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Plant ICU...Can it be saved?

QuadShotz said:
I guess I'd figured some kind of Asian chile as about half the pods (such as they were) were growing upwards. I tried one of the pods and it does have that sharp bite and quick burn like most of my "birdseye" type chiles, except fatter pods.

IDK, hopefully it'll recover and I can see better what it is. Never really got to see leaves as they were all dried up. Yikes.

Now, the waiting part.. :D
Look at it... it CAN'T BE A BIRDSEYE! :shocked:
QuadShotz said:
Well, not good.

Not seeing any new stuff, and with careful cutting away at stems..there's nothing alive there. Nothing but pithy dead stuff down to about 1" from dirt.

Pretty sure root rot killed it b4 I got it.

No biggie, as i got nice pods to munch and lot of seeds from a plant that was gonna be thrown out anyways.

I'll keep it in the pot for awhile to see if regrows, but pretty sure it's dead.

You have seeds my friend something to look forward to next year :)
sorry to hear that QS...but like you and others have said, at least you have seeds for next season..
ABurningMouth said:
Yep looks like a Fresno.

Hmm, It does at that.

Cool, those make yummy salsa and are fun pickled too. :)

It's hard to belive a 4" tall plant had like 20 peppers on it, kinda amazing. Bummer I didn't get to it sooner, but oh well.