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Placed my order today, miracle fruit tree & barbados cherry will be here Wed

After reading about the miracle fruit tree for a couple of months I decided to order one today, along with a barbados cherry, from Pine Island Nursery. They are both 3 gallon containers & she said the miracle fruit trees were already making fruit. I'll update when they come in & post pics. :dance:
ChicosAStar, it will be in a 3 gallon container when it comes in. My plan is to leave it there for a while before I move it into something a little easier on the eyes, per my wife's request :crazy: . :rofl:

Knowing that it likes acidic soils, when I do change containers I'm planning on going with Promix BX (I have some extra after potting up my peppers. Would the Promix be sufficient? All of the stuff I've read says 50/50 mix of peat moss & perlite, the Promix BX is 82.5% peat moss & 12.5% perlite. I could just mix in more perlite I guess if needed. What do you have yours in? What ferts do you use & how often? I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road. Thanks for the help in advance!
On Premier's website it shows that the Promix BX is in the range of 5.2-6.2, which is still slightly acidic. I just wasn't sure if it was acidic enough.
here's a picture of my miracle fruit bush


here's a pic that i borrowed of the fruit, it's not mine so sue me.

Heard of it, but what is the actual miracle of this fruit? Pine needles would raise the acidity a lil... Goot luck.

The "miracle" is that after you eat the berries it affects your taste buds and makes sour/bitter things taste sweet. I haven't tried it yet but supposedly things like lemons and grapefruits taste sweet and amazing.

I just ordered a seedling off of amazon.com. Gets shipped as a small bare root plant in an envelope wrapped in a moist towel apparently, but the people who have ordered said they come in good condition and the feedback is over 99% positive for the company. It was only about $11-12 shipped so what the hell. I just spent $60 on a gooseberry plant, a Meyer lemon dwarf tree, a redcurrant plant, and a yellow raspberry plant so I didn't want to pay $50+ to get a big one of these shipped. :D
The scenario generally goes like this: This plant is from a forest biome. Now, there are many tall trees in the forest. The miracle fruit plant, being a shrub, is not nearly as tall as many of the trees. Therefore, it needs partially filtered or indirect sunlight. A south facing window, or under a tree does the job nicely.
As with almost any container gardening, water when the top of the soil is ever so slightly dry. Another method to check is to weight the plant (pot and all) after watering, and to then water after the weight goes back down. They are very sensitive to chlorinated water, so you are going to want to use rainwater or at least filtered water. If nothing else, leave an open container of water out overnight, so that the chlorine can dissipate.
An organic fertilizer usually works best. Avoid anything high in nitrogen, as it will prevent flowering and fruit production. Something with a balance of 15-15-15 works well. A lot of people use fish emulsion. Worm tea is supposed to work wonders for the plant.
Going back to our forest scenario, the soil of a forest is mostly lacking nutrients, except for the top layer. Something like peat and perlite is recommended. I've seen mixes of 50/50 to 60/40 (that's peat to perlite). Spreading a thin layer of well composted material across the top would be beneficial also.
You are going to want acidic soils. So if you do end up buying premixed, or make your own peat/perlite mix, check the pH. It should be around 4.5-5.5. If it is too high, the plant will suffer.
The plant comes from a very humid climate, so a humidity rate of at least 60% is recommended. If you usually have a low humidity rate, you need to increase the humidity yourself. Some people place a clear bag over the pot, while some place it in a grow tent. If you want to go all out, you can construct a box with clear sides and a plant humidifier.
They aren't very cold tolerant above 70° F (21.1° C). Anything around 38° F (3.30° C) on a well establish plant can be lethal to your plant. For younger plants, even 60° F (15.56° C) can be deadly.
They actually like to be ever so slightly root bound. Choose a pot that is about 2x as large as the root ball (1 gallon is usually the common size). A lot of people avoid plastic, claiming it has side effects. That choice is up to you.

An example of a grow tent for humidity:

That's a summary of what I know. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.