wouldn't see much difference in the crown at first while it was building up the root structure underground. When I transplanted my chiles, they didn't seem to do much for a few weeks. Some of it was probably the cool air temperatures, but looking at their size now, I think they were working on putting out the roots too. Then a few days of rain and warm overnight temps. and they just shot up.

i really dont know if they shot up for mine because i gave it away to some of my friends and i dont know if its dead or still alive, ill continue my experiment with the new seedlings but will use 5 oz. transparent cups and see if they really help the roots grow like crazy

Lookin' good, Pinoy! Your transplants look great. I hope this
post finds you alive and not killed by your dad for messing up
the hawai'ian chiles' nice clay bed! ;)

thanx paul, some of them has sunburn my mom opened the sprinkler so all of the plants in my starter kit got wet and i thought i dried them really well when i put them back inside the house and open the light next morning they got burnt, ill buy some garden & bloom soil conditioner later this week prolly 3 bags of cf and 1 bag steer manure, should i put some perlite in the ground also or no need?
I usually add horticultural pumice to my garden soil just to keep it loose.
I imagine perlite would work the same way. If it's really heavy clay, it
might be a good idea. Other folk probably ought to weigh in on this.
Shit you have any lakes or streams in Hawaii?? lol. If so, I'd sneak a few buckets a day of lake/stream sediment and mix it in. Try it on a small scale. You can try so many different things on a small scale (like taking a few different 1 gallon buckets of your clay and mixing things in to try and get it where you like. this way you can figure out the best/cheapest way to do it) I always try to go for free...lol. I have pretty sticky clay and I tossed in a whole shit load of horse compost....pun intended. To be honest, it seemed to loosen up the stickyness of the clay but I don't know quite yet if it is all that good to grow in this year. If not, I know my garden will be killer for next year. I've already planted the plants in it so it's up to them now.

Those plants of your fathers will be fine. These pepper plants are so resilient it is redonkulous! They can go through hell and back. Even when they look like they are dying, they surprise you. They are the toughest little bastards.

There's a thread going on right now that is discussing clay soils maybe it will help. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/31340-make-clay-soil-better/

Good luck!